
"Sword Comes" Chen Quan, a small person who implements the whole story, many book friends may not remember who Chen Quan is at all, but for Chen Quan's son Chen Ping'an, everyone must remember! old

author:Illegitimate child

"Sword Comes" Chen Quan, a small person who implements the whole story, many book friends may not remember who Chen Quan is at all, but for Chen Quan's son Chen Ping'an, everyone must remember!

Chen Quan learned the truth about the natal porcelain under the prompting of someone with a heart, he didn't care about his own life or death, he broke Chen Ping'an's natal porcelain, he didn't want his son to be controlled by others when he grew up, this is the only thing a father can do for his son!

Chen Ping'an was only 5 years old at the time, and Chen Quan said to Chen Ping'an, "You are 5 years old, and you are an adult, you must take care of your mother in the future!" "In fact, at this time, Chen Quan is ready to die, this is an admirable father! #好爱 "The Sword Comes"#

Although this matter is a conspiracy of Queen Dali, in order to let Chen Ping'an attract opportunities, so that Song Jixin can get many opportunities in Lizhu Cave! But even if Chen Quan knew the calculation behind it, he would do it, all for his son to be able to live freely!

"Sword Comes" Chen Quan, a small person who implements the whole story, many book friends may not remember who Chen Quan is at all, but for Chen Quan's son Chen Ping'an, everyone must remember! old
"Sword Comes" Chen Quan, a small person who implements the whole story, many book friends may not remember who Chen Quan is at all, but for Chen Quan's son Chen Ping'an, everyone must remember! old
"Sword Comes" Chen Quan, a small person who implements the whole story, many book friends may not remember who Chen Quan is at all, but for Chen Quan's son Chen Ping'an, everyone must remember! old

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