
After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Today is World Sleep Day, and this year's theme in China is "Healthy Sleep for All". Adequate sleep is essential for a child's healthy development. In 2021, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students, which clarified that primary school students should sleep for 10 hours a day and junior high school students should sleep for 9 hours a day, that classes in primary schools should generally start no earlier than 8:20 a.m. in the morning and no earlier than 8 p.m. in secondary schools, and that bedtime should generally be no later than 21:20 for primary school students and no later than 22 p.m. for junior high school students. So, since the release of the "sleep order", how are the children's sleep status? Let's take a look at the reporter's interview.

Reporter: What time do you usually go to bed at night, and how many hours can you sleep?

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Zhang Jinrui, a fifth-grade student at Shandong Experimental Primary School: I usually go to bed around 10 o'clock (at night) and can sleep for seven or eight hours. It is still more difficult to get up (get up) in the morning, I feel that I can't get up, I need my parents to shout, and then I feel that I haven't slept enough.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Shen Yanyan, a primary school student: I can sleep for about ten hours, and I will be in good spirits during class and will not doze off.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Longyan Elementary School Student: (Sleep at night) Eight hours is about the same, and I will sleep at noon.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Wang Jingyu, junior high school student: I went to bed at about 12 o'clock and then got up at about 6:30 in the morning. When it comes to homework, sometimes I can't finish it, and I feel that my comprehension ability is relatively slow, so the speed (of writing homework) may be different from everyone else's.

What causes my child not getting enough sleep?

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Yan Bisheng, a second-year junior high school student at Wenzhou Experimental Middle School: There will be a phenomenon of procrastination, maybe the homework will be completed at 8 o'clock, and then it will be delayed until 9 o'clock before you can take a shower and go to bed, and the sleep time may be greatly reduced.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Li Yixuan, a primary school student in Shouguang City: I like to read novels, and when I see some more exciting plots, I am easily attracted, and I forget the time to go to bed, so I may go to bed around 10 o'clock.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Parents: I started writing after eating and continued to write until 11 o'clock, the amount of homework was relatively large, and the children wrote slowly.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Mr. Wang, a parent of a middle school in Wenzhou City: (Sleep) is indeed insufficient, we call him in the morning when we have to do so, and try to let him sleep as much as possible. Some of the homework is just a number, which means that it is not very meaningful for the child's real learning improvement.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Su Jing, a parent of a primary school student in Wenzhou City: (The amount of homework) has always been a very contradictory problem, if the school's homework is left less, or not left, then parents may not be particularly aware of their children's current learning situation. As I said, it is also recommended that the school should not leave too few things to go home, and then parents should also have a certain degree of involvement.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Ms. He, a citizen of Wuhan: Children sometimes do all their homework very early, but parents do not have the concept of going to bed early, (children) he sees that his parents' study lights are still on, he does not have such a feeling, and the practice of parents is very important.

What can I do to ensure that my child gets enough sleep?

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Li Zhou, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Middle School Affiliated to Taiyuan Normal University: Develop a good study habit, which will greatly improve the efficiency of homework, complete most of the homework tasks in the school, and the burden on the children will be reduced a lot after they go back, and they can even do some interesting content.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Fuzhou parents: First of all, let her learn to manage her own time, this time to manage herself is based on the early guidance of parents, so that she can participate in the planning of daily or this semester's work and rest time, so that she can learn to choose what to do, what can be put aside to do, or what can be done first.

Optimize homework settings so that sleep is no longer "delayed" by homework

In order to ensure that young students have sufficient sleep time, the "double reduction" policy has been implemented in detail, and many places are also actively exploring effective mechanisms to ensure the sleep of primary and secondary school students, so that children can sleep well and sleep soundly.

Shi Yangze, a fifth-grade student at Shandong Experimental Primary School: Hello Mr. Zhao, I didn't finish my homework at 9 o'clock yesterday (evening), and I wrote it too late, so I want to hand it in later today.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

In Shandong Experimental Primary School, students only need to fill out a deferred homework integrity form, explain the situation, and the homework that has not been completed before 9 p.m. the night before can be submitted after the next day. Such a "homework circuit breaker and deferred submission mechanism" not only did not make the children slack off, but let everyone begin to learn to manage time and improve learning efficiency.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Lv Xiaoyu, a fifth-grade student at Shandong Experimental Primary School: I used to be relatively loose, maybe I could finish my homework, and I could put it off until what time I wanted, but after this rule, I will have a concept of time, and I will force myself to finish my homework before 9 o'clock (at night) and then go to bed.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Du Panen, a parent of a student at Shandong Experimental Primary School: Since the school implemented this (p.m.) 9 o'clock homework circuit breaker and deferred delivery mechanism, his study and homework efficiency has been higher, his sleep time has been extended, and his energy is more energetic the next day.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

In order to ensure that students' sleep time is no longer "delayed" by homework, the school will also carry out back-checking and analysis of the reasons for unfinished homework, strengthen the overall planning of the total amount of subject homework, optimize homework settings, and control the completion time of homework. At the same time, a hotline for principals was also announced to take the initiative to accept parental supervision.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Liu Aihua, Principal of Shandong Experimental Primary School: Teachers will use the time of after-school extended service to guide students in a targeted manner, try to ensure that they complete their homework at school, and have more time for reading and physical exercise when they go home. Establish a correct and healthy sleep concept of "sleep well to grow taller, sleep well to learn well".

