
She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

author:Reading notes

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the once magnificent and heroic Han Dynasty was stormy, like a small boat floating in the rivers and seas, and was always facing the danger of being overturned. The heroes rose together, and the wolf smoke of the princes competing for hegemony seemed to drown the fireworks in the world, and also drowned a moving infatuation. This infatuation is Xun Cang.

Xun Cang was born in a famous family, his father Xun was an important adviser who was relied on by Cao Cao, and his brother Xun Changqian was Cao Cao's fast son-in-law. Xun Cang is the youngest son of Xun Or, with a face like a crown of jade, and also married the Wang clan and married the daughter of the hussar general Cao Hong. Although Cao is not a talented woman, she is beautiful, gentle and lovely, and her married life is full of sweetness and warmth. Perhaps because of the jealousy of God on the days when they were in harmony, the beautiful Shaoguang passed away in a hurry, and the Cao family was seriously ill and couldn't afford to be sick.

At the onset of the disease, Cao's body was full of fever and suffering. In order to alleviate his wife's pain, Xun Cang actually took off his clothes and stood in the courtyard to cool his body, and then surrounded his wife with his cold body to cool his wife. However, the heavens were not moved by Xun Cang's affection, and the Cao family finally died, leaving Xun Cang with melancholy and nostalgia. Xun Cang knew that it was difficult to find a good partner like Cao in the world, so he was depressed all day long, and died the following year, when he was only 29 years old.

"There are lovers in the world", those who are unwilling to live up to their youth always use the most enthusiastic and stupid behavior to prove the existence of true love.

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

Jia Baoyu, who loved Lin Daiyu deeply, swore an oath: "If you die, I will be a monk." "It seems crazy and stupid, but it has the courage to go to the fire for love.

In the Jin Dynasty Lu Ji's "Wenfu", he said: "Looking at the ancient and modern in a moment, caressing the four seas in an instant." It didn't take so long to wipe away the smoke and dust of history, and the faces that were gloomy and sad and hurt by love gradually emerged clearly. They are like enchanted people, even if they are willing to die. People are like this, and so are birds, so when Yuan Haowen saw the wild goose that committed suicide and died of martyrdom, he couldn't help but say what has been entangled in the world for hundreds of years: "Ask what the love in the world is, and teach life and death to promise." ”

The love that captivates the country and the city and goes to death is always heartbreaking. The composer Bao Tianyou wrote an infatuated woman based on the people of the time, that is, the singer Wang Miaomiao in "Wang Miaomiao's Death and Crying Qin Shaoyou".

This little woman can be described as an eternal infatuation, and there is indeed a person in history, but she is a little-known kabuki. In the notebook novels of the Song people, she has no name or surname, but she is well-known to the world because she had an affair with Qin Guan.

Qin Guan is a romantic figure in the Song Dynasty, with few words, and is one of the "Four Scholars of Sumen", with eight talents and handsome and affectionate. He often wandered out, mingling in the bustling and noisy fireworks alley, and dedicated the beautiful words and songs he created to the glamorous prostitutes at that time. Wang Miaomiao can leave a petite figure in the history of the Hanhai Sea and recite it for future generations, probably because she is infatuated and affectionate.

Bao Tianyou, who devoted his efforts to copying Wang Miaomiao, was a miscellaneous dramatist in the Yuan Dynasty, and his miscellaneous dramas were known to have eight kinds, most of which have been scattered, only "Shi Fish Corpse Admonishes Wei Linggong" and "Wang Miaomiao's Death and Crying Qin Shaoyou" The two dramas have remnants of songs.

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

This "Wang Miaomiao's Death and Crying Qin Shaoyou" wrote a love affair between the singer Wang Miaomiao and Qin Guan, which can be called the most poignant poem in praise of love.

The singer Wang Miaomiao, who lives in Changsha, has never met Qin Guan, but he fell in love with him because of his lingering and beautiful words. Every song she sings is from Qin Guan's hand, and her admiration for Qin Guan is known to women and children in Changsha City.

