
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

author:Lazy kitchen

  Today, lazy brother to share with you a diving kimchi method, do not need a long time of brewing, the day of soaking can eat, very convenient, soaked kimchi to eat crisp and delicious, sour and spicy spicy, very appetizing Oh!


  White radish, lettuce, carrot, wild mountain pepper, sake brew, sugar, salt, white vinegar, peppercorns, red peppers, cool white blossoms.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing


  Peel off the rinds of turnips, carrots and lettuce.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  Cut the white radish, carrot and lettuce into small cubes.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  Place the cut 3 cubes in a large bowl, add a small spoonful of salt, stir well and marinate for 1 hour.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  Pour 300ml of cold white into a large bowl, add a pinch of peppercorns and a few chili pepper segments, pour in 20g of salt, 30g of sugar, 50g of rice vinegar, a small plate of wild mountain peppers and 2 tsp of sake, stir well.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  When the marinating time is up, rinse the salt off the surface of the white radish, carrot and lettuce with water and drain.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  Pour the drained 3 diced water into the prepared sauce and stir well. Then put it aside and brew it for half a day, make it in the morning, and eat it in the evening.

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing
Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

  This diving kimchi is crisp and delicious, does not need to be brewed for too long, friends who like to eat kimchi quickly collect it and do it, this is very suitable for you!

Remember this recipe, you can eat kimchi in 1 day, very appetizing

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