
When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

The auto market in 2024 must be the hottest year for China's auto market in decades. With the entry of heavy models of Zeekr, Geely, and Xiaomi into the car market, coupled with Tesla's price cut in January, it can be said that the prelude to the car war in 2024 has begun.

In 2024, it is not only a test of the strategic deployment of automobile companies, whether it is to exchange prices for the market, or to schedule production to enhance brand power or to transform from fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles, one wrong step will be a wrong step, and for consumers, what should they pay attention to when buying a car in 2024? First of all, we must avoid three "pits".

First, buy at a high price

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

At present, there are many new energy vehicles in the new energy market of 200,000 to 500,000 yuan, but the price of the same positioning medium and large car models may differ by more than 100,000 yuan, so is it really necessary to buy more expensive ones in this case?

In fact, the necessity is not great, at present, even if it is a battery replacement of some car brands, there is also a limit on the number of times, if a car is driven for five or six years, there is a high probability of changing, if you can save 100,000 yuan by buying a car at this time, then you have to weigh whether to spend more than 100,000 yuan to buy a car.

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

Although the battery replacement must have better logistical support for the maintenance and life of the battery, but it depends on Tesla, there is no battery replacement, and it is also a big seller. Speaking of which, in fact, car companies should make more changes, unbundle the so-called battery swap, support spending money on battery swaps, and reduce the cost of vehicle purchases, so that they can do more in 2024.

Second, a lifetime warranty is not the deciding factor

The lifetime warranty of many car brands is not reliable and has too many restrictions. Maybe the lifetime warranty of the battery pack is more reliable, so don't take the lifetime warranty of the whole vehicle as the leading factor in buying a car. The leading factor still depends on the cost performance, the so-called cost performance includes brand influence, configuration, price, interior and appearance, etc. Rather than price being the only determinant of cost performance, a car with cost performance is one that has a richer set of features on the basis of the same price, or without being much more expensive than the competition.

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

As far as the current car market is concerned, Extreme Krypton, Xiaomi, Deep Blue, Geely, and Zhiji may become a model brand with a higher "cost performance" in 2024, although Xiaomi SU7 has not yet been listed, but on the whole, the price of Xiaomi SU7 is difficult to exceed 220,000, because the current Tesla Model 3 price must be the ceiling of Xiaomi SU7.

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

The price surpassing Tesla will only become Tesla's green leaf, and even if it is Zeekrypton 007 and even Zhiji LS6, it is possible to further reduce the price by 1-20,000 yuan in 2024. Because Tesla has already cut prices, it is not ruled out that there will be price reductions in mid-2024. Because of the fierce accumulation of domestic new energy vehicles, if Tesla does not make a fuss about the price, then Tesla's sales in 2024 may shrink significantly.

Third, be greedy and strong

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

In 2024, large vehicles with extended range may still be the main force in the extended range market. But there will be more options, and big and strong may not coexist. Like ideal, it may be the big and strong range extension market, but the price is too high, at this time, consumers may not necessarily buy models higher than their budget, take a step back, dark blueS7 is also a choice, and even dark blue may also launch a 6-seat version of the SUV, then the choice between ideal and dark blue, may not necessarily be greedy.

Of course, Ideal Auto is also making changes, whether the L6 model will be launched in the middle of next year in 2024 is not certain, the dark blue is encircled upward, the ideal countryside devours the dark blue, and the cake of range extension is destined to be carved up. In addition, the strength of Zero Run and Wenjie should not be underestimated, in short, if you want to gain a foothold in 2024, if you sell high, you may fall hard.

When buying a car in 2024, you must avoid three "pits"

So, isn't it worth buying a fuel car in 2024?

Judging from the current situation in the Middle East, oil prices in 2024 may remain high in shocks, and such an external environment will also promote the further release of the potential market for new energy vehicles, which is a huge opportunity for car companies. If you can't grasp it, you will never recover, and if you grasp it, you will achieve yourself. It's like Xiaomi, if Lei Jun sets the price too high, to be honest, Xiaomi SU7 can only be a normal model if the price exceeds 200,000, after all, this price BYD Han, Model3, Feifan F7 are all good choices, why do you have to Xiaomi?

Cars are not mobile phones, and Xiaomi should not expect its fans to be the largest market for Xiaomi cars, and people who can afford 3,000 mobile phones may not be able to afford more than 200,000 cars. Of course, this is not to say that the purchasing power of Xiaomi mobile phone users will not be able to support the price of Xiaomi SU7, but a Xiaomi car higher than 200,000, even if it is a Xiaomi fan, it can only be regarded as a normal car market brand, without the blessing of brand beliefs.

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