In folklore, the maid Qiuxiang in Washington is like a flower because of a song "Peach Blossom Nunnery in Peach Blossom Dock, Peach Blossom Nunnery under Peach Blossom Nunnery."

The peach blossom fairy planted peach trees, and picked peach blossoms for wine money", the peach blossom poem fell in love with the suave genius Tang Bohu, naturally, Wang Miaomiao can also fall in love with the world's talented Qin Shaoyou because of the words "When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but countless in the world". Since ancient times, most men who are good at writing poetry and can chant the wind and moon are easy to capture the hearts of young girls, but they are among many women, and they can't put the promise of looking together on one person, which is an inexhaustible thing.

Soon after, Qin Guan, who had traveled abroad, was repeatedly troubled by the Huan Hai and was relegated to Changsha, where he heard that there was a singer with a beautiful voice who fell in love with him, so he concealed his identity and was close to Wang Miaomiao. When the two met, Qin Guan asked her with pity, why she easily promised her heart to a man who had never known her life because of two or three sentences, wouldn't it be too hasty? Wang Miaomiao, who was so infatuated, said that if she could see Qin Guan's Fengyi, even if she was a concubine and a maidservant, she would be willing to lay paper and ink for him.

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

Seeing that the woman in front of him was so sincere, Qin Guan couldn't bear to continue to hide it, so he revealed his identity. Since then, Wang Miaomiao has become his confidante. In order to thank her for her deep affection, Qin Guan gave her several times. However, the good times did not last long, Qin Guan was convicted again, was relegated to a wild place, and could not go with her, so the two could only helplessly break the willows and separate.

Before leaving, looking at Wang Miaomiao's teary eyes, Qin Guan was speechless and choked, so he could only write the words "Bangjiang is fortunate to go around Chenshan, for whom to shed Xiaoxiang" to Wang Miaomiao to express his heart. He said earnestly that his return date was not far away, and that he would take her back to his hometown at that time. Who knew that this would be a thousand miles away, Wang Miaomiao heard Qin Guan's message again, and the two were separated forever.

[Sweet Water Order] saw that it was noisy, noisy, inscribed, surrounded by the front and back. Wet and cold sweat all over his body. Crying and crying, desolate and desolate, unbearable to look back, sorrow and boredom are always in my heart.

[Zhegui Order] sleepy and worry-free, but meet you in your dreams, Yuanlai is a soul wandering. A spirit is fragrant, mournful and resentful, swinging and leisurely. Tears of sorrow flowed again and again, thinking about the sorrow on top of the sorrow, and the emptiness taught me to drown my eyes. Broke up the swallow couple, the old man was romantic, and the good sentence was difficult to pay;

——Bao Tianyou, "Wang Miaomiao's Death and Crying Qin Shaoyou"

That night, the flowers and shadows were confused, the warbler was broken, and in the midnight dreams, the noisy sound could be heard everywhere, and Wang Miaomiao could not sleep because of such a nightmare. She sat up in shock, and a grievance could not help but welling up in her heart, like the clouds in the sky before the heavy rain, which were getting thicker and thicker. Yan said in the words of "Partridge Heaven": "After parting, I remember to meet, and I have a few soul dreams with you." Wang Miaomiao's dreams are all about Qin Guan, but she has not heard from Qin Guan for a long time, so I don't know if he is also thinking about himself all the time?

Qin Guan has been gone for a long time but has not returned, and there is no news, Wang Miaomiao's heart is uneasy, like a lake with a wind. When the money was farewell, the scene of Qin Guan giving himself a poem seemed to be still in front of him, and the scene in the dream was not Qin Guan's soul saying goodbye to him? Thinking that Qin Guan might have suffered a disaster in another country, Wang Miaomiao couldn't help but shed tears of sorrow, adding a layer of melancholy. After parting, Wang Miaomiao, in order to keep the festival for Qin Guan, closed the door and refused to entertain guests, waiting for Qin Guan's return.

