
The holiday is planned to be extended to 13 days! Another magnified move

author:China's anti-cult
The holiday is planned to be extended to 13 days! Another magnified move

"Organizing a wedding is more tiring than going to work, and the time is too tight" "There are many young people who come to Hangzhou to struggle, but the marriage leave in Hangzhou is only 3 days, which cannot meet the time demands of young people to return to their hometowns for weddings"......

Since the beginning of this year, many netizens have called on the "leadership message board" of People's Daily Online to extend marriage leave in Zhejiang.

The holiday is planned to be extended to 13 days! Another magnified move

▲Screenshot of People's Daily Online's "Leadership Message Board".

The holiday is planned to be extended to 13 days! Another magnified move

▲Screenshot of People's Daily Online's "Leadership Message Board".

The people have called for it, and the government has responded. Recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Justice and the Provincial Health Commission revised and formed the "Zhejiang Provincial Marriage Leave Regulations (Draft for Comments)", which intends to modify the length of marriage leave. In the future, the number of marriage leave days for Zhejiang people is expected to increase from the current three days to thirteen days.

The holiday is planned to be extended to 13 days! Another magnified move

▲Screenshot of the web page

Article 3 of the Draft for Comments, "Number of Vacation Days", mentions that employees who have completed marriage registration in accordance with the law are entitled to 10 days of marriage leave; Those who participate in premarital medical examinations shall be given an additional three days of marriage leave. National statutory holidays and rest days are not included in the marriage leave.

The Consultation Paper also mentions that marriage leave can be used within one year from the date of registration of marriage, and can be arranged in a lump sum or in stages after consultation with the employer.

Will taking such a long marriage leave affect the payment of wages? Do not worry. The Consultation Paper stipulates that if an employee takes marriage leave, his salary, bonuses and other benefits shall be paid accordingly. The people's governments at all levels may, on the basis of local conditions, provide subsidies and subsidies to enterprises and other employing units that implement the marriage leave system.

What if your employer doesn't agree? The Consultation Paper clarifies that if the employer of a civil servant or a person managed with reference to the Civil Servants Law does not perform these provisions, the competent authority shall order it to make corrections within a time limit; and where corrections are not made within the time limit, the responsible leaders and directly responsible persons are to be dealt with in accordance with law.

If other employers fail to perform these provisions, the human resources and social security department shall order them to make corrections within a set period of time; if the correction is not made within the time limit, a warning shall be given; where the circumstances are serious, a fine of between 1,000 and 10,000 RMB is to be given.

The draft is open for comments from May 31 to June 30 for one month.

According to statistics, in recent years, many places across the country have adjusted policies to clearly extend marriage leave, and the number of marriage leave days in the most provinces can reach 30 days, generally around 15 days.

This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account of "People's Daily Online", source: People's Daily Online-Zhejiang Channel

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