
The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

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The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

Funny one-man show

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Recently, the news of an Internet celebrity's tragic death on the street has gone viral on the Internet, and I believe everyone has heard of it. According to Cai Xiaolou, Zhao Benshan's apprentice, on the night of the incident, Internet celebrity Liu Ye and Datuo, a high-traffic Internet celebrity, got into a big fight over a trivial matter, and the scene got out of control for a while. As a result, the two sides escalated from a verbal quarrel to a mutual fight, Liu Ye was stabbed several times, bleeding and dying, and died tragically on the street.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

After this tragic incident, public opinion was in an uproar, and netizens discussed it a lot. What exactly caused the breakdown of the relationship between the two to turn into bloodshed? How did Liu Ye die tragically? Why did Zhao Benshan's apprentice choose to expose this shocking story? Let's wait and see.

The fuse of contradictions

The tragic death of this Internet celebrity was actually caused by a little friction that intensified. According to Zhao Benshan's apprentice Cai Xiaolou, on the night of the incident, Liu Ye and Datuo only had a quarrel over some trivial matters.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

Originally, it was just a small noise, and no one paid attention to it. However, as the contradictions continued to intensify, the attitudes of the two sides became more and more tough, and every word touched each other's backscales, and the scene became more and more out of control.

In fact, we often encounter such situations in our lives, some small things that were originally insignificant, but because of various factors, they are magnified and lead to serious consequences. Behind this tragedy, there are also questions that we need to ponder: why do trivial things lead to tragedy, and how can we prevent similar incidents from happening?

In this day and age, people's negative emotions seem to be more and more easily aroused. If you are slightly dissatisfied, it is easy to vent your grievances. Even a small friction can be a fuse that ignites conflict. This has a lot to do with the pace of life and work pressure in modern society. You can have an in-depth discussion on this issue and see how to keep yourself rational and prevent small things from escalating into big things.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

In fact, many times conflicts arise from our magnification of small things. If we had been able to maintain rational analysis and calm handling from the beginning, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened. Therefore, each of us must learn to control our emotions and face problems rationally, which is very important for resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony and stability.

Escalate into violence

In this tragic death of an Internet celebrity, nothing is more shocking than the process of its escalation into violence. From the two sides just quarreling, to the big fight, to Liu Ye being stabbed to death several times, the escalation speed of the whole process is shocking.

It seems that the accumulation of violence in this incident is already very deep. Otherwise, it won't turn into a life-and-death fight for you because of a little thing. The Internet age may seem civilized, but violence still lurks on the dark side of human nature. Once it hits the fuse, it can erupt. So, how can we prevent this tragedy from happening again?

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

First of all, verbal restraint is important. The quarrel begins with invective and intensifies into throwing evil words at each other. We must control our words and not easily insult others. Second, the attitude should be softened. Tough against tough will only push the contradiction to the precipice. We should try to defuse the hostility of the other side. Again, be cautious with your hands. Violence will not solve any problems, it will only lead to tragedy. Finally, stop your losses in time. If you feel that the conflict has escalated, you should take the initiative to back down and cut off the possibility of the situation deteriorating.

If each of us can do these things, I believe that violence will be greatly reduced. We need to develop the habit of rational communication and soften contradictions in our daily lives, reduce the accumulation of violence at the source, and maintain harmony and stability.

The apprentice exposes the inside story

After this tragedy, it quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet. Everyone is talking about the inside story of this tragedy. Just when public opinion was in full swing, Zhao Benshan's apprentice Cai Xiaolou chose to stand up and expose the ins and outs of the matter and the details.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

This move has won praise from many netizens. Everyone thinks that Cai Xiaolou's choice is very correct and responsible. First, he chose to tell the truth, not hide it. This shows the courage to take responsibility, to clarify the facts, and to avoid distorted events. Secondly, he took the initiative to expose the situation, rather than responding passively.

This shows the courage to dare to dispel rumors, which can guide public opinion in the right direction. In the end, he is clear in detail, not just empty words. This proves that he has investigated the case responsibly and can reduce public suspicion.

If everyone chooses to hide and avoid this matter, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is precisely because of someone like Cai Xiaolou who has the courage to stand up and be responsible that the truth comes out and the public can have a clearer and fair view of the incident. This is also worth learning from, and when we encounter confusion in public opinion, we should also stand up like him and speak up for the truth.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

Reflections and lessons

This tragic death of an Internet celebrity has deeply saddened the majority of netizens. It is widely agreed that this is a painful lesson that we must learn from it in order to avoid a recurrence of similar tragedies.

Netizens said that first, reason is very important. Small things can lead to big things, but only reason can avoid tragedy. Second, violence will not solve the problem, it will only create more tragedy.

Third, we need to be responsible for our speech. Aggressive rhetoric fuels violence. Fourth, celebrities should lead by example. They must spread positive energy. Fifth, the iron fist of the law must severely punish violence. Only strict law enforcement can deter crime.

Through these reflections and lessons, we see the importance of building a rational and non-violent society. Every citizen should develop the habit of rational communication in daily life, and behave in accordance with the bottom line of the law. Public opinion should be positive and create more positive energy. Strict law enforcement is also crucial, and only by severely punishing violent crimes can we ensure social stability and order.

Let us work together to start from our daily lives, understand and tolerate more, and less slander and anger, change the social atmosphere bit by bit, maintain harmony and stability, and avoid the continuation of such sad incidents.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news

Netizens are hotly discussed

After this Internet celebrity incident, it quickly caused a strong reaction on the Internet. There was a lot of discussion and different opinions. There are also some voices that represent the mainstream of netizens' opinions.

In response to this incident, netizens generally expressed shock and sadness. Some people believe that this incident reflects the serious tendency of violence in the current society and needs to be taken seriously. Some people also think that this is a lesson, reminding everyone to learn to communicate rationally and not to fight and fight at every turn. There are also people who believe that to start with public figures such as entertainment idols, they must set a good example and spread positive energy.

However, there are some different points of view.

For example, it is not surprising that some people think that influencers are inherently chaotic places. Some people even think that both sides are problematic, and everyone may not be good at stubble. Of course, such opinions are still in the minority.

No matter how you look at it, the incident is full of tragedy. Hopefully, through this, our society will become more rational, inclusive, and positive. The discussion among netizens also reflects the common desire for order and justice from one side. Let us continue to work hard and make our voices heard for the advancement of social progress and justice.

The apprentice of the famous sketch actor Zhao Benshan came with unexpected news


The tragic death of an Internet celebrity has made people see the evil consequences of violence, as well as positive forces such as Cai Xiaolou. After this incident, we should realize the importance of rational non-violence to society.

In the face of all kinds of unsatisfactory in life, we must learn to tolerate and understand, and not speak ill of others or beat others at every turn. It is said on the Internet that we should also spread more positive energy on the Internet, and we should not spread rumors at will to fuel conflicts. Celebrity idols should lead by example and actively guide fans to be good.

This tragedy also warns us that we must pay attention to preventing contradictions from intensifying and not allow small things to turn into big disasters. Many times, it is more effective to take the initiative to back down and solve problems than to fight hard. In addition, it is important to severely punish violent crimes.

Let's work together to start from the daily bits, be more understanding and tolerant, annihilate indifference with warmth, and infect others with positive energy. I believe that through the efforts of each of us, social harmony and justice will be realized in the future.

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