
It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

author:Rain watching

Dong Mingzhu directly scolded Xiaomi air conditioner sales first

Dong Mingzhu, the "Iron Lady" of Gree Electric Appliances, made a big move at the annual general meeting of shareholders and directly scolded Xiaomi air conditioners. She said that Xiaomi air conditioner boasts of being the first in sales, but it has not surpassed Gree in technology, and this first place has to be put with a question mark. All of a sudden, it has pushed Xiaomi air conditioners to the forefront.


We all know that Xiaomi has been booming in the field of home appliances in recent years, especially air conditioning products, and sales have been good. But Dong Mingzhu's questioning is like throwing a stone on the surface of a calm lake, causing ripples. Netizens have said that this is the "technology battle" between Gree and Xiaomi!

It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Some netizens said: "I used to use Gree at home, but I felt that it consumed a lot of electricity. Try Xiaomi now, the cost performance is quite high. "It seems that consumers' choice of air conditioners, in addition to brand loyalty, is more important to cost performance and technical strength.

It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Some netizens are upset about Xiaomi: "Isn't the air conditioner just a compressor, two fans, and a few copper pipes?" What kind of technology is there? Cost performance is king! Although this is a bit extreme, it also reflects the voice of some consumers.

It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

As soon as this happened, consumers were very happy. The more fierce the competition among manufacturers, the more consumers benefit, after all, who doesn't want to buy cost-effective, technology-friendly products? And this "technology war" also allows us to see the fierce competition in the home appliance industry.

It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Regardless of who wins or loses, this controversy shows us that consumers are increasingly concerned about product technology and cost-effectiveness. I hope that major brands can pay more attention to technological innovation and consumer experience, so that ordinary consumers can enjoy better products and services!

It's so exciting! Dong Mingzhu hit the fake Xiaomi air conditioner for the first time on the hot search, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot!

Is the air conditioner in your house using Gree or Xiaomi? Which one is better? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

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