
Is it unhealthy to eat soba?

author:Nanchang West Lake release

Recently, there have been rumors on the Internet

"Buckwheat contains lectins, which can cause leaky gut"

"Soba noodles have oxalic acid, which affects nutrient absorption", etc

Are these rumors true?

Listen to the food experts

Buckwheat is actually a "fake grain"

It's safe to eat

Buckwheat, also called black wheat and buckwheat, although the name has the word "wheat", it does not actually belong to the "wheat" category of grains. Ruan Guangfeng, deputy director and associate research librarian of Kexin Food and Health Information Exchange Center, said in an interview with reporters that the grains commonly said in the field of food nutrition are the seeds of gramineous crops, and although buckwheat is also called "wheat", it does not belong to the grass family, but buckwheat is a herbaceous plant of the family Buckwheat, although it is usually eaten as a miscellaneous grain, but strictly speaking, it cannot be counted as a grain, so the food field calls it "false grain".

Although buckwheat is not a grain, it also avoids some of the negative problems that may be brought about by grains, such as gluten allergy, that is, people with gluten allergies may not be able to eat steamed bread and bread with confidence, but they can safely eat buckwheat processed foods.

Is it unhealthy to eat soba?

Since buckwheat is so friendly to people

Then those who eat soba

Rumors of health hazards

What's going on?

Myth one

Soba noodles contain plant lectins, which are easy to cause leaky gut?

Ruan Guangfeng analyzed that buckwheat as a herbaceous plant seed does contain plant lectins, but plant lectin has a particularly big weakness is that it is not heat tolerant.

When soba noodles are cooked, the plant lectins are broken down and destroyed. In other words, unless raw buckwheat noodles or buckwheat steamed buns are consumed, they will not be ingested in plant lectins.

Myth two

Soba noodles have a high glycemic index, which is not good for blood sugar control?

According to Ruan Guangfeng's analysis, buckwheat flour is rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins and other nutrients, with a strong sense of satiety and helps to control appetite. Soba has a GI value of 59, which is a medium GI food, and compared to high GI foods such as white rice (GI 82 to 90) and white steamed bun (85 to 88), buckwheat is still blood sugar friendly.

The carbohydrate content of soba noodles is 70.2 grams per 100 grams, which is slightly lower than the somen noodles that people usually eat.

In addition, buckwheat flour also contains more resistant starch, which helps to improve blood sugar and sugar metabolism after meals, and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other diseases. Therefore, soba noodles are very suitable for people who need to control their blood sugar.

Rumor three

Does soba have oxalic acid, which affects nutrient absorption?

Ruan Guangfeng analyzed that buckwheat does contain some oxalic acid, which is indeed an anti-nutritional component, which is easy to combine with calcium, iron and other minerals in the human body after being eaten, affecting the absorption and utilization of these nutrients by the human body.

However, oxalic acid is easily soluble in water, so it is recommended to eat buckwheat noodles first, because it allows the soba noodles to dissolve oxalic acid into the noodle soup during the cooking process.

If you are worried about too much oxalic acid, you can skip noodle soup. As for some buckwheat steamed buns on the market, there is relatively little buckwheat flour for its use, and even if it contains a small amount of oxalic acid, it is generally metabolized in the intestine after neutralizing with the baking soda acid and alkali used for noodles, so there is no need to worry too much.

Anyway, eat soba

Not only is it not harmful to health

Eating it regularly also helps

Stabilizes blood sugar and helps with weight loss

In addition, soba noodles can consume more protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients than somen noodles made from wheat flour.

Some studies have found that partially replacing wheat flour with buckwheat flour (buckwheat flour addition in the range of 5% to 30%) can increase the total polyphenol content and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity of noodles.

How to buy soba noodles

There are many types of soba noodles on the market, and some of them say "soba noodles / soba noodles" on the packaging, but if you look closely at the ingredient list, you may find that the main ingredient is wheat flour, and the buckwheat flour content may be less than 30%.

Is it unhealthy to eat soba?

Ruan Guangfeng reminded consumers that if they can't buy 100% pure soba noodles, they can look at the position of buckwheat flour in the ingredient list, ranking first, indicating that the content is relatively high. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the sodium content in the nutrition facts list, and it is recommended to choose the one with low sodium content to avoid excessive sodium intake, which is not good for blood pressure.

Is it unhealthy to eat soba?

When buying foods such as buckwheat noodles or buckwheat flour, don't buy too much at once, because buckwheat has a lot of water in it, and it is easy for small worms to grow when left for a long time.

Special reminder

Although soba noodles are suitable for people who need to control their blood sugar, those who need to lose weight, and those who are allergic to gluten. However, because soba noodles are relatively high in dietary fiber, people with poor gastrointestinal function and poor digestion should be careful not to eat too much.

Source: China Consumer Daily, China Consumer Network