
Construction of civilized township丨Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town: Civilization immerses in fertile wilderness and the countryside is bathed in new wind

author:Helan County Rong Media Center
Construction of civilized township丨Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town: Civilization immerses in fertile wilderness and the countryside is bathed in new wind

Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town, is located in the west of Helan County, where the sky is blue, the ground is green, the water is clear, and the people are human. In recent years, Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town, has continued to promote the construction of rural civilization, comprehensively consolidated the achievements of the creation of civilized villages in the autonomous region, built a solid "hard environment" for rural revitalization with the "soft power" of rural civilization, and strived to build a new rural picture scroll of "prosperous industry, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and affluent life".

Construction of civilized township丨Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town: Civilization immerses in fertile wilderness and the countryside is bathed in new wind

The environment is improved and the quality of life is "raised".

The roads are clean and tidy, the houses are scattered, and the infrastructure is perfect...... Walking into Jinxin Village, the farmhouse courtyard is quiet and elegant, the windows in the house are bright and clean, and the continuously improving living environment makes the villagers' lives happier and more comfortable.

"Now the road in the village is wider, there is no more littering, and the smelly dry toilet has also helped us change to a sanitary toilet like the one in the city, the environment is getting more and more beautiful, life is becoming more and more convenient, and living here is very happy" Speaking of the environmental changes in the village, the villagers are full of happy smiles on their faces.

"Everywhere is a scene, everywhere is civilized". In recent years, Jinxin Village has adhered to the concept of "global aesthetics", carried out solid actions to improve the appearance of the village, orderly promoted the construction of sewage pipe network transformation, rural public toilet transformation, street lamp installation and other projects, and constantly made up for the shortcomings of rural infrastructure. Thoroughly implement the work responsibilities of the "river chief system" and "road chief system", carry out river inspections, dredging and remediation, and green plant planting, continuously improve the rural greening rate, and provide a green and healthy living environment for the masses. Guided by the construction of livable, workable and beautiful villages, we will implement fine grid management, widely mobilize the masses to participate in the governance of rural sanitation and environment, and carry out daily actions such as cleaning up rural domestic waste, cleaning up agricultural production waste, cleaning up indiscriminate piles and construction, and cleaning up abandoned houses and broken walls. Actively explore the creation of a diversified supervision mechanism for the improvement of the human settlements, carry out in-depth selection activities such as beautiful courtyards, health red and black list evaluations, and point exchange, and effectively promote the institutionalization, normalization and long-term improvement of the human settlements, so as to realize the transformation of the human settlements from "short-term cleaning" to "long-term management and protection", and successfully create a demonstration village for the human settlements in the autonomous region.

Construction of civilized township丨Jinxin Village, Hongguang Town: Civilization immerses in fertile wilderness and the countryside is bathed in new wind

The industry is thriving, and the villagers' pockets are "bulging".

With the face of a livable environment, there must also be a thriving industry. Jinxin Village grasps ecology with one hand and industry with the other, and has created a path of "ecological beauty industry prosperity", so that the village can not only be beautiful and rich, but also stable and develop.

In recent years, based on the resource endowment, Jinxin Village has taken Hemei Village as the starting point, introduced and cultivated at the same time, built a diversified industrial development pattern, and laid a good foundation for the masses to increase their income and get rich. On the one hand, it integrates 726 acres of circulating land and trusteeship land resources, takes the lead in planting soybean corn, silage corn and other crops, and implements fine management and protection from seedling cultivation, technical training, field management and other aspects through the management model of "village 'two committees' team members + grid members", continuously improves production and operation income, and realizes the income of the village collective economy. On the one hand, explore the development model of "branch + cooperative + enterprise + farmer", rent out the existing fruit and vegetable wholesale market and old village, contract part of the greenhouse, village collective farmland, etc., further improve the added value of collective asset utilization, change the advantage of land resources into the village collective economic advantage, promote the village collective income increase, the masses at the doorstep of employment, and realize the "win-win goal" of the continuous growth of the village collective economy and the steady increase of farmers' income.

Today's Jinxin Village, relying on the support of characteristic industries, the collective economy of the village has exceeded one million yuan for two consecutive years, and the people's lives are getting richer and more exciting.

Changing customs and improving the mental outlook has become "good".

Villagers have the most say in the effectiveness of rural governance. "In the past, the village held happy events, compared with each other and set up banquets, more than 15 tables, less than 10 tables, fireworks and firecrackers were set off everywhere, and it cost a lot of money to hold a banquet. After several years of governance, now 'new happy events, simple funerals' has become everyone's conscious action. Speaking of changing customs, the villagers are full of praise.

The beauty of the countryside is not only the beauty of the environment, but also the beauty of ideology, morality and spiritual civilization. In recent years, Jinxin Village has always adhered to the guidance of the core values of socialism, deepened the construction of rural customs and civilization, relied on the new era civilization practice station, and continuously promoted the change of customs and customs to deepen and cultivate civilized rural customs.

In order to effectively change the traditional concept of the villagers and establish the concept of civilized rural customs, Jinxin Village combined with the actual situation, closely focused on the construction of rural customs and civilization, constantly revised and improved the content of the village rules and regulations, and integrated the core values of socialism, changing customs, neighborhood relations, environmental sanitation and other contents into the village rules and regulations, and vigorously publicized them through allegro, song singing and other forms, so that the village rules and regulations could be imperceptibly integrated into the daily life of the masses. At the same time, actively play the role of the Red and White Council in restraint and supervision, sign a letter of commitment to change customs, timely grasp the situation of marriage and funeral matters, widely publicize the knowledge of changing customs and customs, guide the majority of villagers to update the concept of marriage and funeral, and break the bad atmosphere in weddings and funerals. Pay attention to strengthening the typical leading role, give full play to the typical leading role of the most beautiful family and civilized family, vigorously select "beautiful courtyards", "good mothers-in-law" and "good daughters-in-law" and other selection activities, and take the people who can be seen, felt, and learned around them as examples, and establish benchmarks and guidance for the construction of social civilization. Build a "zero-distance" platform to serve the masses, and carry out volunteer service activities such as theoretical and policy publicity, environmental sanitation rectification, cultural and artistic performances, ecological and environmental protection, and scientific knowledge popularization on a regular basis, so as to spread good voices, gather positive energy, and form a virtuous circle of "everyone stresses civilization and advocates civilization everywhere".

Lingering country sound, long nostalgia, beautiful and rich, the future can be expected. Next, Jinxin Village will always adhere to the guidance of party building, adhere to the "shaping" and "soul-casting" hands, and constantly consolidate the achievements of the creation of civilized villages in the autonomous region, so that the new wind of civilization will blow into thousands of households with the propaganda line, cultural tourism line, industrial line and transportation line of rural revitalization, and promote the construction of rural spiritual civilization to achieve a comprehensive improvement from the outside and the inside, both form and spirit.

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