
A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

author:China's anti-cult
A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

"20 minutes in the park" is definitely the hottest psychological healing method this year, sitting on a park bench, blowing the wind, reading a book, and forgetting the fatigue of life for a while. But for migrant workers, such a short-term enjoyment is sometimes not so easy to obtain.

Today, I would like to recommend a simpler and more direct relaxation technique for your body and mind, which does not require a specific place, does not require additional equipment, does not occupy free time, as long as there is a window, you can realize "people sit at the workstation, the heart floats in the sky". This relaxation technique is to look up at the sky.

Whether it's a clear blue sky, white clouds, or the occasional flying bird, it can bring you a sense of tranquility and expansiveness, and quickly take you away from the intense work.

A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

The kaleidoscope of the sky

Be tolerant of emotions

Many studies have confirmed that exposure to the natural environment and viewing a wide range of horizons have a significant positive impact on mental health. These effects include, but are not limited to, lowering anxiety levels and significantly increasing the feeling of well-being.

Although we look up at the same sky, each of us sees a unique world of our own, because each person's inner experience and perception is unique. Even the same person, at different moments and in different states of mind, will perceive the sky differently. Sometimes, you'll see the sky appear in a riot of colors, and other times it will appear serene and deep. These different feelings are often accompanied by a novel understanding of life and a deep touch of the heart.

The reason why the sky produces such a rich experience is that it is itself a unity full of contradictions and harmony. It combines dynamic clouds with static blue skies to embody the contrast between the big universe and the small individual, while demonstrating the cycle of fickleness and constancy. This complex and diverse nature allows the sky to perfectly accommodate and fit the mood and feelings of each of us at different moments.

No matter when and where, whether the sky is clear or hazy, it accepts us unconditionally and gives us deep comfort and serenity. This acceptance allows us to find a moment of peace in the hustle and bustle of the world, and it also allows us to find empathy and strength deep within. The sky is no longer just a landscape, but an endless flow of emotion in my heart.

A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

Look up at the sky

Inspire a sense of awe

Awe is a powerful emotional experience that springs naturally when we are confronted with something vast, vast, and beyond our current understanding, whether it is a natural wonder, a masterpiece of art, or an extraordinary human act, that triggers a sense of awe within us. This emotion not only gives us a new perspective on the world, but also a positive force for self-transcendence, allowing us to appreciate and cherish every moment around us with more joy.

When we look up at the sky, the vast universe, the starry night sky, and the magnificent sunrise and sunset unfold before our eyes, these visual feasts beyond the scope of everyday experience and understanding can easily arouse a deep sense of awe in our hearts.

Research has shown that emotions of awe have a positive impact on individuals in many ways. First of all, it can significantly prolong the individual's perception of time, allowing us to feel the extension of time, so that we can cherish and enjoy every moment of life more. Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST) further states that when individuals feel more time, they are more motivated to pursue new knowledge and learn new skills.

Secondly, reverence can also increase prosocial behavior, make us more concerned about others, and actively create a harmonious social atmosphere. In addition, it promotes spiritual pursuits and stimulates our inner motivation to pursue higher realms. On a psychological level, awe can reduce self-awareness and help us break free from the shackles of self-centeredness and see the world from a more objective and holistic perspective. At the same time, it also promotes the in-depth processing of information, enhancing our cognitive ability and creativity.

Follow the blue sky

Enter the world of "daydreaming".

The minimalism of the sky can reduce the load on the brain to process information, withdraw us from the complex world, empty all thoughts, make it easier for the brain to enter a resting state, and then activate the brain's default mode network, following the blue sky into the world of "daydreaming".

The default mode network is a large-scale brain network that is particularly active when the brain is awake and resting. When we are not focused on any specific task, or when our minds drift away, such as when we are lying in bed preparing for sleep, when we are distracted in a meeting, or when we are doing daily chores such as washing dishes or taking a shower, this network quietly kicks in. It allows our minds to wander freely, engage in mental activities such as introspection, recollection, and planning, and is a source of divergent thinking and innovation.

In the past, we always emphasized the benefits of concentration as the key to success. However, new research suggests that "inattention" is also a condition that is essential for health. It gives us the opportunity to take a break from our busy lives and have a dialogue with our inner self that stimulates creativity and imagination. Therefore, while pursuing efficiency and concentration, we should also learn to enjoy this "non-focused" state, so that the brain can be fully rested and recovered.

A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

In our busy lives, we always need to find a way to relax and unwind. Next time, when you're hurrying between work and home, take a minute or two to stop and look up at the sky above you, maybe it can also spark your inner creativity and inspiration, and bring us unexpected gains.

Cover of this issue:

A little thing that is more decompressing than "20 minutes in the park", 0 cost! Once you do it, you'll be happy right away!

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account of "Popular Science China".

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