
Real aging starts from the spleen and kidneys, this year's cold and damp qi is heavy, the most likely to hurt the spleen and kidneys, Chinese medicine teaches you to tune

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Zhanju

If we compare a person to a car, whether the car leaves the factory, whether it is strong or not, whether it looks good or not, is determined by the kidney, because the kidney is the innate foundation and is in charge of the growth and development of the human body; how far the car can run and how many years it can be used has a great deal to do with the spleen, which is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and it is responsible for transporting water valleys, transforming qi and blood, and providing nutrients to the human body. Therefore, when there is a problem with the spleen and kidneys, there will be problems with the entire power and nutrition system of the person.

Real aging starts from the spleen and kidneys, this year's cold and damp qi is heavy, the most likely to hurt the spleen and kidneys, Chinese medicine teaches you to tune

Then, according to the theory of five luck and six qi, in 2024, the overall earth transportation is too much, the first half of the year is the sun and cold water, the second half of the year is too yin and damp soil, and the whole year is a year of cold and wet.

Cold and damp, that is, cold and damp, cold evil is yin evil, easy to hurt yang; damp evil sticky, the most easy to trap the spleen, so the cold and damp qi is too heavy, the first thing to hurt is the spleen, the spleen is mainly transported, the spleen and stomach are injured by cold and dampness, at this time you will often feel stomach pain, stomach distention, every day do not want to eat, the whole person is not energetic, always do not want to move. The stool is often unformed, and it is easy to have diarrhea if you eat something cold, and the whole body shape slowly becomes more bloated, and the tongue sticks out to see that the tongue coating is white and greasy. At this time, you can refer to an aconite Li Zhong pill.

Real aging starts from the spleen and kidneys, this year's cold and damp qi is heavy, the most likely to hurt the spleen and kidneys, Chinese medicine teaches you to tune

The spleen and stomach are hidden in the middle yang, and the middle yang is supplemented by the yuan yang in the kidney, and after the spleen yang is damaged, it is necessary to mobilize the yang qi in the kidney to fill it, and after a long time, it hurts the kidney, and the yuan yang in the kidney is the most difficult to make up. At this time, in addition to the symptoms of the spleen, there will also be symptoms of soreness and pain in the waist and knees, cold hands and feet, cold intolerance, frequent urination, nocturia, or poor urination. At this time, you need to make up for the spleen yang and kidney yang together, you can refer to a Gui Fuli Zhong Pill.

Real aging starts from the spleen and kidneys, this year's cold and damp qi is heavy, the most likely to hurt the spleen and kidneys, Chinese medicine teaches you to tune

When the yang energy of the spleen and kidneys is replenished, the yang energy of the whole body is also protected, and it is taken care of every day, so you are not afraid of aging and find the door early. Of course, here I would like to remind you that the Chinese patent medicine we mentioned above is just a reference for everyone, so that everyone can understand, everyone's specific situation is different, if you need it, you must use it under the guidance of a professional doctor, and do not use it without authorization!