
Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

author:Ahsan talks about popular science


From 2004, two scientists discovered the existence of graphene through an accidental "loss", and then in 2008, this research achievement also won the Nobel Prize in Physics, graphene became famous for a while, and was even called the "king of new materials".

Although graphene has many eye-popping physical properties, it is a new material, so what about its practical application with such power?

Graphene, as the "king of new materials", is its name a scam on a whim?

Or does graphene have jaw-dropping potential, so why has it disappeared like this?

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

Graphene has many excellent physical properties.

As the most basic structural unit, graphene is composed of carbon atoms one by one, and it is precisely because of the great power of carbon atoms that graphene will have excellent physical properties.

First of all, graphene is a two-dimensional structure, and it is also composed of many regular mice lined up together, which makes some of the physical properties of graphene very good.

First of all, it is the mechanical properties of graphene, because the binding ability of carbon atoms is very strong, so the strength of graphene is naturally very high, and its tensile strength is five times that of carbon fiber, so in many engineering materials, carbon fiber is a very high-quality building material, and the strength of graphene is higher than it.

Although graphene is widely used, because its manufacturing process is not very mature, graphene products will also be very expensive.

In addition, the electrical and thermal conductivity of graphene is very good, comparable to that of "superconductors".

Graphene can form a very small amount of heat through a period of electric current, and it can also form a very strong electromagnetic field, which makes the mainland physicist Peng Shiyun also make such a view, that is: "Graphene is likely to be a very ideal 'superconductor'."

Graphene also has very good optical properties, and its transparency is comparable to the transparency of air, which means that if graphene is used instead of glass, then we can see a clearer vision.

At the same time, the flexibility of graphene is also very good, it can be easily bent and stretched, and it will not be easily damaged, which means that graphene products will also be more economical and environmentally friendly in the production and use process.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

Therefore, for a time, this excellent physical property made graphene the "king of new materials" in one fell swoop, and it has potential that cannot be ignored in various fields.

Whether it is in electronics or optics, graphene has a very good application prospect, in the manufacture of new energy batteries also has a wide range of application potential, in the biomedical convenience also has the potential to be explored.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

Graphene was questioned, and consumers began to be disgusted.

Although graphene has great application potential in many aspects, the application field of graphene is not as we imagined, such as the mobile phone screen we use in daily life, and there is no graphene in terms of voltage conversion.

Although the physical properties of graphene are excellent, graphene's physical advantages in real-life applications are not so reflective.

This has to make people doubt the application prospect of graphene, of course, some people think that it is because graphene still has a certain technical difficulty in production, and the cost is also restricting its speed in production.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

The cost of graphene in production is mainly reflected in the production equipment, because graphene needs to be produced in a high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-energy consumption environment, so the cost of this production method will naturally go up.

Therefore, some people believe that this high cost is the hope and market of graphene.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

As graphene is becoming more and more important in the current market, it has also attracted major manufacturers to join it, and major manufacturers have also made their own fist products in order to occupy a place in the competition.

But after the hype of the graphene market, there are also a bunch of products that make consumers complain, take some graphene thermal clothing, manufacturers in the name of graphene say that it is the warmest thermal clothing, but when consumers buy it back, they find that the thermal clothing effect is average, nothing different.

In order to produce more products, manufacturers can only save some money by reducing production costs, but consumers do not know this, they only know that the products they buy from merchants are not as good as before.

Therefore, when consumers are dissatisfied with these products, they will be dissatisfied and questioned about the new material of graphene.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

But people don't see that the reason why graphene is not as they imagined is not only because of the characteristics of graphene itself, but also partly because of the technical differences between people and graphene.

Therefore, only when people and this new material are combined can the advantages of this new material be reflected, but what people see is that there is no such new material in real life, so the questioning of graphene is also reasonable.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

Don't take graphene as a scam.

Although graphene has encountered some problems in its application, people must not think that graphene is a scam, because graphene, as a new material, needs a certain amount of time and technological breakthroughs to achieve large-scale application.

Of course, there are indeed some problems with graphene, but people in scientific research institutions, universities and some enterprises around the world are committed to making breakthroughs in the application of graphene, and they are also creating miracles little by little.

Not everything we see is real, there is also our cognition, when we know a new thing, we don't have a richer cognition, we will feel that this thing does not really exist.

But with the continuous development of our knowledge and technology, we understand some things more and more thoroughly, and the things in our eyes become more and more real, rather than illusions created out of thin air.

In the same way, when we look at graphene, we can't assume that it is an unreal thing, only when we continue to explore and understand it, the graphene in our hearts will become more and more transparent.

As a new material, the potential of graphene is undoubted, and it is our lack of understanding that has led to many problems and many people have questioned it.

Therefore, the development of science and technology requires continuous innovation and exploration, for graphene, its potential may be hidden in a corner of the future, just wait for us to continue to explore, continue to discover to see the existence of that trace of potential.

However, when we are confused and uncertain about graphene, what we should do is not to easily deny the existence of a new material, but to look for its potential, which is the attitude that a qualified researcher should have.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?


As a new type of carbon-based material, graphene is very good in physical properties, but we often encounter some technical problems in specific applications, so only by breaking through these technical problems can graphene have greater application potential.

For some consumers in the process of purchasing, we should maintain a rational attitude to buy, when we buy, you can buy some real preferential products, but if these preferential products are really false publicity, then we must also remain rational, do not believe the content of the advertisement, but to refer to some aspects of information before making a decision.

Why did graphene disappear? Is it a scam or a hack?

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