
The beauty of rural scenery and shopping promotes revitalization

author:Cultural Tourism China Headlines

The mellow flavor of the year is the most anticipated warmth in memory, and there is a nostalgia for "nostalgia" in this warmth, as well as an aftertaste of rural scenery. Nowadays, rich activities such as appreciating New Year's customs, tasting New Year's flavors, and visiting large gatherings have given rural tourism more forms and connotations. In order to promote the combination of rural tourism and shopping, various localities have enriched the supply of high-quality tourism during the festival and released the consumption potential in various forms, and cultural tourism practitioners are also actively exploring effective ways to integrate rural good things into tourism.

The beauty of rural scenery and shopping promotes revitalization
The beauty of rural scenery and shopping promotes revitalization

▲At the launching ceremony of the "Shopping in the Village" series of activities, the good things in the countryside have become a beautiful scenery.

Shopping enriches travel experience //

The New Year is approaching, and the flavor of the year is getting stronger. At this time, it is a good time to launch New Year cultural tourism activities and attract tourists from all over the world. It is an effective way to retain tourists and promote consumption by packaging and presenting New Year's customs, New Year's flavors and New Year's gifts, enriching the tourism experience from multiple angles and in an all-round way, and creating a strong New Year atmosphere of "host and guest sharing".

At the launching ceremony of the 2024 "Shopping in the Village" series of activities held in Beijing, agricultural goods such as Qingyuan silk miao rice, Lianshan yuba, bacon, and Zhuang Yao New Year vegetables aroused the great enthusiasm of Beijing citizens to buy. Chen Huang, deputy director of the Supply and Marketing Association of Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, said: "We didn't expect that the products brought this time were sold out, and we hope that we will have the opportunity to come to Beijing to recommend Lianshan's good things in the future." ”

"This Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon, Jing County has prepared a cultural and tourism feast full of New Year's flavor and sincerity for everyone. 70 Spring Festival cultural tourism activities, not the same every day!" Huang Fei, a member of the party group of the Jing County Culture and Tourism Bureau of Anhui Province, introduced that in 2024, the "Come to Jing County for the New Year" New Year cultural tourism activities will be themed with the theme of "Come to Jing County for the New Year, Jing Xi Year after Year", and carry out 12 theme activities such as Jing Xi New Year's Customs Award, Paper Jing Xi, Fierce Beast Cute Pet to Accompany You for the New Year, Jing Xi New Year's Flavor Rice, Jing Favorite Accommodation, Jing Favorite Gift, Jing Xi Red Envelope, etc., vividly display Jing County's high-quality cultural and tourism resources, traditional culture and New Year's customs.

"Check in the charming Chinese rice paper town full of national tide, visit the Jingxi Dragon Year Market, watch the cool light show, and you can also use rice paper to print a family photo of the New Year, and get this exclusive 'paper Youjing Xi'. Huang Fei said that tourists can feel the fashionable rural New Year's flavor here, taste the Jingxi New Year's rice, enjoy the "Come to Jing County for the New Year" accommodation, catering discounts, harvest souvenirs, and can also take home the "Jing Favorite Gifts" containing Jing County's gourmet cakes and New Year's goods.

At the same time, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County in Hunan Province presents a new experience of rural tourism - Dong Township "Village Evening", inviting tourists with unique local culture and specialties. Yang Qiong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Culture, Tourism, Radio, Television and Sports Bureau of Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County, said that the theme of this year's "Village Evening" in Dong Township is to show the marriage customs of the Dong people, and it is also the embodiment of the local "intangible cultural heritage +". There is an intangible cultural heritage market in the "Village Evening", where tourists can buy dried beef, bacon, Dong Tibetan red rice, borneol and other special New Year's goods, and "travel" and "purchase" complement each other.

Bringing opportunities for rural cultural creativity //

The deep integration of rural good things into rural tourism provides a good opportunity for the development of rural cultural creativity and characteristic industries. Panjin City, Liaoning Province held the "2023 'Red Beach No. 1 Cup' Panjin Rice Cultural and Creative Design Competition" in a timely manner to promote Panjin culture and regional specialties, tap the brand value of Panjin rice, create an IP image of rice, and explore the effective path of "geographical indications" to empower the integrated development of culture and tourism, deepen the participants' perception of Panjin City, and promote agricultural development and upgrading with cultural innovation. Shu Ran, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Panjin Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television, said that the combination of travel and shopping should not only be the goods that tourists want to take away, but also the gifts that citizens and relatives and friends should exchange; not only to make commemorative cultural and creative products, but also to make products with practical value in life; not only to make items that can be played, but also to make service products that can be experienced and enjoyed, so as to break through the market bottleneck of tourism commodities and cultural and creative products, and make them attract traffic for urban cultural tourism.

