
What should I pay attention to when driving at night?

author:Luzhou Liu Tao used car

We need to use the lights correctly. At night, the vision is blocked, and every rider has a completely different perception of the light, and it is easy to use the wrong light, which affects other car owners. If there is such a problem, it needs to be corrected in time and learn how to operate the light. For example, on the road section with poor lighting effect at night, turn on the high beams, and switch to low beams when meeting or following the car, otherwise it will affect the driving of others.

What should I pay attention to when driving at night?

When driving at night, control your speed. Most riders think that there are fewer vehicles at night and can accelerate wildly, but this is a big mistake and can easily increase the risk factor.

Avoid frequent lane changes and overtaking when driving at night. Don't drive rashly, especially at night when the light is not good, you need to drive smoothly. When driving on the road, you must first put your own safety first.

Maintaining a reasonable distance between cars requires every car owner to do it. If you get too close to the car, it's easy to get up close.

What should I pay attention to when driving at night?

As we all know, never follow a big truck. The number of large cars on the road is particularly large, whether novice drivers or veteran drivers, when driving on the road, they should stay away from large cars, especially in the process of driving at night, and avoid following large cars, because large cars are relatively large in size, and blind drive is also relatively large, which has a great sense of oppression for small cars.

Next, pay attention to judging the condition of the road surface, since the sight is not particularly good at night, so you should pay more attention to the road conditions.

What should I pay attention to when driving at night?

Avoid fatigue driving when driving at night. You should rest at night, if you drive at this time, it is strictly forbidden to drive tiredly, and you should not drive for more than two or three hours in a row, and you need to rest immediately once you are tired.

These are just a few of the things you need to pay attention to when driving at night. I hope everyone can do it to make our road safer and smoother. Luzhou buy second-hand cars to Liu Tao second-hand cars, real car conditions real after-sales warranty! I hope this article can help you, if you have any questions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, I will reply to you as soon as possible.