However, that frightening nightmare haunted her and left her uneasy. In order to seek peace of mind, she immediately sent someone to inquire about Qin Guan's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, less than three days later, she received a letter sent from Leizhou, which turned out to be the cost of Qin Shaoyou's death on the way home.

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

Holding this heavy letter, the grief-stricken Wang Miaomiao suddenly felt that everything was over, and all her hopes seemed to have disappeared with Qin Guan and turned into smoke. As if she had lost her soul, she immediately packed her bags and traveled thousands of miles to the place where Qin Guan died, and wore filial piety for Qin Guan. In a dilapidated hostel, after Wang Miaomiao saw Qin Guan's corpse, she suddenly lost her strength, so she could only lie on the coffin and stare blankly at Qin Guan's remains. I don't know how long it has been, the time of the funeral has arrived, and the person who was buried was ready to close the coffin and asked her to get up, but Wang Miaomiao suddenly cried bitterly, and muttered a sentence of "It's hard to stay", and then fainted on the ground, and the fragrance disappeared.

"I want to know you and live a long life. There are no mountains and no tombs, and the rivers are exhausted. Thunder and tremors in winter, rain and snow in summer. Heaven and earth are together, but dare to be with the king!" Such a mountain alliance and sea oath seem stupid, but it is the most sincere heartfelt words. For the sake of her beloved, a woman does not hesitate to choose to die for her loved one, even if the rivers and seas are not exhausted at the moment, and the summer is not rainy and snowy, her love and her heart can also make all things in heaven and earth mourn for it.

There is no difference in status in love, even though Wang Miaomiao is a singer, without Lin Daiyu's talent and Xue Baochai's wealth, her infatuation is also incomparable to ordinary people.

The world once said, The ending of a one-act drama is a comedy if a man and a woman are born together, and if they die together, it is a consummation, but if one life dies, heaven and man are separated, it is a truly sad tragedy. Wang Miaomiao, who is obsessed, admires Qin Guan because of his talent, does not want to separate because he loves his people, and is willing to live and die together because he does not want to separate.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty novelist Feng Menglong said: "Thousands of women love talents, only Changsha Kabuki Wang Miaomiao is a must." ”

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

Qin Guan has intersected with many women in his life, and Wang Miaomiao entrusted her infatuation to this wandering son, that is, she entrusted her love to the flowing water, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant. However, she had no regrets, and even died of crying for it. It is precisely because of this that her pure love is even more moving.

When love is extreme, the boundaries between life and death will become blurred. It is singable and crying to live and die for love, but it is difficult for ordinary men and women to do it, so Wang Miaomiao's infatuation is becoming more and more deep. "There is a lover in the world, and this hatred has nothing to do with the wind and the moon. "In the face of a lover who is not afraid of life and death, anyone will be ashamed of their own insignificance and cowardice.

Liu Yuxi said in one of his poems "Bamboo Branch Words": "The bonus is easy to decay like Langyi, and the water flow is infinite like sorrow." "Men are amorous, women are sentimental, the sweet words of the merry and talented man are always hard to believe, Wang Miaomiao, who is easily sacrificed for love, is affectionate and turns into the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, and often goes in and out of the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion Qin Guan, how can Wang Miaomiao be put in his heart alone?

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

As Qin Guan himself said: "The night moon is a curtain of dreams, and the spring breeze is tender." Perhaps he is accustomed to wandering in the gentle country, and it is difficult for him to pay his infatuation to one person.

If you fall in love with someone you shouldn't love, you can only let lovesickness grow like spring grass. Zhang Yanzhi of the Southern Song Dynasty commented on "Etymology": "Qin Shaoyou's system is elegant, the spirit is not decaying, the clear and beautiful is constantly in the vein, chewing is not trickling, and the taste is known over time." Perhaps, Wang Miaomiao's inexhaustible aftertaste is just a weak and beautiful word.

She is a courtesan, who entrusted her infatuation to Qin Shaoyou, loved her to the extreme, and died for him

The world is full of knowledge, and the practice of human feelings is the article! Pay attention to the little book beetle, and take you to appreciate the breadth and profundity of culture!