
Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

author:Xinlan Shuhua
Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Text丨Xinlan Shuhua

Editor丨Xinlan Shuhua


In the 90s, there was a Hong Kong female star who was known to the public because she starred in Stephen Chow's "Domestic Ling Ling Paint", and quickly became popular and became a favorite in the entertainment industry.

After that, she relied on her perseverance to go down in the entertainment industry until she met them.

Obviously she was at an age where she could start over, but she jumped from the twentieth floor without looking back, leaving the child she had just given birth.

Why did she choose to give up her life, and who did she meet before she died?

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

was forced by his mother to make a tertiary film

It is said that Hongyan has a hard life, and Chen Baolian is unlucky, and she met a mother who regarded her as a money-making tool at birth.

The woman who was addicted to gambling and had long since disdained her six relatives ignored Chen Baolian's wishes, forced her to be a model to shoot intimate photos that did not go into the flow to make money, and after taking a "glamorous" reputation, she was asked to participate in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant and enter the entertainment industry.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Although Chen Baolian is not sensible, she also knows that these things are bad, so she uses clumsy methods to resist everything.

Unexpectedly, Chen's mother was even more annoyed when she saw that she didn't seek advancement, so she directly made the decision for her and signed a number of tertiary films in one go.

At that time, Chen Baolian was not yet an adult.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Chen Baolian didn't want to shoot these movies, but she couldn't afford to pay high liquidated damages, so she had to go on shooting.

The influence of tertiary films is much larger than those intimate photos, and a "Liao Zhai Yan Tan's Lamp Grass Monk" starring Lu Sano'clock made her directly popular, but it also completely characterized her as a person.

Almost everyone thinks that she can only act in such unpopular movies, but there is such a person who sees the true desire in her heart and hands her an olive branch.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

This discerning person is Stephen Chow, Chen Baolian successfully starred in the movie "Domestic Lingling Paint" led by Stephen Chow, although there are also suspicions of sexual innuendo in the movie, but in the end it is much better than the tertiary films she has made.

The film was well received as soon as it was broadcast, and she finally went ashore and was able to shoot a normal movie.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

thought that this movie would be a good start, but I didn't want to be made by providence, so that Chen Baolian had a serious illness at this juncture.

The most important thing in the Hong Kong film and television industry is beauty, since she didn't continue to pick up films and brush up on her familiarity when it was on fire, then soon there will be no place for her in this circle.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

So when she came back from cure, there were very few films that could be made, and most of her choices were still those tertiary films.

But she really didn't want to make these films anymore, she didn't want to live like this anymore, she didn't want to be at the mercy of her mother anymore, she was extremely unloving and difficult to be independent, and she began to focus on the men who seemed to be able to save her.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

The road of affection has been deceived repeatedly

Chen Baolian's first relationship was with a showbiz superstar Mo Shaocong, who is a famous playboy in the circle, and being with her is just coveting her beauty.

However, Chen Baolian has a simple personality, she only knows that her mother is unreliable, but she doesn't know that most of the people in this circle are unreliable.

Soon Mo Shaocong was found to be cheating by Chen Baolian, and he didn't feel guilty, probably in his mind, it was normal for men to have more women.

The beginning of her emotional journey was not good, and after that, it was even more bumpy.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Chen Baolian's second relationship was the most deadly, when she was in a car accident due to filming and seriously injured the back of her head, and at this time, Huang Renzhong came into her life.

This is a well-known womanizer in Hong Kong who is only accompanied by beautiful women and fine wine, and naturally he will not miss a stunner like Chen Baolian.

Soon he launched a fierce pursuit, and Chen Baolian, who had just experienced her first failed relationship, naturally would not easily agree, not to mention that Huang Renzhong was famous.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Huang Renzhong is a veteran of the love field, and he can see at a glance what Chen Baolian wants, for such a beautiful girl, he doesn't mind spending more thought, not to mention, the pursuit itself is also quite an exciting behavior.

So Huang Renzhong kept showing Chen Baolian his "sincerity", and was even willing to divorce his fourth wife for her.

His actions completely opened Chen Baolian's heart, allowing her to successfully unload her guard and prepare to act sincerely.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

When Chen Baolian thought that she had found "true love", Huang Renzhong's next behavior gave her a heavy blow.

