
On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

author:Brief Food

The Biting Festival is a traditional Chinese folk festival, mainly spread in southern China, especially Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and other places. The festival is held on the first day of the lunar month, and people use some special Xi to ward off disasters and pray for peace and good fortune.

The origins of the Plague Biting Festival can be traced back to ancient times, when people believed that the wax moon was a "bad month" and that some measures needed to be taken to ward off evil spirits. Therefore, they invented the Xi of the Bite Festival, praying for peace and prosperity by eating some food that symbolizes good luck and ward off evil spirits.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

On the day of the bite festival, people will eat some specific foods, such as rice balls, rice cakes, etc., these foods have auspicious meanings, such as rice balls symbolize reunion and happiness, and rice cakes symbolize the rise of the year. In addition, people also eat some fried rice and eggs, which are believed to ward off disasters and bad luck.

In addition to eating specific foods, there are some other Xi customs for the Bite Festival. For example, people will set off firecrackers and wear red clothes on this day, and these Xi have auspicious and festive meanings, which can drive away bad luck and bring good luck. At the same time, people also do a big cleaning on this day to clean up the dust and garbage in the house to drive away all the bad things.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

Through the Xi of the Disaster Day, people can pray for a safe, smooth and auspicious new year. At the same time, this festival also reflects people's pursuit of a better life and the inheritance of traditional culture. Although the environment and values of modern society have undergone great changes, on the day of the "Bite Disaster Festival" on the first day of the lunar month, we still need to keep in mind 3 things not to do, which means: auspicious blessings and good luck!

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

1: It is forbidden to talk nonsense. On the day of the Bite Plague Festival, do not say unlucky things as this will invite disaster and bad luck. Instead, say more good things and ask for a good new year.

2: It is forbidden to quarrel or fight. On the day of the Plague Day, it is important to avoid conflicts and arguments with people, as this will bring bad luck for the new year. If you have a conflict with someone, you should deal with it calmly and solve it through communication and understanding.

3: Taboo Breaking Things. On the day of the Plague Biting Day, be careful and avoid breaking things as this can bring misfortune and disaster. If something is broken, measures should be taken as soon as possible to remedy it to avoid bringing a bad aura to the home.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

According to tradition, people eat some specific foods on the day of the bite disaster, which have auspicious meanings, hoping to drive away disasters and bad luck, and bring good luck and happiness.

Tangyuan, which is one of the most traditional and important foods of the Disaster Biting Festival. Tangyuan represents reunion and happiness, and eating tangyuan means family harmony and happiness. On the day of the bite disaster, every household will cook a pot of hot rice balls, and the whole family will taste them together to feel the warmth and happiness of home.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

Eggs, eggs are another common food for the bite festival. Eggs symbolize completeness and wholeness, as well as life and regeneration. On the day of the bite disaster, people will eat a boiled egg for breakfast or add an egg to the boiled rice balls, hoping to drive away disasters and bad luck and usher in good luck and peace by eating eggs.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

Rice cakes are another traditional food for the Bite Festival. Rice cakes symbolize rising every year, step by step. On the day of the Bite Disaster, people eat rice cakes to pray for good fortune and good fortune. At the same time, rice cakes are also a delicious snack that can be cooked in a variety of ways such as frying, stir-frying, and boiling, and the taste is soft and glutinous and sweet.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

Fried rice, fried rice is another common delicacy of the Biting Plague Festival. Fried rice symbolizes good fortune, but also a good harvest and abundance. On the day of the bite festival, people will eat a bowl of fried rice for breakfast, hoping to attract wealth and good luck by eating fried rice.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

In addition, there are many places to eat fried beans, fried broad beans, fried peas, fried peanuts, fried melon seeds and other customs. No matter what food you eat, there are traditional foods with auspicious meanings, and people eat these foods to pray for a safe, smooth, and auspicious new year. These foods not only represent the pursuit of a better life and the inheritance of traditional culture, but also place people's good wishes for family, career and future.

On the first day of the lunar month, "bite the disaster festival", keep in mind 3 things not to do, meaning: accept auspicious blessings and welcome good luck

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