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

At Nanpu Primary School in Lucheng District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the hour before school is the "golden time" for students to complete their homework for the day.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Wang Junshuo, a student from Nanpu Primary School, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City: When I wrote it with my classmates at school, I felt that my state was full.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Liu Jundan, teacher of Nanpu Primary School, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City: We will have hierarchical homework. These assignments include extended, basic, and extracurricular supplements, allowing children to make corresponding choices according to their learning ability.

At the end of the school day, teachers of all grades will also arrange after-school homework reasonably according to the completion of students' homework, so as to reduce the learning burden of students after they go home.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Lin Huanhuan, a parent of the student: Our children have participated in the school's after-school care, in the school we can basically complete the day's homework, the teacher will also correct and check, so that the child does not have to carry these books home, there will be 10 hours of sleep a day, and the mental state is much better than before.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Li Bi, Principal of Nanpu Primary School, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City: The most important thing is to reach a consensus with parents. It is recommended that all our parents establish a schedule for their children to be able to let go of other things at the specified time and ensure sleep. It is hoped that parents, schools and children can work together to create this new educational ecology, so that children can develop healthily and physically.

Expand the lunch break space according to local conditions

In addition to optimizing homework settings, many schools are also looking for ways to expand the lunch break space, so that students can "catch up on sleep" in a timely manner during the day's study. At the same time, the family and school work together to ensure the healthy sleep of students.

In Longding Experimental School in Jinan City, Shandong Province, the desks and chairs that can "lie down and sleep" have become the "artifact" for students to take a break at lunch. With the smart blackout curtains in the classroom slowly closed, the indoor lights will also dim in time, so that children can "sleep comfortably".

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Meng Yani, a second-grade student at Longding Experimental School in Lixia District, Jinan City: I slept very solidly and soundly, and I was more energetic when I studied in the afternoon.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

In Zhejiang, the Primary School Affiliated to Wenzhou Experimental Middle School made full use of the multi-functional activity space to transform the "shared living room" outside the classroom into a quiet and comfortable "lunch break". Students in every three classes can share a "lunch break". To soothing music, students laid out folding sleeping mats and quilts for a relaxing lunch break.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Huang Hui, Principal of the Primary School Affiliated to Wenzhou Experimental Middle School: Through this break in the afternoon, the children's energy in school can be replenished in time. After sleeping, they tidy up as quickly as possible, and they help each other to develop a good habit of doing their own things.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

The theme of this issue of the "Home-School Public Welfare Classroom" opened in Shandong Shouguang Houde School is how to ensure children's high-quality sleep. The on-site experts explained in simple terms, so that students and parents can understand the importance of healthy and scientific sleep in a relaxed atmosphere.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Xia Xiaolei, a student from Houde School in Shouguang City: Through this lecture, I realized that the blue light of electronic screens will affect our body's biological clock, so we should play less with mobile phones before going to bed, ensure sufficient sleep quality (time), and develop good sleep habits.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Liu Cuili, a parent of the student: After returning home, we decided to set a reasonable schedule for the child, develop a good sleep habit for the child, and provide a comfortable and warm sleeping environment, so that the child has enough sleep time and a good learning state.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

A number of primary schools in Wuhan, Hubei Province have also set up sleep-themed class meetings, established students' sleep files through online and offline questionnaires, smoothed home-school communication channels, guided parents to help their children, scientifically and reasonably arranged work and rest time, and ensured that students had enough sleep.

Experts: Work together to create a good sleeping environment for your child

In the critical stage of growth and development, if adolescents do not get enough sleep, it will greatly affect their physical and mental health. Experts suggest that parents, schools, and society should work together to create a good sleeping environment and a healthy growth atmosphere for children.

Experts say that adequate and stable sleep is essential to promote brain development, bone growth, mental health, and improve learning ability and efficiency among primary and secondary school students.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Sun Ling, member of the Children's Committee and Youth Committee of the Chinese Mental Health Association and chief physician of the Department of Child Psychology of Tianjin Anding Hospital: We know that the time for the brain to fully repair is from 10:30 to 3 or 4 in the morning every night. Lack of integration of information in deep sleep will affect our knowledge integration, affect attention, and affect the efficiency of learning. Adequate sleep in a fixed period of time will make our growth hormone secretion more sufficient, and the growth of children is directly affected by sleep.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Su Yanjie, a professor at the School of Cognitive and Developmental Psychology of Peking University: Teenagers, especially when they are about 15 years old, they actually have a lot of cognitive abilities similar to us adults, but when he is stressed and emotional, compared with adults, he may be more easily disturbed, and it is not easy to control his emotions.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

In the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students" issued by the Ministry of Education, it is clear that according to different age groups, primary school students should sleep for 10 hours a day, junior high school students should reach 9 hours, and high school students should reach 8 hours. Experts stressed that it is necessary to pay attention to the importance of teenagers' sleep, manage sleep scientifically and reasonably, improve learning efficiency, and realize the physical and mental health and all-round development of adolescents.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Gao Fengqiang, professor of Shandong Normal University: The school should arrange different homework according to each student's academic performance or learning progress, and cultivate our (students') creative thinking (goal), rather than just focusing this time on homework. Parents should give their children a vast world, let their children raise their heads from books as much as possible, run, exercise, enjoy the sunshine and rain to the fullest, and get close to nature, which is the best repair and nourishment of life.

After the "sleep order" was issued, how well did the children sleep?

Zheng Xiaobian, professor of psychology at Central China Normal University: Parents should establish a communication mechanism with the school to connect with the school, so that the school can know what your child's growth needs from all aspects of life system, interpersonal interaction, learning to learn, adjusting to pressure, and healthy growth.

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