While satisfying the tourism experience, the rural tour shopping has given the intangible cultural heritage "raised in the depths of the unknown people" a stage to show up and shine. In the view of Wu Lihua, the inheritor of the tiger head shoe making skills of Nanjing's intangible cultural heritage project, it is necessary to integrate intangible cultural heritage with the national tide to create a well-known brand of traditional craftsmanship, integrate practical products into beautiful stories, and turn the memories of the past into practical products of the new national tide. The intangible cultural and creative products designed in this way can be seen and touched, and they want to take it away when they come to the rural gathering. "As our local intangible cultural heritage project, the art of making tiger head shoes has a history of more than 400 years. We have now created the 'Flower Needlemaker' intangible cultural heritage tiger shoe brand, which has both oriental beauty, fashion sense and fun, and is divided into children's and adult models, which is very suitable for daily wear. In addition, we have also launched cultural and creative products such as tiger head bags that are both practical and individual, adding to the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year and giving people a variety of choices. Wu Lihua said.

The cultural and creative industries related to tiger head shoes have driven rural women to become rich and helped rural revitalization, which is also the significance of the combination of "travel" and "shopping". Cui Xiaoning, head of Qingdao Zhiai Deep Blue Fusion Marine Development Co., Ltd., said that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Commerce have just launched the 2024 "Shopping in the Village" series of activities to guide the tourism industry to help rural revitalization from a deeper level and benefit the rural people. "After the campaign was launched, there was movement all over the country and our team was actively involved. Many military wives in the team have made cultural and creative products with marine cultural characteristics, full of love for the motherland, the people and the countryside, hoping to contribute to rural revitalization. Cui Xiaoning said.

The beauty of rural scenery and shopping promotes revitalization

▲At the launching ceremony of the "Shopping in the Village" series of activities, the good things in the countryside have become a beautiful scenery.

Product development should be consumer-centric //

At present, there are still bottlenecks in integrating cultural and creative products into rural tourism. Zhang Zheng, deputy dean of the Institute of Cultural and Creative Development at Tsinghua University, said that designers need to conduct in-depth research on what people's real needs are when they "travel" and "buy". With the change of lifestyle, people's demand for food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment has also changed in the process of travel.

Zhang Zheng suggested that in terms of cultural and creative development, it is necessary to establish a clear consumer-centric thinking, that is, to deeply study what people want to leave or take away today. In this way, cultural and creative products can truly enter the hearts of consumers and touch the most nostalgic, softest and most emotional parts of their hearts. At the same time, cultural and creative products can lead consumption, shape consumption trends, take the initiative to create some consumer topics and demand markets, and then use this way to lead people's consumption behavior in the process of tourism. High-quality, fashionable, cultural and creative products with rural culture as the atmosphere and the city as the application scenario can well meet the beautiful imagination of urban tourists for rural life. This kind of leadership can be used as an important dimension for designers to consider when developing cultural and creative products based on rural areas.

(The pictures are all taken by reporter Lu Xu)

Zhangzhuang Village, Lankao County, Kaifeng City, Henan Province:

The tung tree is tall and the road to happiness is long

Wu Di, an intern reporter of this newspaper

Located in the last bend of the Yellow River, Zhangzhuang Village was once the largest outlet in Lankao County, Henan Province, and it was also the place where Secretary Jiao Yulu found a good way to prevent and control sandstorms and succeeded. On March 17, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Zhangzhuang Village to inspect and pointed out the direction for Zhangzhuang Village to get rid of poverty and become rich. In the past 10 years, it has been reborn from a poor village to a well-known happy village.

On both sides of the main road of Zhangzhuang Village, "Xingfu Road", the houses are red bricks and tiles, the shops are decorated with simple decorations, festive lanterns are hung in front of the small courtyard, and the mellow fragrance of sesame oil wafts out from the oil mill. Talking about the origin of the name "Happy Road", Cheng Yuanfei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongbatou Town, introduced: "In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Zhangzhuang Village to inspect and guide the work. The masses are inspired, full of enthusiasm, and have spelled out today's happy life, so Zhangzhuang Village affectionately called the road that the general secretary walked back then'. ”

Since 2014, Zhangzhuang Village has put forward the tourism development idea of "rural tourism, red tourism, and two-wheel drive" in combination with the actual situation, and launched the "Dream Zhangzhuang" farmhouse courtyard renovation project.

