
Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

With the increasing importance of people's health, more and more people choose to use Chinese medicine to nourish their bodies. However, this has also led to an increasing number of patients with liver damage.

These patients often like to take traditional Chinese medicine, drink medicinal wine, consume health products, and even use home remedies for treatment when they are sick.

They may believe that taking Chinese medicine in moderation every day is not only harmless, but also brings benefits to the body. However, I would like to remind everyone that Chinese medicine should not be taken at will, otherwise it may cause damage to the liver.


Why does traditional Chinese medicine cause drug-induced liver damage?

Drug-induced liver injury is a disease caused by liver damage after the use of a drug. This damage can be due to the toxic components of the drug itself, or it can be due to an allergic reaction to the drug by the patient's specific constitution.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

For traditional Chinese medicine, there are a variety of causes of drug-induced liver injury. First of all, some Chinese medicines contain naturally toxic ingredients that may cause damage to the liver.

For example, some plant and animal medicines contain alkaloids, flavonoids, and other ingredients that may have toxic effects on the liver under certain conditions.

Secondly, harmful substances may also be produced in the process of processing and compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is prepared in a variety of ways, and if it is not processed properly or expired herbs are used, it may lead to an increase in harmful ingredients in the medicine.

In addition, in the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine compounds, if the interaction between drugs produces harmful substances, it may also cause drug-induced liver injury.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

In addition, individual differences are also an important factor leading to drug-induced liver injury caused by traditional Chinese medicine. Different individuals react differently to medications, and some people may be allergic to certain TCM ingredients or have an excessive immune response, which can lead to liver damage.


Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

Some Chinese medicines may cause damage to the liver if used inappropriately, and the following are five Chinese medicines that are considered to be harmful to the liver, and it is recommended to stop drinking them or use them with caution.

He Shou Wu

Polygonum multiflorum is a common traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing blood and improving essence. However, long-term use of Polygonum multiflorum in large quantities may cause liver damage, especially in raw Polygonum multiflori. Therefore, it is important to follow the doctor's advice when using Polygonum multiflorum and not to use it in large quantities for a long time on your own.


Senna is a laxative herb that is widely used to treat constipation. However, long-term and large use of senna may cause liver damage. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the appropriate amount when using senna and not to use it in large quantities for a long time.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

Artemisia leaves

Artemisia mugwort leaf is a common traditional Chinese medicine that has the effects of warming menstruation and stopping bleeding, dissipating cold and relieving pain. However, mugwort leaves contain some volatile oils, which may cause liver damage when used in large amounts for a long time. Therefore, it is also necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount when using mugwort leaves, and do not use them in large quantities for a long time.

Tripterygium wilfordii

Tripterygium wilfordii is a common traditional Chinese medicine that has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain. However, Tripterygium wilfordii contains some alkaloids, which may cause liver damage when used in large amounts over a long period of time. Therefore, you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount when using Tripterygium wilfordii and do not use it in large quantities for a long time.

Ear Ear

Xanthus is a common traditional Chinese medicine that has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissipating wind and relieving pain. However, Xanthium contains some toxins that may cause damage to the liver when used in large amounts for a long time. Therefore, you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount when using Xanthium fungus, and do not use it in large quantities for a long time.


Can I recover from drug-induced liver damage?

Recovery from drug-induced liver injury is a complex issue, as the severity and recovery of drug-induced liver injury varies from person to person.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

However, in general, most drug-induced liver damage is reversible, meaning that the liver is usually able to gradually return to health after stopping the drug that caused the liver damage.

Drug-induced liver injury is usually caused by long-term or excessive use of certain medications. These medications may include prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, herbal remedies, etc.

In the early stages of drug-induced liver injury, there may be no obvious symptoms, but as the disease progresses, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, jaundice, fatigue, etc., may occur.

If you suspect that you are experiencing symptoms of drug-induced liver injury, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor may order tests such as blood tests and an ultrasound of the liver to determine the extent and cause of liver damage.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

Once drug-induced liver injury is diagnosed, your doctor may ask you to stop using the medication that caused the liver damage and to give you appropriate medication and care.

During the recovery period, patients should take care to rest, follow the doctor's instructions, and maintain a good lifestyle and diet. In most cases, the liver can be restored to health if drug-induced liver injury can be diagnosed and treated promptly.

However, it is important to note that some drug-induced liver damage may cause permanent damage to the liver, so timely diagnosis and treatment are very important.


How to avoid liver damage when taking Chinese medicine?

First of all, patients should follow the doctor's advice and take their medication exactly as prescribed. According to the patient's condition and physical condition, the doctor will formulate a reasonable medication plan to avoid unnecessary drugs and dosages. Patients should not increase or decrease the dose or change the dosing method on their own to avoid increasing the risk of liver damage.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

Second, patients should be aware of the side effects and interactions of TCM. Some herbs may have adverse reactions or interactions with other medications, resulting in liver damage. If the patient is taking other medications, they should inform their doctor so that the doctor can adjust the medication regimen according to the situation.

In addition, patients should pay attention to the quality and source of Chinese medicine. The quality and purity of Chinese medicine has a very large impact on the liver. Patients should choose a regular pharmacy to buy Chinese medicines, and pay attention to check the origin and date of manufacture of the medicine.

Finally, patients should have regular liver function tests. Liver function tests can detect liver damage in time so that measures can be taken in time. Patients should have regular liver function tests during the period of taking traditional Chinese medicine in order to detect liver damage in time.


Read more: When is the best time to take Chinese medicine?

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements of yin and yang, viscera and meridians in the human body have their own specific operating rules, and the time of taking traditional Chinese medicine should also follow these rules.

Please stop drinking these 5 kinds of Chinese medicine, or be included in the "list" of hurting the liver, you may wish to understand clearly

In general, Chinese medicine should be taken before meals, as this avoids the effects of food on the absorption of the drug and also allows the medicine to work better. However, some herbs can cause irritation to the stomach, and for these medications, they should be taken after meals to reduce irritation to the stomach.

In addition, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements of yin and yang, viscera and meridians in the human body have their own specific operating rules, and the time of taking traditional Chinese medicine should also follow these rules.

For example, in the morning when the yang energy rises, taking Chinese medicine to warm and replenish yang qi can better stimulate the body's yang energy, and in the evening, when the yin energy is increasing, taking Chinese medicine that nourishes yin and nourishes blood can better nourish the body's yin and blood.

In addition, the time of taking some Chinese medicines also needs to be determined according to the specific condition. For example, for patients with insomnia, Chinese medicine to calm the mind should be taken before bedtime, and for patients with weak spleen and stomach, Chinese medicine to strengthen the spleen and stomach should be taken before meals.