
Atay History Top 10: Qiao Yike Six Libraries Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring

author:Tell anecdotes frankly

The long history of anti-aircraft missiles

"Atai History Top10: Qiao Yike Six Ku Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring" This article reminds me of a topic related to the military, that is, anti-aircraft missiles. In today's world, anti-aircraft missiles have become one of the important weapons of various countries, used to protect their airspace and territorial waters. However, the course of development of anti-aircraft missiles turned out to be a long and tortuous process.

The development of anti-aircraft missiles dates back to the early 20th century, when missile technology was much less sophisticated than it is today. During the Second World War, Germany developed a missile called the V-2, which was the most advanced missile technology at that time, but it did not have much influence on the outcome of the war.

Atay History Top 10: Qiao Yike Six Libraries Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring

After the war, both the Soviet Union and the United States began to work on the research and development of missile technology, with the successful launch of the first artificial satellite by the Soviet Union in 1957, marking an important milestone in missile technology.

In the development of missile technology, the development of anti-aircraft missiles has attracted increasing attention from all countries. The first anti-aircraft missiles were the American "Red Eye" missiles, which were capable of intercepting low-flying targets, but for technical reasons, their ability to intercept high-altitude targets was poor. At the same time, the Soviet Union also developed its own anti-aircraft missiles, the most famous of which was the "Sam" missile system, which could intercept high-altitude and long-range targets, and became one of the main weapons of the Soviet air defense.

Atay History Top 10: Qiao Yike Six Libraries Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring

With the continuous development of technology, the performance of anti-aircraft missiles has been greatly improved. In the 80s of the 20 th century, the United States developed a new generation of air defense missile system -- the "Patriot" missile system, which can achieve long-range, high-altitude, and multi-target interception. In the 1991 Gulf War, Patriot missiles successfully intercepted Iraq's missile attacks and became a powerful weapon of the US military. At the same time, China also began to develop its own air defense missile systems, the most famous of which is the HQ-9 missile, which can achieve long-range, high-altitude, multi-target interception, and has strong anti-jamming capabilities.

Atay History Top 10: Qiao Yike Six Libraries Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring

In the 21st century, with the continuous progress of science and technology, the performance and role of air defense missiles have been more widely recognized. At present, air defense missiles have become one of the important equipment in the armies of various countries, which are used to protect their airspace and territorial waters and prevent enemy air and missile attacks. At the same time, countries are constantly developing new anti-aircraft missile systems to adapt to the changing situation of war.

Although anti-aircraft missiles play an important role in modern warfare, their development has been a long and tortuous process. From the earliest "Red Eye" missiles to the current HQ-9 missiles, the performance and capabilities of anti-aircraft missiles have been greatly improved.

Atay History Top 10: Qiao Yike Six Libraries Eight Zhan Nine James will be the first in history after retiring