As the saying goes, "what you can't get is the best", Chen Baolian who has already gotten it naturally no longer makes Huang Renzhong enthusiastic, and his indifference is visible to the naked eye.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Because of the lack of care given by her original family, Chen Baolian cares about and is careful about the true feelings that can be grasped, so she becomes sensitive and suspicious.

Maybe in the eyes of her lover, Chen Baolian will be a cute and sensitive little girl.

But unfortunately, Huang Renzhong has long lost interest in her, and he has long turned his attention to the larger forest in the distance.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

When Chen Baolian took off her mask and dedicated her truest side to Huang Renzhong, Huang Renzhong abandoned her sincerity at will, which made Chen Baolian no longer able to stay calm.

Chen Baolian seemed to be self-brainwashing during that time, her temperament changed greatly, not so much that she was self-inflicted, but rather the arrangement of fate, the encounter and convergence of all these things are destined to lead to the tragedy later.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Abandoned the child and jumped off the building to commit suicide

Chen Baolian began to indulge in all kinds of fireworks places, using various bad habits such as drinking and smoking to mentally numb herself, but this method could only resist the temporary pain, and even brought irreparable consequences to her in this life.

For her, she has obviously tried to believe so many times, but her sincerity has been trampled on again and again by non-beloved, and she is unwilling, and she is even more unwilling to accept this cruel reality.

At this time, she had a psychological problem, and she felt that if she was willing to fall like this, she would regain Huang Renzhong's attention, and then fall in love with herself again.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

In order to redeem Huang Renzhong, Chen Baolian also did many incomprehensible things, such as stripping and splashing at Huang Renzhong's house, and even getting contraband.

Huang Renzhong couldn't bear to be bothered, and directly took out three million breakup fees, but Chen Baolian didn't take a fancy to money, but to him.

In those years, Chen Baolian kept squandering the three million, harassing Huang Renzhong from time to time, and I don't know whether it is the old love or pure revenge, in short, it can be seen that her mental state is already very worrying.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

In 2001, Chen Baolian found out that she was pregnant, and gave birth to a son in June of the following year, but no one knew who the child's biological father was.

As if she was ready, she didn't leave the child with the last look, so she jumped and fell from a building of more than 20 floors.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

A generation of goddess stars fell into the world, but Chen Baolian's death did not arouse too much sympathy in the film and television industry, and many media reported her death and even peddled her posthumous photos.

Looking back on her life, it was short and miserable, and the source of all this was her mother.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Unhappy childhood

When Chen Baolian was very young, her father left the family, leaving her to rely on her mother.

However, destiny does not favor her, her mother is not a good mother in the popular sense, and she is only endlessly used and deprived.

But she is too young to escape, and she can only regard the relatives in front of her as the only people who love and care for her.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

When Chen Baolian was four years old, her parents finally divorced, but neither husband and wife wanted to raise her, so they left her to her elderly grandmother to raise.

Fortunately, my grandmother was an intellectual and well-educated.

During this time, her grandmother taught her to read and behave, and also told her to be self-reliant as a girl, but she forgot to tell her that the premise of self-reliance and self-improvement is to love and protect herself.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and her mother came back to tell Chen Baolian that she had reformed herself and settled in Hong Kong to have her own life, and wanted to take her to live a good life together.

At first, Chen Baolian couldn't believe it, but because her mother's words were really moving, and her grandmother was already old, she needed to be taken care of by others, so she could no longer "rely on" her grandmother.

In this way, Chen Baolian followed her mother back to Hong Kong and began a life of nightmares, and her happiest days have become eternal memories that cannot be repeated again.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and Chen Baolian, the "queen of tertiary films" in Hong Kong, finally ushered in a tragic ending


Before committing suicide, Chen Baolian left her last letter for the world and her children, which wrote: I know that my fate has been irretrievable since I was young.

She came to the world once in her life, and she couldn't harvest the most ordinary family affection and love in the world, but she had fought to the death for herself and the unfair fate, which may be the best "comfort".

The imprints and children she has been here are her warm love for the world, and her children have also grown up in the care and upbringing of well-wishers, which may be the last precious gift that fate has given her.

May Chen Baolian in the next life meet someone who loves her, and please learn to love yourself first.

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