Through the unremitting efforts of the cadres and the masses, Zhangzhuang Village not only successfully took off the "poverty hat" in 2017 and handed over a beautiful answer sheet for the rural revitalization of the motherland, but also became a rural tourism destination that "can enter, stay, and remember homesickness", and was rated as "National Civilized Villages and Towns" and "National Rural Tourism Key Villages".

Approaching the Spring Festival, the New Year's flavor on the road to happiness is stronger. In order to fit the 2024 "Shopping in the Countryside and Welcoming the Spring Festival" series of activities and the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, activities such as folk customs tours, product exhibitions, charity writing Spring Festival couplets, and "Village Evening" performances are planned here. Qilin dance, rowing boat, Yangge dancing, stilt walking, lion dance performances...... Zhangzhuang Village is full of gongs and drums, lively and extraordinary, and the villagers sing and laugh to welcome the Spring Festival.

On the stalls on both sides of Xingfu Road, there are a dazzling array of rural goodies from the last bend of the Yellow River. In the past, there were "three treasures" of paulownia, peanuts and jujubes, and now there are "new three treasures" of melon, sweet potato and peanuts. Zhangzhuang steamed buns, soybean paste, vermicelli, sesame oil, peanut cake, tofu and other local specialties of the past are becoming the "fragrant dumplings" of the market. While developing rural tourism, Zhangzhuang Village closely combines "travel" and "shopping", and is committed to allowing tourists to have a good time and have fun.

In the courtyard of the Rural Cadre Training Center in Zhangzhuang Village, the actors of the song and dance program "Spring Breeze Blows Flowers All Over the Ground" are in full swing rehearsing for the next "village evening". It is reported that this "village evening" also has children's dance "Dragon Baby Spring Blessing", soundtrack poem recitation "Forever Secretary Jiao", Henan Opera "Mu Guiying in Charge" and other wonderful programs.

For this performance, the students of Lanyang No. 2 Primary School are also rehearsing the guzheng performance "Jiaotong Flowers Bloom" and "My Motherland and Me" under the stage, and bursts of piano sound floated into their ears. It is understood that the paulownia tree used to prevent wind and fix sand in the early years is a good material for making national musical instruments, and the soundboard of the guzheng at the rehearsal site is made by the paulownia of Lankao County.

"One person, one tree, one spirit, one industry. The paulownia trees that Secretary Jiao led us to plant back then have now become our 'green bank'. Cheng Yuanfei said that Lankao County actively uses paulownia planting resources to strengthen the national musical instrument industry, making it one of the pillar industries in the local area, and the "music town" of Lankao County, Xuchang Village, "the first village of Chinese national musical instruments", has gradually become well-known to people, and national musical instruments have become the "engine of getting rich" to drive local economic development and tourism consumption.

Walking along Xingfu Road, a quaint and chic courtyard comes into view. Cheng Yuanfei introduced, "This place is called 'Dream Zhangzhuang', which is a homestay built by us with 8 hollow courtyards. "In the fast-paced modern life, rural tourism has become an important choice for people to travel, and it is also an important means to inherit and innovate excellent local culture, drive the sales of rural characteristic products, and promote the growth of urban and rural consumption.

The "big sand nest" and "big wind outlet" that used to be full of wind and sand have now become the "Lankao Pearl, Zhangzhuang in Dreams" with green trees, fresh air and full of tourists. More and more people come here, while feeling the spirit of Jiao Yulu and touching the beautiful countryside, they take away the good things in the countryside and leave them unforgettable

Play the revitalization song and embark on the road of common prosperity

Reporter Zhang Jing

In recent years, with the increasing popularity of rural tourism, rural areas have integrated a "new check-in space" for hosts and guests to share and enjoy living and traveling.

"You can go to the market right out of your house. "Bring your family to play on the weekend and enjoy the scenery of Guyan Painting Township. "The market is very popular with its rich and distinctive products. ”...... In recent years, Liandu District, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, has made great efforts to build the Guyan Painting Township Market, which has now become a popular activity for local tourists, attracting many villagers and tourists to check in and shop.

