
Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

author:Big Seven Craftsmen stainless steel healthy life

#Who is not suitable for squats##Headline original##深蹲#

Let's talk about a little digression first, this article is a little more serious, I hope you won't be disgusted, it's also a personal opinion, as a reference, the shortcomings can be directly commented and advised!

Squats are known as the golden movement of fitness, but did you know that not everyone is suitable for squats. Today, let's uncover those crowds that are not suitable for squats and see if you have a trick!

1. Knee injury

Squats put a lot of pressure on the knee joints. If you have a knee injury or a history of disease, performing squats may worsen the condition or even trigger further injuries. In this case, it is advisable to choose exercises that are less stressful on the knee joint, such as swimming or cycling.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

2. Patients with lumbar spine disease

When squatting, the lumbar spine is also subjected to a certain amount of pressure. For those with lumbar spine diseases such as lumbar disc herniation and lumbar fractures, squats may aggravate the condition. This group of people is more suitable for performing exercises that are less stressful in the lumbar spine, such as planks and sit-ups.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

3. Patients with cardiovascular disease

Squats are a high-intensity workout that can challenge the cardiovascular system. If you suffer from heart disease, high blood pressure, etc., you should consult your doctor before doing squats to avoid the dangers caused by excessive exercise.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

4. Patients with osteoporosis

People with osteoporosis have fragile bones and are prone to fractures. During squatting, especially when squatting to the lowest point, the pressure on the bones is greater, which is easy to cause fractures. These people should choose a lightweight, low-impact form of exercise.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

5. People with hip problems

The hip joint is one of the key joints in the squat movement. If you have problems with hip injury, inflammation, or dysplasia, doing squats may aggravate the condition. It is advisable to consult a medical professional before performing any hip activities.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

6. Fitness newbies without professional guidance

Squats may seem simple, but the correct posture and technique are not easy for beginners to master. Without professional guidance, the wrong posture and technique can not only affect the effectiveness of the workout, but can also lead to unnecessary injuries. It is recommended to perform squat exercises under the guidance of a professional instructor.


7. Obese people

Obese people have a heavier weight on the knee joints and lumbar spine, plus the burden on the muscles and joints is also heavier, and doing squats may increase the burden. It is recommended that obese people lose weight through aerobic exercise and diet control before doing squat exercises.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

8. Elderly

As we age, the flexibility and muscle strength of the body gradually decrease, and the joints and bones become more fragile. Elderly people need to be especially careful when doing squats to ensure proper posture and avoid falling or spraining. It is recommended to choose low-impact, low-intensity exercises, such as walking, tai chi, etc.

Squat Purgatory: Who is not fit to set foot in this forbidden land?

To sum up, while squats are a very effective form of exercise, they are not suitable for all people. Before doing squats, it is important to understand your physical condition, consult a professional doctor, and choose the right exercise method for you. Remember, safety comes first!