
What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?

author:Cultural and creative shellfish
What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?

My daughter, who is in the fifth grade of elementary school, happily told me one day, "Today the math teacher taught us natural numbers. ”

I asked her, "What are natural numbers?"

"Natural numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3," she said...... Such an integer. ”

I then asked her, "Why do natural numbers start at 0 and not at 1?"

She rolled her big cute eyes a few times and said, "That's how the teacher taught." ”

I told her, "The smallest natural number is 0, which stands for 'nothing', which is the father of all natural numbers, and the other natural number, 1, is 'yes', which represents the mother of natural numbers, and with 1 there is 2 because 1 + 1 = 2, and with 2 there is 3 because 2 + 1 = 3." The numbers naturally add up according to this law, and all the natural numbers are produced. ”

She looked at me with a look of adoration but as if she didn't understand.

Tao is everywhere, and it is good at producing all things.

1) The Tao begets all things

The original text of the forty-second chapter of Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching":

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?


Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

All things have their backs to yin and are facing yang, and yin and yang clash with each other and all things grow in harmony.

In the process of giving birth to all things, the Tao has experienced the intermediate links of Tao giving birth to one, one life two, two giving birth to three, and three giving birth to all things. Who said, "There is one, and there is zero before one;

In addition, in the 40th chapter of the Tao Te Ching, there is also a specific statement that "the Tao gives birth to all things":

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?


Everything in the world comes from being, and existence comes from nothing.

It should be noted that there is a relationship between non-existence and existence, and there is a relationship of "mutual birth", not a relationship of "transformation", that is, nothing can be born, but there can be nothing. Relationships are one-way, not two-way. Remember this rule and use it later.

If the Tao is called "Wuji", then one is "Taiji", the second represents "yin" and "yang", and the third corresponds to "heaven", "earth" and "man".

To sum up, we get a "Taoist relationship":

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?

It can be seen that as long as the "Tao" is there, all things are there, and the "Tao" will never stop producing all things. Therefore, Lao Tzu also compared "Dao" to "Ceres" and "Xuanqi".

2) Tanigami Wagenmu

It is clearly described in the original text of the sixth chapter of Lao Tzu's "Tao Te Ching":

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?


The god of grains does not die, it is called Xuanyi;

The gate of Xuanqi is called the root of heaven and earth.

It is continuous and seemingly existent, but it is inexhaustible.

Lao Tzu likened the Tao to the "god of grains", that is, the god of the low-lying valley, who gave birth to all things in the valley.

The god of grains is immortal, and it also has an alias called "Xuanyi". 牝 is pronounced pìn, an ancient Chinese character that is now basically not used, and the animal that originally meant a female can also be extended to any female or maternal organ. The Xuan Xuan is a mysterious womb that can give birth to offspring. There is also a big production gate, which is called "the root of heaven and earth", and all things in heaven and earth come out of it.

What comes to mind when you see this?

That's right! "Xuanqi" is the female genitalia, and each of us comes out of this door. Of course, now that the level of medical care is developed, it is possible to have a caesarean section if you can't have a normal birth, which is a human factor and an unnatural behavior.

As leaders, what can we learn from the "Xuanyi"?

We also need to learn from the Tao, which produces all things for nature, so leaders cultivate talents for the company. We should not be misled by titles such as "director" and think of ourselves as overseers of people, because this is not at all in line with the principle of "Tao", which should give birth to all things like "Ceres" and "Xuanyi".

"Dao" is like this, it is like "Ceres" can give birth to all things, and like "Xuanqi" can give birth to offspring.

Not only that, but the Tao can also be continuous, seemingly existing, and inexhaustible.

Seeing this, in fact, Lao Tzu's description is already very vivid, and it can be explained once again that the Tao in the human body is DNA, and it is such a mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders, continuous and indiligent. People have to believe that in fact, the "Tao" is all around us.

Next, let's focus on the "indiligent use" of "Dao", why "Dao" can be used inexhaustibly, and can never be used up?

3) Lack of diligence

There is more than one description of the Tao "not diligently", and there is a richer description in Chapter 35 of the Tao Te Ching:

The exit of the Tao is tasteless.

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?


The Tao came out of the mouth, so light that there was no taste.

Look at it, but you can't see it;

Listen to it, but you can't hear it;

Use it, but you can't run out.

It can be seen that the "Tao" is tasteless, invisible, unheard, and useless.

In this chapter, "see, not see" and "hear, not enough to hear" correspond to the "blind, name" and "hear, unheard, name" in chapter 14, respectively, and "use, not both" corresponds to "if it exists, use it indiligently" in chapter 6, and "Tao Chong, and use it or not profitable" and "use it infrequently" in chapter 4 also have the same meaning, the correspondence can be seen in the following table.

What is the most powerful ability of "Dao"?

Original Huang Yong 2024 Road by your side


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