
It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

author:Jianghu chain hall

It's been almost four years since the helicopter crash, and this article recalls Kobe Bryant and recalls himself.

My first encounter with Kobe Bryant was because of my sister.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

My sister was seven years older than me, and by the time I was babbling, she was able to carry me around the streets.

Since I was a child, I have been her concern.

I was only 12 years old at the time, and in 2009, I got a perfect score of 300 points in Xiaoshengchu, and I got 294.

At that time, my sister was already a junior in college, and she went to college at the age of 16.

I was 165 at the time, skinny, playing basketball every day, tall as a bamboo, and eating an amazing amount of food.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

It was a cloudy and sunny morning, I ate six tofu buns, drank a bowl of porridge, and carried the 1,000 yuan given by my father in my pocket.

During the 8-hour drive, although I didn't get motion sickness, I didn't get any water, and none of the 10 eggs I was carrying in my bag moved.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

My sister picked me up at the station. To this day, I still can't forget that scene, the July sun was scorching, and in the rush of people in the station, there was a girl with a full expectant face, stretching out half her head under the sun, anxiously looking for her brother in the flow of people, I got off the train and called out to my sister, and finally saw her.

That week, I traveled a lot and met my uncle, who had just restarted my family, and my cousin, who was a sophomore in my home and grew up.

Kobe Bryant and I met at this time.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

In 2009, the year when Kobe Bryant led the Los Angeles Lakers to win the championship alone, his face was full of confidence, arrogance, and perseverance.

When I was in fifth grade, my sister inspired me to switch from playing table tennis to basketball, and I fell in love with basketball.

While my sister and I were wandering around her college, we bought a basketball magazine at a newsstand on the way.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

I don't care about the name of the magazine, so I can't remember it anymore.

What still remains in my memory is that on the cover of that magazine, LeBron James is wearing a crown adorned with diamonds and holding a scepter in his hand, sitting on the throne.

Judging from my aesthetics at the time, this person had a prominent thick lips, two eyes that were not too big, and a square face, and his appearance was really difficult to compliment.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

Kobe Bryant is different.

Kobe Bryant's step-back jumper is picturesque, and his appearance is not ugly among blacks, and he can even be said to be a handsome guy. That year, he successfully lifted the O'Brien Cup, and Zen master Phil Jackson said in the magazine that he had never seen Kobe jump so high in his life, except for the moment when he won the Finals.

The magazine described all of Kobe's legendary experiences in detail.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

Once Kobe's nickname was Peter Pan.

After leaving O'Neal, he won his first championship.

From a black kid who came back from Italy who doesn't understand the language, to a popular idol, from a high-school player who doesn't stick to three things, to an NBA MVP and championship.

The legend of Los Angeles at 4 a.m. has worked harder than anyone else, and he has proved with his experience that extreme love and extreme will can create extraordinary success.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

At that time, we played basketball together, like other boys of the same age, and we were still competing with who jumped higher and who dribbled better.

Whoever can touch the rebound is very awesome, and if he can touch the basket, it will attract a lot of admiration.

At that time, because I liked table tennis, I practiced against the wall at home every day, practiced against the wall in the classroom, and made a bet with my father at home with the first-place exam score and bought a table tennis table.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

When I was in the fifth grade, I liked "The Legend of Bruce Lee" and smashed it everywhere with my fist, smashing the door of my house, smashing the table board on the side of the desk, and smashing the fist was blue and swollen.

At that time, because I liked basketball, I jumped up every day and touched all kinds of high things with my hands, climbed back and forth under the horizontal training ladder during recess, hung upside down on the horizontal bar with my feet, did 30 push-ups a day, and held a basketball for 200 times a day.

Now I, looking down at my bulging belly, can only smile bitterly.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

At that time, I believed in the meaning of hard work, I believed that if you work harder than others, you will be better than others, which is the essence of the Mamba spirit.

So, naturally, I fell hopelessly in love with Kobe.

I learned from him to play, I followed his moves, and I put a poster of him winning the championship on the head of the bed in my room, and wrote on the back, "Where there's a will, there's a way." ”

Believing in the meaning of hard work drove me to attribute every failure to slackness and laziness, and after each failure I would redouble my efforts, as long as I worked hard enough, I never cared what others thought of me.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

Driven by this spirit, I won the championship of table tennis in elementary school, won the first place in the county in junior high school, and improved my score by 200 points in three months when I was abandoning my studies in two years of high school, and I was admitted to 985.

In fact, I now know that many times hard work may not lead to good results, but I am still willing to work hard to get what I want at all costs.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

The Mamba spirit I understand is hard work and perfection.

Whether it's Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning, or fighting until you dislocate your fingers, break your fingers back and continue to fight.

At that time, I felt that every effort was rewarding, which made me believe that I would succeed after struggle, and it also made me have blind confidence.

It made me feel that if I worked hard, I would succeed, and it also made me blame all my failures on not wanting to work hard. So I have low self-esteem, and I am conceited, and at the same time I am very prone to extremes.

But I will always believe in the meaning of hard work, and I believe that hard work will definitely have results.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

I met Kobe Bryant in 2009, when I had a little achievement, so I was arrogant, I left Kobe Bryant in 2013, when he fought until his Achilles tendon ruptured, he collapsed, and his performance deteriorated, and I was depressed and his grades were sluggish, and I met Kobe Bryant again in 2015, regained my confidence, and went on the road again, and I could see the sky at 4 o'clock in the morning every day.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

In 2016, my sister got married, Kobe Bryant retired, Mamba out, I started watching Curry, watching the Warriors, watching the Spurs, watching Leonard, and also practiced basketball with my brothers.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

In 2020, Kobe Bryant died, I graduated from college, my sister resigned from the South and started working at a company near my husband's house, the Warriors dynasty fell apart, CCTV stopped broadcasting the NBA, and the brothers who played with me went their separate ways.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

But the game of life is far from over.

Note: This article was written in February 2020

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

Now another four years have passed, I have also experienced a period of ups and downs in life, fell into the abyss, and the rest of my life, in recent years, my sister has helped me out of the predicament again, she has a big belly in the epidemic to send me to treatment for me worried, her great help to me from time to time makes me tears.

It has been four years since Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash, and I remember Kobe Bryant and my younger self

In addition to emotion, I also have a different feeling about many things, perhaps just like "when it is dark, there are still bones, and when it is very red, it will turn into ashes", some people's brilliant blooms, like fireworks, like meteors, a moment of brilliance, pay the price of burning life.

Maybe I'll never be like them, but I'll always have respect for those who do.

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