
The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

author:Qing Xiaojun good food record

#打卡美好生活 #

Over the National Day, wherever there are many people, in addition to the home chase, friends get together, is to go to the parents of both sides of the home to visit, this year the husband said to go first to see the old man, mother-in-law, I am very happy in my heart, he prepared a lot of fruits, olive oil, eggs and a lot of things in advance.

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

My husband is very "favored" in my family, my mother never let him work, always make tea in advance, wash the fruit, buy the dried fruit for the son-in-law, as soon as I get home, I ask for warmth, just like when I am air.

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Son-in-law back, the mother will always prepare 10 dishes, pay attention to perfection, this time is the same, I took a photo and sent it to the circle of friends, netizens said: This is an opinion on the son-in-law, first look at which dishes are.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, fried chicken nuggets</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

My husband likes to eat chicken nuggets, this dish was originally intended to serve him wine, but the children and I ate the most, and at that time I seemed to forget who "weight loss" was.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, fried pork</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

This dish is also the husband loves to eat, dad specially went to the halal old brand to buy, very period, the mother re-fried a bit, so the color became a little darker, usually beef stuffing, oil bean skin as a coat, crispy surface, soft inside.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, beef sauce</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Husband likes to eat sauce beef, come back from work, drink some wine to eat some sauce beef on the feeling is very tired, I will occasionally stew at home, eat directly white mouth, or add some seasonings to mix it is good, if you are interested you can go to my home page to find, there are detailed methods.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, ribs</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

This dish is also bought from the old brand, come back and then heat it up, usually the mother likes to eat vegetarian, rarely eat meat, because the husband likes to eat meat, the old man specially bought, slightly sweet, I made it myself, the color will be dark, not so red, do not know what the reason is, you know? Maybe the sugar color fried with rock sugar will look better?

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, tomato stir-fried cauliflower</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Usually the sautéed cauliflower only put tomatoes, the mother's approach is to add eggs inside, said that the son-in-law loves to eat her fried tomatoes scrambled eggs, this time change, you don't say, the cauliflower of this is still very delicious, first the eggs are fried out, the tomatoes are fried out of the juice and then put in the cauliflower, and finally put the eggs in, simple seasoning, pull a few times on it.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >6, scrambled bell peppers with eggs</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

This dish is often eaten dish, with meat dishes, not only to relieve the greasy, but also under the rice, don't look at it will be done, the same ingredients, everyone fried out of the taste is really different, or think that the mother does the best.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >7, stir-fried cabbage purple cabbage</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

The mother originally thought of using purple cabbage to make a cold dish, the wine is also convenient, and then thought that the weather was a little cool, so she made a small stir-fry with some cabbage, after the pot, put in the ingredients, and it was very delicious to use soy sauce and salt to simply season.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >8, sausage stir-fried celery</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Now hypertension tends to be younger, the husband is in this ranks, celery has an auxiliary antihypertensive effect, usually the mother will also do related dishes, this time prepare this dish, with some sausages, let this fragrance and celery fragrance combined, the taste is very good.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >9, steamed eggplant</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Usually, the old people in the family always like to tinker with some healthy home cooking, this time do not know where to get the recipe, just happened that the son-in-law came, specially made for us to taste, the most important thing about steamed eggplant is whether the sauce is delicious, but also let me guess what I put, I pondered for half a day, only ate out of the white pepper flavor and sweetness, and then the mother said that she put two kinds of honey, there is a seasoning, after eating I forgot all about it, anyway, my husband likes it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >10, steamed yellow croaker</h1>

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

This dish was specially prepared for the son-in-law by the husband-in-law. Usually basically the mother cooks, but the father steamed fish is very good, eat the reunion rice, the fish is indispensable, marinated in advance, other dishes are almost ready, steamed for about 10 minutes. It's just that I didn't eat a bite because of the shadow of the fish's throat, which is a pity.

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

The staple foods are rice and corn, not all of them. The son-in-law accompanied the old man to have a drink, after the meal, the son-in-law Zhang Luo washed the dishes and cleaned up, and the mother-in-law did not let it dry, when we went home, the parents were the happiest, but also the most tired.

On the first day we went home, relatives came to the house as guests, the mother and father were busy for a day, the son-in-law came to the mother's house, the two old people were busy for another day, we called in advance and said to go out to eat, but the two old people did not agree.

The son-in-law returned to her mother's house for the festival, and the mother-in-law prepared 10 dishes, netizens: this is an opinion on the son-in-law 1, fried chicken nuggets 2, fried loose meat 3, sauce beef 4, ribs 5, tomatoes fried cauliflower 6, egg fried bell pepper 7, fried cabbage purple cabbage 8, sausage fried celery 9, steamed eggplant 10, steamed yellow fish

Netizens saw these dishes and said that there were no hard dishes, I am afraid that they had opinions on their son-in-law. Although individual dishes are bought, there are no hard dishes, but this is also the old man's heart, I think it is very good, the family is happy together is the most important, do you think?

I am Qing Mingjun, more home-cooked food, coffee-related sharing, all in @ Qingmujun good food record, your likes, forwards and attention, is the biggest encouragement to me, thank you for reading. [Heart]

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