
[Looking back, reading the 2023 answer sheet] hand over a high-quality safe answer sheet in the new journey

author:Nakahara shield
[Looking back, reading the 2023 answer sheet] hand over a high-quality safe answer sheet in the new journey

In the new journey, we will hand over high-quality safety answers

——Summary of the province's political and legal work in 2023

The party's leadership over political and legal work has been continuously strengthened, the "three zeros" safe creation has been promoted in depth, the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era has blossomed in the Central Plains, the reform in the political and legal field has been deepened and solidified, the pattern of co-construction, co-governance and shared social governance has been accelerated, and the forging of the political and legal iron army has achieved remarkable results......

Looking back on the past year, the political and legal work of our province has handed over a fruitful and beautiful answer sheet. Behind the achievements is the vivid practice of political and legal organs at all levels in Henan to protect social stability and people's tranquility and escort high-quality development.

This year, the political and legal organs of the province anchored the goal of striving to promote the modernization of political and legal work, took the creation of "three zeros" as the general traction, solidly promoted the "integration of four governance", and made every effort to prevent risks, ensure safety, protect stability, and promote development, so as to ensure the continued safety and stability of the overall social situation, and provide a solid political and legal guarantee for the high-quality construction of modern Henan and the realization of modern Henan at a high level.

The banner leads to build political loyalty

Hold reading classes, organize centralized research, and carry out special rectification ...... In April last year, since the central government deployed to study and implement the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee has adhered to the integration of learning, thinking and application, and the unity of knowledge, belief and action, to strengthen theoretical learning to guide political and legal practice, to solve practical problems with in-depth investigation and research, and to deepen the establishment of rules and regulations to solidify the effectiveness of education, which has set an example for further building absolute loyalty, improving service levels, and improving people's well-being in the political and legal system of the province.

The flag leads the way, and the thought is the power. In the past year, the province's political and legal organs and the majority of political and legal cadres and police have always put the party's political construction in the first place, adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, solidly promoted theme education, and effectively armed the mind with the party's innovative theories, guided practice, and promoted work, and more deeply understood the decisive significance of the establishment of the "two", and further enhanced the ideological, political and action consciousness of the "two safeguards".

——Casting the soul with innovative theories. Party committees and political and legal committees at all levels and party groups (party committees) of political and legal units conscientiously implement the "first topic system", solidly carry out collective learning of theoretical study center groups, and timely follow up and study and comprehend the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speeches and important instructions. Conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, normalize the study of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, hold centralized rotation training classes, special seminars, demonstration training courses for secretaries of political and legal committees of county-level party committees, and township (street) political and legal committees, etc., and drive political and legal organs at all levels to carry out political rotation training for more than 1,890 periods and more than 260,000 person-times in batches, and constantly build a solid ideological foundation for the political and legal team to hold high the banner, obey the party's command, and be loyal to the mission.

——Practice loyalty to the people with hard work. Focusing on major practical issues such as promoting the modernization of Henan's political and legal work, members of the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee led the research, drove the political and legal system to carry out in-depth research on more than 100 key topics, held research results exchange meetings at different levels, and did a good job in the application and transformation of results, effectively promoting the transformation of "problem lists" into "report cards". 40 measures to facilitate and benefit the people were announced to the society, conscientiously implemented the judicial policy of benefiting enterprises and bailing out, and carried out the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes on a regular basis...... A list of people's livelihood and a number of powerful measures have made "politics and law for the people" more visible and sensible.

-- Let the "party management of politics and law" take root. Thoroughly implement the "Regulations on the Political and Legal Work of the Communist Party of China" and the "Implementation Rules" of our province, carry out in-depth political rotation training, political supervision, discipline and work style supervision and inspection, carry out provincial-level supervision and inspection of the political and legal committees of the party committees of 3 provinces and municipalities and the 4 municipal political and legal units under their jurisdiction, and strive to improve the level of standardized construction and operation of comprehensive management centers at all levels, and urge the township (street) political and legal committee members to fully perform their duties, and "party management of politics and law" has taken root at the grassroots level.

