
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

author:Hezhou traffic police
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

On June 27, the Hezhou public security traffic police carried out traffic safety publicity activities, built a strong traffic safety defense line, and improved emergency response capabilities


Carry out emergency drills

In order to establish and improve the accident emergency rescue system and improve the emergency knowledge and disposal ability of employees, on the morning of June 27, Yang Jingjian, an instructor of the Second Brigade of the Hezhou Public Security Traffic Police, went to Hezhou Yimin Automobile Transport Co., Ltd. to participate in the 2024 emergency drill and carry out traffic safety publicity into passenger transport enterprises.

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

After the drill, Yang Jingjian carried out traffic safety publicity and education activities at the event site of Yimin Company. The first is to popularize daily traffic safety knowledge to on-site personnel and drivers; the second is to explain typical accident cases through publicity display boards, which have a good warning effect; the third is to use loudspeakers to broadcast traffic safety knowledge and improve traffic safety ideological understanding; Fourth, distribute publicity materials to further enhance traffic safety awareness.

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

Through this emergency drill and publicity activities, the brigade's emergency response knowledge has been enhanced, and at the same time, the traffic safety knowledge and awareness of the masses and drivers have been improved, and a good publicity atmosphere has been created.


Promote traffic safety knowledge

A big team

On the afternoon of June 27, the Propaganda Department of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Hezhou Municipal Public Security Bureau and a large team went to the Southern Power Grid to take a traffic safety publicity class.

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

The first is to explain the definition and standards of drunk driving and drunk driving, and the handling provisions of party discipline and law. The second is to explain the typical fatal accidents of drunk driving and drunk driving that have occurred in the jurisdiction in recent years, and explain the law through typical accident cases and illegal cases that have occurred around us, which has sounded the alarm for the majority of employees. The third is to play a warning education film, intuitively and comprehensively watch an accident caused by various violations, explain the serious consequences of traffic violations such as not wearing seat belts and helmets, so that everyone can abandon bad traffic habits and consciously abide by traffic laws and regulations.

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

Four (executive three) brigade

On the afternoon of June 27, He Guanyi, a policeman from the fourth (senior executive) brigade, went to the Pumen Town Government to carry out a drunk driving warning education and publicity activity with the theme of "life is priceless, refuse to drink and drive".

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

He Guanyi carried out warning education to government cadres through case explanation, legal consequences analysis and interactive Q&A, so that everyone could understand the dangers of drunk driving and the importance of safe driving. The participants all expressed a deeper understanding of the dangers of drunk driving, and also hoped that the traffic police department could come to carry out such activities again. During the event, a total of 98 people were preached.

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses
"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

Traffic safety cannot be overlooked

Through this traffic safety publicity activity, the traffic safety publicity will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, safe and civilized, and travel worry-free!

Editor of the Propaganda Section of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Hezhou Public Security Bureau

"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

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"Propaganda + Drill"! Weave a dense traffic safety line to protect the safety of the masses

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