
Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

author:Guagua loves sports
Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

In the semifinals of the women's 10-meter platform at the FINA World Championships in Doha, the performance of Chinese players Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan attracted attention. A performance of overwhelming skills, a powerful player's dream journey.

In this gorgeous diving feast, will Chen Yuxi continue to attack the four consecutive championships, or can Quan Hongchan achieve a counterattack at a critical moment? All the suspense is hidden behind every beautiful action.

Let's unravel the mystery of this competition and find out their path to the championship. Who will be the queen of swimming this night?

Chen Yuxi danced like a crane for nine days in the competition, and topped the list with an astonishing 16.55 points in the first round. The powerhouse showcased his skills and experience, and was the focus of the crowd with his flashy moves and deep heritage.

Her 107B movements, like a picture in the air, danced gracefully, and the seven judges gave high scores one after another, and the first round score of 82.50 points was firmly in the first place.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

In the second action 407C, Chen Yuxi once again showed her perfect performance, leading the trend of the game with Quan Hongchan. Her movements were sonorous and powerful, and between the splashes disappeared, a high score of 86.40 points once again put her firmly in the lead. Chen Yuxi scored an astonishing total of more than 400 points, which gave people a glimpse of the peak of Chinese players' strength.

Quan Hongchan also performed well in the competition, and her stable skills and outstanding performance made her once proud. Especially in the third movement 6243D, although the legs were slightly lacking, the overall performance was still stable, and he scored a high score of 86.40 points.

However, she didn't push hard enough in the fourth move, 207C, which led to a height failure and a score of 79.20 temporarily pushed her to second place.

Chen's experience has become a major trophie for her to win the championship. Especially in the fourth move 207C, she scored a whopping 89.10 points to regain the lead in the field.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

In the end, she advanced to the final with a stunning performance with a total score of more than 400 points, taking a solid step towards her dream of winning the 10-meter platform diving at the World Championships for four consecutive championships.

The final night between Chen Yuxi and Quan Hongchan is destined to be a wonderful showdown. Relying on his rich competition experience, Chen Yuxi is bound to attack the four consecutive championships.

And Quan Hongchan has to stabilize her skills in the finals, especially to improve her 207C movements, so that she can hope to counterattack.

The battle for the championship is full of suspense, and every move can make or break the direction of the game. Looking forward to their amazing performance in the finals, we will present a wonderful visual feast for the audience.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

This game shows us that in the temple of competitive sports, experience is irreplaceable. Chen Yuxi has shown outstanding strength with the experience of many competitions.

For Quan Hongchan, the uncertainty of the final also allows us to see that on the road of chasing dreams, we not only need skills, but also need to constantly break through and surpass ourselves.

I hope that every dreamer can climb the peak in the struggle and create their own legend.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

Next, let's take a look at Jiao Jingjing, in the sparkling diving pool, Chinese female diver Jiao Jingjing was once a representative of the peerless generation.

At the 2018 FINA Diving Grand Prix, she and her partner Zhang Xiaotong took off hand in hand and won the women's double 10-meter platform championship with an astonishing 306.12 points, adding another glory to Chinese sports.

However, fate is always full of uncertainties. On September 6, 2021, Jiao Jingjing participated in the diving competition of the 14th National Games, but suffered an accident in the 10-meter platform competition in the women's team final, and finally ranked eighth.

This achievement is completely different from her previous glory, and it has attracted a lot of attention and thinking.

Text: Jiao Jingjing's diving career can be described as a combination of ups and downs and brilliance. She has shown great strength in her past competitions, especially her FINA Grand Prix Diving title, which gave a great glimpse of her top level.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

However, the world of sports is unpredictable, and every competition can be a challenge to redefine yourself.

In the face of the sluggish performance of this National Games, Jiao Jingjing may be experiencing a huge test in her career. But we must not forget that the road to sport is never easy.

Every athlete suffers from lows, but the ones who really rise are often those who are resilient in the face of setbacks.

She won gold and silver at her peak, but she also has to learn to draw strength from the trough. Jiao Jingjing's challenge is also an opportunity for her to redefine herself.

Perhaps it is a technical adjustment, or perhaps a further tempering of her psychological quality, this experience will become the cornerstone of her more brilliant future.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

Conclusion: In competitive sports, every athlete is constantly challenging themselves to achieve higher and higher goals. Jiao Jingjing's experience tells us that success is not the end, and setbacks are not the end.

Every time you fall, it's for a higher flight. May Jiao Jingjing be able to draw strength from this trough and usher in a more brilliant future.

Life is like a diving competition, full of uncertainty, but it is this uncertainty that makes us love and awe the charm of sports even more.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

In Jiao Jingjing's diving journey, we see the alternation of success and failure, peak and trough. Her experience tells us that life is like a diving competition, full of twists and turns.

Every setback is an opportunity to start anew, and the true brave are those who rise in the face of adversity.

We may not be professional athletes, but life is a challenge. In the face of difficulties and failures, we can learn from Jiao Jingjing's tenacity and courage. No matter how deep you fall, one day you will fly again.

So, when you feel lost and frustrated, remember Jiao Jingjing's story. Every low point in life is a hurdle on the road of life, and every rise is a ladder to success.

Today's report of the Doha World Championships: Chen Yuxi defeated Quan Hongchan again, advanced to the finals, and pointed to four consecutive championships!

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