Only when you have faith in your heart can you go far. In the ideological baptism that touches the soul again and again, under the strong norms of laws and regulations, the political and legal cadres and police in the province continue to temper the political character of loyalty to the party, promote the implementation of various political and legal tasks, and fall on the "heart" of the people.

Crack down on rectification and keep the bottom line of peace

Social security has the closest relationship with the vital interests of the masses of the people and is a barometer of the people's sense of security.

In the past year, the political and legal organs of the province have fully implemented the "14th Five-Year Plan" for the construction of a safe China, and put risk prevention, security, stability and development in a more prominent position. The Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee promoted the introduction of the "Action Plan for Improving the Quality and Efficiency of the Construction of Safe Henan", clarifying 26 key tasks and 58 key construction projects, and decomposing them to relevant units one by one. The province's 52,000 villages (communities) and 933,000 enterprises and institutions actively participated in the "zero petitions, zero accidents and zero cases" safety creation activities, bringing together a strong synergy of "Henan's governance".

A few days ago, the Xianshan Police Station of the Guangshan County Public Security Bureau received a report from Ms. Yang, a resident of the district, that her mother's mobile phone had been on the phone for a long time and was likely to be talking to the scammer. After receiving the request for help, the police responded quickly and immediately rushed to the person's home, exposed the scam in person, blocked the fraud process, and avoided the masses from suffering economic losses.

Entering the new era, the connotation and extension of "peace" have been continuously enriched and developed. Telecom fraud, Internet rumors, pension fraud...... In order to comply with the new expectations and new requirements of the masses for peace, the political and legal organs of the province have firmly grasped the prominent violations and crimes that the people hate, and played a set of "combination punches" to punish crimes and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses.

Carry out a special struggle to clear away organized crime and eliminate vice on a regular basis, highlighting the crackdown on crimes related to online underworld crimes, crimes committed by rural families and clan forces, and so forth, and a group of criminal and criminal elements involved in organized crime and vice and their "protective umbrellas" have been severely punished in accordance with law;

Cracking down on new types of telecommunications network fraud, continuing to strengthen public safety governance, and deepening the special work of "reducing and controlling" the prevention of road traffic accidents, road traffic accidents in the province decreased by 3.16% year-on-year;

In addition, the "100-day action" to crack down on pension fraud, the safety protection of minors, the seizure of guns and explosives, and the summer public security crackdown and rectification have played a great role in protecting the safety of the people. In 2023, the province's criminal police situation will decrease by 13.06% year-on-year, and the work of safety construction will rank first in the country, and the people's sense of security will continue to rise.

Good governance at the grassroots level polishes the background color of happiness

The rise and fall of a country depends on the system, and the well-being of the people is governed by it.

In the past year, the political and legal organs of the province have insisted on strengthening and innovating social governance in an important position, focusing on systematic governance, governance according to law, comprehensive governance, and source governance, carrying out normalized investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes, solidly promoting the "integration of four governance", and building a new pattern of co-construction, co-governance and shared social governance, and the sense of gain and happiness of the masses has been greatly improved.

Move the gate forward, strengthen the prevention of the source, and eliminate the problem in the bud——

"Fire fighting" is important in time, and "fire prevention" is important in peacetime. In order to build a grassroots "firewall", the political and legal organs of the province adhere to the use of rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to resolve contradictions and prevent risks, regularly carry out large-scale visits to contradictions and disputes, large-scale investigations, and doxxing, and organize and promote the special activities of people's mediation of "practicing the 'Fengqiao experience' to help safe Henan", etc., and the level of diversified resolution of contradictions and disputes under the rule of law has been continuously improved.

Optimize grid service management, from urban to rural, 239,000 grids and more than 410,000 full-time and part-time grid members incarnate as "information officers", "safety officers" and "mediators", walking the streets and alleys, door-to-door doors, extending the "tentacles" of governance to the "nerve endings" at the grassroots level, and truly realizing the first time to discover, report, control and solve contradictions at the first time.

