
Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

Milk is one of the oldest natural drinks of mankind. More than 10,000 years ago, people in the Middle East have been raising cows. On the frescoes in the ancient Babylonian temple more than 6,000 years ago, human milk drinking can also be seen. More than 3,000 years ago, our Chinese also began to drink milk.

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

Although everyone is no stranger to milk, it is really easy to pick people's eyes when it comes to choosing milk. Every time you go to the milk area of the supermarket to buy milk, different brands, different names, and fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high-calcium milk, breakfast milk, etc., often confusing.

So today, Lazy Meow will talk to you about the topic of choosing milk, let's take a look, what is the difference between these different types of milk? After understanding the difference between them, I believe everyone knows which milk is more worth buying.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="11" >1, fresh milk</h1>

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

When you usually go to the supermarket to buy milk, if you pay attention to observation, you will find that some milk is placed in the freezer in the refrigerated area, and some milk is placed on the shelf in the normal temperature area. A large part of the milk cartons that are placed in the refrigerated area will be marked with 3 words, "fresh milk".

In the sterilization method, fresh milk uses a lower temperature pasteurization method, and the loss of nutrients and taste in milk is smaller, so it is more flavorful and mellow to drink. But it is also because of the use of a lower temperature sterilization method, fresh milk can be stored for a relatively short time, usually within 1 month, and need to be refrigerated throughout the whole process.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="18" >2, pure milk</h1>

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

Compared with fresh milk, pure milk uses ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization method in the sterilization process. Because of the high sterilization temperature, some heat-intolerant nutrients in milk will be lost at the same time, and the taste is relatively not as good as fresh milk, and the milk taste is not as thick as fresh milk.

Of course, it is precisely because of the use of ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization method, the bacteria in milk are more thoroughly destroyed. Therefore, pure milk is not so harsh on the storage conditions, can be stored at room temperature, and the shelf life is long, usually half a year to 1 year, and it is also very convenient to carry out.

If you compare fresh milk with pure milk, from the perspective of nutrient loss and taste, it is certain that fresh milk is more worth buying; and from the perspective of portability and convenience of preservation, it is certain that pure milk is better.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" >3</h1>

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

Milk contains lactose and requires lactase to participate in the breakdown. If the body is deficient in lactase, it can lead to a series of discomforts after drinking milk. In daily life, some friends are allergic to milk, and after drinking, they may have symptoms of discomfort such as diarrhea and vomiting, which is also caused by lactose intolerance in the body.

If lactase can be added to milk, most of the lactose in milk can be pre-decomposed into glucose and galactose that are easily absorbed by the human body, so that lactose intolerant people can boldly drink milk with confidence. Shuhua milk was developed under this premise.

Shuhua milk is aimed at lactose intolerant people who are prone to discomfort after drinking milk, and the price is usually higher than that of ordinary milk. For friends who do not have lactose intolerance symptoms, there is no need to spend more money to buy soothing milk.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="20" >4, high calcium milk</h1>

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

Milk itself is a natural food with a high calcium content, and the calcium component in milk is very easily absorbed by the body. The so-called high-calcium milk, in fact, on the basis of ordinary milk, artificially added some additional calcium-containing substances, so that the calcium content in milk is higher, which can also be understood as a nutritionally fortified milk.

However, if too much calcium is added to the milk, it will affect the taste and bactericidal effect of the milk. Therefore, the additional calcium added to high-calcium milk is also limited in amount. In addition, the effect of these "foreign calcium" being absorbed by the human body is not as good as the natural calcium contained in milk. From these two perspectives, there is no need to deliberately buy high-calcium milk to supplement calcium.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" >5, breakfast milk</h1>

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

The name "breakfast milk" is easy to mistakenly think that it is milk suitable for breakfast, in fact, it has nothing to do with "breakfast". The aforementioned fresh milk and pure milk, their main ingredient is raw milk, very simple. For breakfast milk, the ingredients are much more complex, you can refer to the following figure:

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

In addition to raw milk, breakfast milk usually adds water, sugar, fruit and vegetable powder, semolina powder and some food additive ingredients, and even we can see the figure of "edible flavor". From the perspective of nutritional value, it is certain that the purer the ingredients and the fewer additives, the better. Of course, if you start from the perspective of "delicious", the taste of breakfast milk may be richer, after all, it is "seasoned" milk.

【Lazy Meow Experience】

Fresh milk, pure milk, soothing milk, high calcium milk, breakfast milk, which milk is more worth buying? 1, fresh milk 2, pure milk 3, shuhua milk 4, high calcium milk 5, breakfast milk

For most of us, simple fresh milk or pure milk is actually a more cost-effective choice and a more worthwhile milk. After all, the raw material ingredients in it are raw milk, which is relatively pure. If you pursue the taste more, choose fresh milk, but it is not easy to preserve. If you start from convenience, choose pure milk.

Shuhua milk is aimed at the "lactose intolerance" group, if drinking ordinary milk is not uncomfortable, there is no need to buy Shuhua milk. Relying on drinking "high calcium milk" to supplement calcium is not a cost-effective choice. The various ingredients added to the raw materials of "breakfast milk" are not as pure as ordinary milk drinking.

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