According to reports, the Guyan Painting Township Market has changed the single sales model of only oil paintings as commodities in the past, and has increased the stone paintings, camphor woodblock prints, hand-painted bags, hand-painted clothing and other products painted with the unique scenery of Guyan Painting Township, as well as cultural and creative products such as wood carving, potted plants, and Hanfu display experience, and also integrated into the guqin, flute, flute and other musical instrument performance activities to set off the artistic atmosphere and increase the experience and playability of the market. In addition, the market organizes interactive activities such as art product sharing sessions and performing arts no less than twice a quarter to further enhance the vitality of the business format.

The reporter learned that with the market as the carrier, Liandu District integrates the advantageous resources of all parties, provides communication channels for enterprises, painters and tourists, attracts painters and calligraphy and painting enterprises from surrounding provinces and cities to participate in the market activities, provides channels for painters and consumers to buy and sell high-quality oil painting commodities and cultural and creative products, and brings the overall development of the oil painting industry in the animation township, enhances the visibility of the industry, and creates a well-known oil painting art gathering place.

Ningxi Town, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, is located in the western mountainous area of Huangyan, and is an important ecological function area and a provincial central town. In recent years, based on the local reality, Ningxi Town has excavated ecological and cultural resources, focused on the implementation of the revitalization strategy of the western region of ecological common prosperity, and realized the transformation and upgrading of beautiful villages.

"The six streets are paved with lights, and the drum music of the eight houses covers the sky", this is a couplet describing the grand occasion of the traditional lantern festival in Ningxi Town. It is understood that the "February 2nd Lantern Festival" in Ningxi, Huangyan has a history of more than 700 years, and is known as "the Chinese Lantern Festival is all three or five, and the Ningxi Lantern Festival is the only one". In 2023, the "February 2nd Lantern Festival" in Ningxi will attract nearly 1 million people, directly driving economic consumption to more than 5,000 yuan, and fully releasing the vitality of the night economy in the ancient town of Dengcai. At the same time, Ningxi takes the "February 2nd Lantern Festival" market as the carrier, sorts out and selects the common wealth industry and products in batches to participate in the exhibition, stimulates the economic vitality of the night tour in the market town, integrates cultural exchanges and commodity exchanges, and wins the honorary title of the province's boutique village market.

The boutique market and lantern festival are the epitome of Ningxi Town's vigorous promotion of rural revitalization in recent years. In addition to characteristic rural markets, the development of high-quality cultural and creative products and the development of characteristic cultural industries are also important starting points for Ningxi Town to promote rural revitalization. For example, Wuyantou Village actively explores the development of a "way out", carries out overall planning and transformation of the village, and the village not only retains the ancient buildings of the Qing Dynasty, but also has a folk museum, a creative base and many other scenic spots. Through renovation and upgrading, Wuyantou Village has developed from a former "hollow village" to a well-known "Internet celebrity village", which has entered the public eye, and more and more tourists have come to visit. With the increase of tourists, villagers have returned to their hometowns to set up farmhouses and homestays, and sell local agricultural and sideline products.

Walking into Bailuwan Village, Ningxi Town, you will be greeted by giant prints, filled with a strong artistic atmosphere. Bailuwan Village was also a well-known "hollow village" in Ningxi Town. A few years ago, Bailuwan Village introduced the printmaking works of Gu Yixing, a local villager and well-known printmaker, and extended the prints to the walls of houses, creating an innovative "printmaking" themed cultural tourism village, which attracted many tourists. Rural tourism is booming, and villagers eat "tourist meals" directly at their doorsteps.

With the continuous improvement of the material living standard of the village, in order to enrich the spare time life of the villagers, a cultural hall has been built in Damoss Village, Ningxi Town, and various activities are actively carried out on holidays. At present, the cultural hall has gradually become the spiritual home and "cultural landmark" of the villagers, and activities such as red film festivals, health knowledge lectures, and art performances are often carried out in the auditorium.

Nowadays, like Wuyantou Village and Bailuwan Village, many "hollow villages" in Ningxi Town have become "beautiful villages", "rich villages" and "Internet celebrity villages".

Shiping Village, Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County, Guangdong Province:

Turning "Beautiful Resources" into "Beautiful Economy"

Reporter Pei Qiuju

The yellow brick walls of the quaint village and the colorful murals of Zhuang Yao complement each other, and the Zhuang Yao dance shines brightly. The Spring Festival is approaching, and in Shiping Village, Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County (Lianshan County) in Guangdong Province, the Zhuang Yao people dressed in characteristic ethnic costumes are preparing to welcome the New Year with traditional customs.