Cohesion, promote diversified solutions, and build a "big mediation" work pattern——

"It turns out that there is a contradiction, either you don't get along with the other party for a long time, or you may have an accident. How good it is now, there is a place to talk about things, and there are professionals to take care of things. "In Kaifeng, finding "Songdu Mediation" in case of trouble has become a common practice for ordinary people to solve problems.

The "good reputation" of "Songdu Mediation" is the footnote with the best effect of optimizing the multiple dispute resolution mechanism and building a "big mediation" pattern in our province.

Over the past year, our province has continuously improved the people's mediation organizations at the city, county, township, and village levels, with 56,200 people's mediation organizations and 163,400 people's mediators in the province, forming a people's mediation network that extends horizontally to the edge and vertically to the end.

At the same time, we will actively promote the docking of interviews, complaints, inspections, and police investigations, comprehensively promote the substantial, informational, and standardized construction of the comprehensive management center, and optimize and integrate all kinds of social governance forces. At present, more than 2,500 townships (streets) and more than 52,000 villages (communities) in the province have all been operationalized, and the "one-stop" diversified contradiction and dispute resolution platform of townships (streets) has basically achieved full coverage, and the contradiction and dispute investigation and resolution function has been standardized and the service convenience has been continuously revealed. In 2023, the province will investigate and resolve more than 740,000 major contradictions and disputes.

People first, promote the "integration of four governance", and draw a "new picture" of co-construction and sharing——

After multi-party linkage, the dispute between Lao Du, a resident of Weidu District, Xuchang City, and the property company was properly resolved through online video mediation on the "Red Sailing" litigation source management smart platform. "This platform really works, and the problem is solved at the doorstep!" After getting the mediation agreement, Lao Du's joy was beyond words.

Over the past year, all localities have actively explored the path of modernization of municipal social governance, improved the system of co-construction, co-governance and shared social governance, and given full play to the basic role of mass autonomy, the guarantee role of the rule of law, the educational role of rule of ethics, and the supporting role of digital governance, so as to maximize the internal motivation of grassroots governance entities and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance.

Nowadays, a large number of brands of mass prevention and control, such as "Lou Dong Says Things" and "Zhifeng Says Peace Group", have become an important force in maintaining harmony and stability at the grassroots level. The province's 4 provincial municipalities and 78 counties (cities, districts) have been named as national rule of law cities, rule of law counties (cities, districts) to create advanced units, "who enforces the law, popularize the law" responsibility system has been fully implemented, and the situation of respecting the law, studying the law, abiding by the law, and using the law has basically taken shape.

In 2023, four units, including the Political and Legal Committee of Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City and the Songdu People's Mediation Committee of Kaifeng City, were selected as units of the national "Fengqiao Work Law", and 82 grassroots units, including the Jiaozuo Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Shizhuang Court of the Huojia County Court, were commended as advanced models for the province's adherence to and development of the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era and the deepening of the "Three Zeros...... From a "bonsai" to a "maple scene", the happy picture of peace and beauty slowly unfolds in the Central Plains.

Reform and innovation escort high-quality development

Last year, in response to the lack of basic protection measures for the tree group, the Xixia County Procuratorate played a public interest litigation function and sent procuratorial suggestions to the local forestry department to promote the scientific and effective protection of this wild resource.

This case was selected as a typical case of public interest litigation recently released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and it has also become one of the fruits of deepening the political and legal reform of the political and legal organs of our province.

——Henan's political and legal reform brand is known throughout the country

Reform is the fundamental way out for solving difficult problems in political and legal work, and it is also a key to promoting the long-term development of political and legal undertakings. In the past year, our province has conscientiously implemented the "Implementation Outline for Comprehensively Deepening Political and Legal Reform (2023-2027)" issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, clarified the division of key tasks for comprehensively deepening political and legal reform in the province in combination with the actual situation, and strengthened the overall planning and supervision of the implementation of political and legal reform.

