
At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

author:Rain watching

Say one thing and do another?

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, a talented woman named Yang Jinwen touched the hearts of countless people with her sincere speech. She stood on the stage, with tears in her eyes, and said sonorously: "I want to go to the place where the motherland needs it most and contribute my youth and strength to the prosperity and strength of the country!" These words instantly ignited the patriotic enthusiasm of everyone present, and also made Yang Jinwen the focus of attention.


However, while everyone praised Yang Jinwen's patriotic feelings, a news about her application for a graduate degree in law at the University of Berkeley caused an uproar on the Internet. Many netizens began to question whether Yang Jinwen's words and deeds were consistent, thinking that her rhetoric at the graduation ceremony was just empty talk, but in fact she chose the "shortcut" of studying abroad.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

In the face of netizens' doubts and heated discussions, Yang Jinwen did not choose to remain silent. She responded calmly: "I chose to study abroad not to shirk my responsibility, but to better enrich myself and lay a solid foundation for my future development." I believe that only by having a broader vision and a deeper knowledge reserve can we better serve the country and the people. ”

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

In this life, I have no regrets about entering China, and I live in California [covering my face]

Although Yang Jinwen's words were sincere, the doubts of netizens did not subside. Some people believe that since she has expressed her determination to go to the place where her homeland needs it most, she should stay in the country instead of choosing to study abroad.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

There are also those who believe that studying abroad is a personal choice and should not be kidnapped by morality.

In fact, behind this controversy, it reflects the entanglement between personal development and patriotic feelings of young people today. In the context of globalization, more and more young people choose to study abroad to broaden their horizons and increase their competitiveness. This does not mean that they are unpatriotic or unwilling to contribute to the country. On the contrary, they hope to bring more well-being to the country and its people through their own efforts.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

For Yang Jinwen, her choice to study abroad does not mean that she has given up her patriotic feelings. It may be that she hopes to lay a more solid foundation for her future development through her study and experience abroad. She has not forgotten her original intention and mission, and has always paid attention to the development and changes in China, hoping to make more contributions to the country and the people.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

Of course, we can't ignore some of the issues behind studying abroad. For example, the imbalance of domestic higher education resources, the competitive pressure of the job market, and so on. These problems require us to seriously think about and solve. Only by strengthening the investment and reform of domestic higher education and improving the quality of education and the competitiveness of employment can we better retain talents and inject more impetus into the development of the country and the people.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

In this controversy, we should respect everyone's choice. Whether you choose to stay in China or study abroad, it is a personal plan and pursuit for the future. We should not judge the choices of others by moral kidnapping, but should give them enough respect and support. At the same time, we should also strengthen investment and reform of domestic higher education, and provide more high-quality educational resources and employment opportunities for young people, so that they can better develop their talents and potential.

At the graduation ceremony of Zhejiang University, he said that "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and was revealed to have applied to study in the United States

Do you think that the talented woman of Zhejiang University is talking about one thing and doing another? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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