
Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party


Army green is the most beautiful color

Military men are the loveliest people

Regardless of active duty retirement, whenever and wherever you are

As long as there are military personnel

It will make people feel extremely reassuring

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

Chief of the Safety Section of Honghe Prefecture Maternal and Child Health Hospital


Such a retired soldier

It doesn't matter if it's windy, rainy, or on weekends and holidays

Levi always wears camouflage uniform

Shuttle through every corner of the hospital

With his professionalism and conscientious and responsible spirit

Build a strong line of defense for hospitals

Lao Li, who is loved and feared

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

In the hospital, Li Wei is the most "afraid" Lao Li in all departments, and many departments have been "criticized" by Li Wei because of their lack of safety awareness or lack of rectification of potential safety hazards. Talking about the fire safety work of various departments, Li Wei said: "Seeing me go to inspect and greet me very warmly, there is generally no problem in all aspects of department safety, but if you see me dodging my eyes, or excuse me to be busy, the safety hazards of the department are absolutely accurate." ”

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party
Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

Li Wei is also the most "loved" person of the hospital cadres and employees. "Lao Li is very serious and responsible, and with him, we have a full sense of security." When it came to Levi, the medical staff praised it one after another. Every fire point, every safety corner, Li Wei knows it in his heart; Every time there is an emergency, Li Wei can always arrive at the first time and deal with it properly; Every time a medical staff or patient needs help, Levi is there in time.

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

"The hospital is a special place, and most of the patients in our hospital are women and children, so safety is greater than the sky." Regarding the safety work he is responsible for, Li Wei said.

Live to learn from Lao Li

Before transferring to Honghe Prefecture Maternal and Child Health Hospital in December 2019, Li Wei was a "layman" in fire safety work. Faced with the trust of the organization, Levi took over this burden without hesitation. "After so many years of training in the army, I don't believe that there are difficulties that cannot be overcome, as long as I study and study, I am confident that I will do this job well." Levi said.

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

In less than half a year, Li Wei has changed from a "layman" to an "expert".

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

After serving as the head of the safety department of the hospital, Li Wei improved the standardized construction system of fire safety management in the hospital, actively promoted various daily work, compiled and revised the fire emergency plan and emergency disposal process in the hospital, reorganized the voluntary fire extinguishing team of the hospital's micro fire station, standardized various systems, and promoted the fire safety prevention work in the hospital into a virtuous circle.

When it comes to the safety work of the hospital, Li Wei is like a treasure; There are more than 1,000 fire points in the hospital, and Li Wei is familiar with it. Under the leadership of Li Wei, the staff of the safety department performed their duties and carried out various tasks in an orderly manner, silently guarding the safety of the hospital and patients.

Lao Li, who always retains the true character of a soldier

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

On the afternoon of March 20, 2020, a fire broke out in the community separated by a wall from the inpatient department of the hospital, and Li Wei, who found the situation, immediately rushed to the scene, did not have time to wear protective equipment, picked up the fire extinguisher and rushed up, because the fire was too large, Li Wei and his colleagues used more than 20 fire extinguishers but failed to extinguish the fire, and Li Wei, who saw that the situation was wrong, immediately brought a fire hydrant, and after more than ten minutes of fighting, before the arrival of firefighters, Li Wei and his colleagues successfully extinguished the fire.

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

At work, Li Wei is conscientious, always rushing to the front, doing the front, and also facing danger and standing up. "In the army, my duty is to defend my family and country; In the locality, I also want to protect the safety of the party. That's what Levi said, and that's what he did.

Li Wei: Always maintain the true character of a soldier and protect the safety of one party

After taking off his military uniform, Li Wei did not fade after retiring from the army, worked hard in his new post, guarded the safety of medical staff and patients with his selfless dedication, and silently created a safe and harmonious medical environment for patients.

Author: Miao Cheng

Editor: Li Li

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