Lianshan County is located in the northwest of Guangdong Province, at the junction of Guangdong, Hunan and Guangxi provinces (regions). In order to effectively realize rural revitalization under such circumstances, Lianshan County decided to borrow from ecology.

With the idea of "industrial ecology and ecological industrialization", Lianshan County has explored the industrial development path of the integration of "agriculture, culture, tourism, sports and health", and carried out the reform and exploration of the "three plots" of rural contracted land, homestead land and rural collective management construction land (referred to as "three land revitalization"), and its entry point is Shiping Village.

Using eco-tourism resources, especially the unique ethnic folk culture of the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups, Shiping Village has created a rural tourism project integrating cultural tribes, homestays, special catering, Zhuang Yao medicine, cultural and creative agriculture and other functions, so as to realize the symbiosis and co-prosperity of rural tourism and cultural creativity. After the operation of the whole village, Shiping Village now not only has a new appearance, but also new industries and new forms of business are also booming. Since 2023, Shiping Village has attracted more than 40,000 tourists from inside and outside the county.

"It used to be a deserted vegetable garden, but now it has been transformed into a rural revitalization training base, which is the result of the 'revitalization of three places' in Shiping Village, and the village also operates cafes and bars. Ding Qiufeng, general manager of Guangdong Xingchuang Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., said.

Ding Qiufeng, who was born in 1994, also has another identity - rural CEO (rural professional manager). She took office at the end of 2022 and seized the opportunity of "revitalization of the three places" and began to explore a new path for agriculture in Shiping Village. In line with the construction tenet of "enterprises can make profits, rural areas can develop, collectives can benefit, and farmers can increase income", she led the youth team to complete the construction of the village tourism reception center, conference center, village coffee house, homestay model room, terraced flower sea, shared vegetable garden, etc., in just half a year, and completed the construction of cultural tribe projects such as 3D painting with national characteristics.

Today's Shiping Village has undergone great changes, from an obscure ethnic village in remote mountainous areas to a well-known "Internet celebrity check-in village".

"The ecological environment is beautiful, the singing and dancing are unique, and the agricultural products are green and healthy. In short, it feels great to have something to see, something to eat, something to play, and something to buy!" said a tourist who was learning from the encouragement of the Lianshan Yao people.

"The Yao Xiaochang drum is listed as a national intangible cultural heritage, and it is a dance that the Yao people in Lianshan must dance every festival. Chen Yanyun, director of the Cultural Tourism and Sports Development Center of Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County, said that Lianshan County has a history of 1,500 years and still retains a unique national language and culture, with rich and colorful content. The Zhuang people's July Xiangzhuang family water festival, flower grabbing, chasing sky lanterns, etc., and the Yao people's Panwang Festival, Xiaochang drumming, eight sounds, and Yao weddings attract many tourists to experience.

Market day is an important part of Hakka life. "Every market day, all towns and villages will rush to the polder, and local farmers and merchants will bring their own agricultural products to the polder market to sell. Chen Yanyun introduced that not only locals will buy New Year's goods and mountain goods in the polder market, but also foreign tourists also like to take home special products and cultural and creative products in the polder market.

In front of the booth of Qin Chunhui, the inheritor of litsea cubeba medicine pillow making skills and the founder of Lianshan Zhuang Yaobao Ecological Industry Development Co., Ltd., litsea cubeba medicine pillow, health hand hammer, litsea cubeba essential oil, cushion, waist cushion, sachet ...... It's dizzying. Today, Qin Chunhui is committed to building a modern production, eco-tourism and sightseeing in one of the litsea cubeba medicine pillow hammer production technology base, and will further build an agricultural ecological cultural and creative park complex covering "cultural experience + farming fun + team building + popular science education", deeply integrate cultural tourism and agricultural product sales and processing, inherit and develop ethnic minority characteristic crafts, and help rural revitalization.

By exploring the integration of "agriculture, culture, tourism, sports and health", Shiping Village makes use of local ethnic and folk cultural resources to carry out secondary development of intangible cultural heritage and special agricultural products, enrich consumption supply and tourist experience, and realize the transformation of the village from "beautiful resources" to "beautiful economy".

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yue