
After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

author:Sunny gardening


After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

Summer is a season of frequent rain, especially in the south, the whole South China, the rainfall is basically continuous, rain, the growth of plants is still very helpful, outdoor yards, terraces placed plants and flowers, is very fond of summer rain, natural rain, than our home tap water is suitable for flower growth.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

All plants that bloom in the summer can actually be moved outside to be drenched in rainwater, and if you don't try, you will never experience the changes that the rain brings to the plants, and after each rain, the new leaves of the plants will soon stretch out, and the root system can absorb enough rainwater to support the growth of branches and leaves.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

There are two pots of jasmine in the yard of my hometown, which were raised in the city before, and the balcony is long indoors, the overall state is very poor, there are not a few leaves, and the growth of new leaves is very slow, blooming every summer, scattered more than a dozen small flowers, just like being sick, this spring, I sent it back to my hometown, put it in the small yard, after 2 months of moderation, the leaves have grown full of branches.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

It is undeniable that the outdoor environment is really very suitable for the growth of jasmine, the yard of the hometown does not have any shade, the sun is direct, the jasmine has been drenched with a few rains, and it has been completely eased.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

The growth and flowering of jasmine are inseparable from sunlight and rain, no one manages them, they can grow luxuriantly, and they grow very sick when they are placed at home, which is enough to verify that rain, light is very helpful to plant growth, and it is also obvious that the growth of plants by rain is completely in the identity of "nutrient solution", without fertilization, jasmine can still bloom a lot of flowers.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

Raising flowers, more or rely on the natural environment, want to make plants grow strong, bloom more buds, must meet the open as much as possible, outdoor sunlight can indeed increase the photosynthesis of plants, a lot of "conditions" are indoor can not be met, light, ventilation, rain, these are suitable for plant growth prerequisites, are not indoors.

After the rain, the jasmine flowers bloom extraordinarily, and the fragrance of the flowers is still very strong, and it is very practical to raise flowers in the rain

If you want to raise the plants at home in a better state, you still have to try, put it outdoors, summer is a rainy season, more rain, the state of the plant will definitely recover very well.

If you can't meet the maintenance of the terrace, then you can only meet the existing maintenance conditions, there are many people who like to raise flowers, and not everyone will have an outdoor terrace.

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