Solid progress has been made in the pilot reform of the positioning of court trial functions, the quality and efficiency of court trials in the province have continued to improve, the effective rate of courts in the province has reached 98.94%, the quality of trials has entered the first phalanx in the country, and the trial efficiency index continues to lead the country; a new pattern of legal supervision of the "four major procuratorates" of procuratorial organs has been established, and 82 cases of procuratorial organs in the province have been selected as typical cases of the Supreme People's Procuratorate; the reform of the "two teams and one room" policing mechanism of police stations has been deepened, and "one village (grid) and one police" has been established It has been summarized by the Ministry of Public Security as one of the four major public security brands in the country since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China...... With the in-depth advancement of reform, the functional system of political and legal institutions will perform their duties more smoothly and efficiently, which will provide strong support for the innovation and development of political and legal work in the new era.

-- The rule of law has become more effective in ensuring high-quality development

The rule of law is the best place to do business. In 2023, the Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee formulated the "Systematic Reform Plan for Promoting the Rule of Law Business Environment in the Field of Politics and Law", clarified 20 key tasks in 4 aspects, focused on the implementation of a series of "real" judicial measures, and handed over a brilliant report card in promoting the healthy development of enterprises.

The province's public security organs continued to deepen the activity of "optimizing the business environment and 10,000 police officers helping 10,000 enterprises", and 14,500 police officers and 17,700 enterprises in the province carried out "pairing" assistance to help enterprises clean up and solve 47,000 hidden dangers of various problems;

The provincial court system continued to implement the "30 Measures for Serving the High-quality Development of Private Enterprises", and the number of civil and commercial cases involving enterprises increased by 8.25% year-on-year;

The province's procuratorial organs have strengthened comprehensive judicial protection of intellectual property rights, prosecuted more than 1,200 people for intellectual property infringement crimes, and handled 30 cases of supervision of civil and administrative litigation of intellectual property rights;

The judicial administrative system of the province continued to carry out activities such as "10,000 law firms and 10,000 associations" and "1,000 law firms and 1,000 enterprises", provided legal services for more than 22,000 "three batches" project enterprises, and organized lawyer service groups to conduct "legal examinations" for more than 4,300 enterprises.

The problem is solved, the service is perfect, and the enterprise is satisfied. The province's political and legal system has made every effort to help enterprises bail out, so that customers can enter, stay, and develop well, and illuminate the road of business with the light of the rule of law.

-- The people's sense of reform has become more substantial

"I didn't expect it to be so convenient, and I can still handle business after work. One night in September last year, Mr. Yang, an employee of an enterprise in the industrial park of Nuli Town, Jiyuan City, couldn't help but praise after completing the residence permit at the 24-hour self-service terminal of the town's police station.

What the people call for, what the government wants. This year, the political and legal system of the province was close to the grassroots to investigate the people's opinions, listened to the voices and demands through multiple channels and angles, and innovatively launched a number of measures to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Provincial Party Committee continued to organize and carry out activities to love the people and practice service commitments in the political and legal system of the province, and launched more than 40 measures to facilitate and benefit the people;

The public security organs of the province handled 1.7 million applications for the replacement of resident identity cards, and conveniently handled entry and exit documents for 139,000 people;

The courts in the province actively promoted the resolution of "difficulties in complaints" and "difficulties in enforcement", smoothed the channels for the expression of demands, and continued to tackle difficult enforcement problems, with a satisfaction rate of 98.46% in the province's courts, and a total of more than 870,000 cases were concluded throughout the year;

The procuratorial organs of the province deepened the reply to the letters and visits of the masses, handled more than 40,000 letters and visits from the masses, and the response rate of the procedural reply within 7 days and the process or result within 3 months was 100%;

Continue to improve the working mechanism of "one village (grid), one police, one legal adviser, one pollster", and the province selected 14,200 legal service personnel to serve as village (resident) legal advisers, providing on-site legal services 46,000 times.

