
Salt is not the more expensive the better, there are 3 indicators on the salt bag, you understand, no matter how cheap it is, it is good salt

author:Little friends food

As an indispensable condiment in daily cooking, the quality of salt directly affects the health and deliciousness of the diet. In the face of the dazzling array of salt products on the market, many consumers have fallen into the cognitive misunderstanding of "the more expensive, the better".

In fact, the key to judging the quality of salt is not the price, but the three most important indicators on the salt bag. By understanding and mastering these indicators, even in the face of affordable products, you can discern the pearls and pick out the real good salt.

Salt is not the more expensive the better, there are 3 indicators on the salt bag, you understand, no matter how cheap it is, it is good salt

[Indicator 1: Iodine content labeling]

The iodine in table salt is essential for human health, especially for the prevention of iodine deficiency diseases. The mainland implements a policy of iodized salt supply, so when buying salt, the first thing to look for is the iodine content label on the package.

According to the provisions of the National Food Safety Standard for Salt, the iodine content of iodine-fortified salt should be between 20mg/kg~30mg/kg. Consumers should choose salt products with appropriate iodine content according to the iodine nutritional status of their region and their personal health needs.

Salt is not the more expensive the better, there are 3 indicators on the salt bag, you understand, no matter how cheap it is, it is good salt

[Indicator 2: Purity grade]

The purity grade of salt reflects the content of sodium chloride, which directly affects the taste and use effect of salt. According to the relevant national standards, the purity of salt is divided into excellent, first-grade and second-grade. The sodium chloride content of high-grade salt ≥ 99.1%, first-grade salt ≥ 98.5%, and second-grade salt ≥ 97%.

In general, the higher the purity, the purer the taste of the table salt and the fewer impurities. When purchasing, give preference to salt labeled as excellent or first-class to ensure the quality of eating.

Salt is not the more expensive the better, there are 3 indicators on the salt bag, you understand, no matter how cheap it is, it is good salt

[Indicator 3: Production process and additive description]

The production process of table salt also has an important impact on its quality. At present, there are different types of salt on the market, such as sea salt, lake salt, and mine salt, each with its own characteristics. In addition, some table salt products may be fortified with anti-caking agents (e.g., potassium ferrocyanide) to prevent caking. Consumers should choose the right type of production process and whether to accept salt with anti-caking agents based on their personal preferences and health perceptions.

On the salt bag, the production process of the product (such as "sea salt", "lake salt", etc.) and whether or not anti-caking agents are added (such as "no anti-caking agent", "potassium ferrocyanide added", etc.) are usually clearly marked. Always read carefully when choosing to make sure the salt you choose meets your expectations.

The key to judging the quality of salt is not the price, but the three core indicators of iodine content labeling, purity grade, and production process and additive description on the salt bag. As long as these three aspects meet personal needs and health standards, even relatively cheap table salt is a trustworthy and good salt.

Learn to understand this information, and you can easily select cost-effective, high-quality salt products in front of a dazzling array of shelves, escorting a healthy family diet.


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