Forge a hard iron army

In two days, 18 teams and 285 participating police officers won 12 group awards, 10 grassroots teams with outstanding results, and 21 individuals with outstanding achievements after fierce competition...... In the province's public security organs actual combat training assessment competition, all the participating police officers were neat, full of spirit, standardized movements, and high morale, and carried out an all-out competition of theoretical knowledge, police command, weapon use, police handling, and comprehensive fitness.

This is a microcosm of the province's political and legal organs to carry out normalized actual combat training and temper the team's ability and style.

A strong team leads to a prosperous career. Without a strong political and legal iron army, it is impossible to talk about the development of political and legal work. In the past year, political and legal organs at all levels have insisted on paying equal attention to turning the blade inward and "practicing internal skills", focusing on giving play to the leading role of typical demonstrations, and striving to forge a political and legal iron army in the new era with strong politics and skills.

On the one hand, the blade is inward-looking. Continue to consolidate and deepen the achievements of the education and rectification of the political and legal team, conscientiously do a good job in the special inspection work of the provincial party committee, resolutely rectify the "four winds", and promote the "three non-corruption" in an integrated manner. Deepen the use of cases to warn and promote reform, guide the majority of cadres and police to be in awe and act with caution, and draw a clear ideological red line for political and legal cadres and police.

On the other hand, consolidate the foundation and strengthen the foundation to "practice internal skills". Improve the "three-in-one" system of political theory, party spirit cultivation, and professional knowledge, improve the integrated education and training mechanism of teaching, learning, training, and warfare, extensively carry out on-the-job training, skill competitions, and actual combat drills, and organize outstanding cadres and police officers to carry out more than 520 activities of teaching, helping, and lecture tours, and a number of cadres and police officers have won the title of "professional experts" at the provincial and ministerial level of the system, and the professional quality and practical skills of cadres and police officers have been continuously enhanced.

At the same time, political and legal organs at all levels have also adhered to the principle of combining strict management with benevolence, cared for and cherished the political and legal contingent, actively implemented various professional security measures, vigorously carried out bereavement and pension assistance, and effectively solved the practical difficulties in the work and life of a number of political and legal cadres and policemen. Efforts should be made to deepen and refine work measures such as fault tolerance and correction, cadre exchanges, etc., and encourage cadres and police officers to start businesses.

Strengthen exemplary leadership. Vigorously select, publicize, and learn from advanced models, organize and carry out the selection and commendation activities of "political and legal units and political and legal cadres and policemen with whom the people of Henan Province are satisfied"; issue study decisions, organize and carry out activities to learn from Zhang Xiaopeng, the former procurator of Gongyi City; organize and carry out theme publicity activities such as "learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new contributions", "Henan practice of 'Fengqiao experience' in the new era", "safe wind blowing all over the Central Plains", "safe Henan grassroots line", "strong ability, forging style, learning heroic models, and casting iron army", and "collection and display of outstanding political and legal news works in Henan Province". , take multiple measures to convey the good voice of Henan's politics and law, and further encourage the majority of political and legal cadres and policemen to have the courage to take responsibility.

In the past year, the Political and Legal Committee of the Hebi Municipal Party Committee was awarded the title of "Political and Legal Model Collective in the New Era"; a large number of advanced models have emerged, such as Wang Songyang, an advanced individual in the national courts, Feng Haikuan, a national model prosecutor, Li Yan, a national second-class heroic model, and Wu Jingjing, a national model people's mediator, and so on, thus promoting the righteousness of the times in Henan's political and legal contingent in the whole society.

It is the right time to beat the drum and urge the conscription, and set sail for a new journey. 2024 is a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", standing at a new starting point, the political and legal system of the province will fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, implement the work arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee, keep in mind the biggest politics of promoting Chinese-style modernization, perform duties loyally and take responsibility, and strive to be the first and first-class in the political and legal work in the new era and new journey, and support and serve the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Henan with the modernization of political and legal work.

Text: Jing Rui, reporter of Henan Legal Daily

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