
After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

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Chen Baolian was born in a family with an extremely poor family environment, her parents divorced, and she could only rely on her mother since she was a child.

Incredibly, the way her mother treated her could almost be described as abusive.

The woman indulged in gambling all day long, and whenever she was treated unfairly outside, when she returned home, she poured out all her anger on the young Chen Baolian, punching, kicking, and insulting one after another.

Chen Baolian has lived under her mother's violence and abuse since she was a child, and she lives in fear every day.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

In addition to the physical torture, her mother was also extremely lacking in Chen Baolian's spiritual education, and even the most basic right to education was deprived.

I remember one year, Chen Baolian returned home with her junior high school diploma full of expectations, but her mother coldly told her that she could no longer afford to pay her tuition.

The originally happy and harmonious family was forced into exile in Hong Kong due to debt entanglements, however, a more cruel and ruthless reality followed-the mother turned her attention to Chen Baolian, a 15-year-old girl, and cruelly forced her to step into the difficult mannequin's workplace!

In the face of the camera's aggressiveness, Chen Baolian's immature face revealed deep helplessness and fear, but her mother turned a blind eye to this, and her only concern was how to earn a good income from this job to meet her luxurious living needs.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

During that long and painful childhood, Chen Baolian was never able to get rid of her mother's ruthless abuse, and she left indelible scars in the depths of her soul.

Although Chen Baolian was full of resistance in her heart, under the coercion and temptation of her mother, she finally fell into a desperate situation, and could only reluctantly choose to compromise and step into the colorful entertainment circle.

Her outstanding appearance and graceful figure quickly earned her a certain popularity, however, at the same time, she also had to bear the notoriety of "star" and endure strange eyes from all walks of life.

Her mother's greedy lust for money never ends, and when she learned that the Miss Asia beauty pageant was about to be held, she didn't hesitate to decide to let Chen Baolian participate.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

Although Chen Baolian failed to win the championship as she wished, ATV saw her unlimited potential and signed a contract with her as an exception, so that she officially entered the film and television industry.

Just when Chen Baolian was disheartened, the famous wealthy businessman Huang Renzhong descended on her life like a savior. At first, Huang Renzhong was only attracted by Chen Baolian's gorgeous and unparalleled face, so he launched a passionate pursuit with great expectations.

However, Chen Baolian did not have the slightest affection for this merry and older man, and she decisively refused his invitation.

However, Huang Renzhong has always been keen to conquer beauties, and in the face of Chen Baolian's refusal, he pursued it more firmly.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

He knew Chen Baolian's pain and fear of filming tertiary films, so he swore that as long as she was willing to become his daughter-in-law, he would do his best to help her get rid of the shackles of this industry and live an ordinary and stable life.

This promise illuminated Chen Baolian's inner world like a ray of light, and she finally chose to accept Huang Renzhong's pursuit.

However, good times are always short-lived, and Huang Renzhong soon lost interest in Chen Baolian and proposed to break up with her. Despite this, in order to fulfill his responsibilities as a man, he still promised to give Chen Baolian a large breakup fee and sponsor her to study abroad.

In this way, Chen Baolian bid farewell to the bustling city of Hong Kong and started a new journey of life. However, without Huang Renzhong's careful care, her life is like falling into the abyss of decadence.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

She squandered her money without restraint, indulged in alcohol and pleasure-seeking, and lived a life of profligacy. This depraved lifestyle quickly destroyed her health, and unfortunately she contracted the disease of uterine blisters.

The girl who once had a dream of sincere love is now completely distorted and replaced by a numb and desperate soul.

When Chen Baolian's life fell to its lowest point, a jaw-dropping event happened - she actually found out that she was pregnant! However, she was not sure who the father of the child was.

Faced with this sudden news, Chen Baolian fell into deep thought. Perhaps it was nostalgia for the last line of life, or hoping that this child could become her only support, she resolutely chose to give birth to the child.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

After the hardships of conceiving a baby in October, a lovely baby boy finally came into the world.

After experiencing all kinds of hardships in childbirth, Chen Baolian's spirit was on the verge of collapse. She temporarily entrusted her newborn son to a temple, where she longed to find peace of mind so that she could recuperate her body and mind.

On a hot summer day in 2002, a shocking news spread throughout Hong Kong - Chen Baolian jumped from a 24-storey building, ending her short but brilliant life.

At that time, she was only 29 years old, leaving behind an orphaned young son who was waiting to be fed.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

This bad news caused a sensation in the entire entertainment industry like a bombshell, and Chen Baolian's relatives and friends were all shocked and grief-stricken by her decision. In the suicide note she left behind, people read her endless thoughts about her ex-boyfriend Huang Ren.

It turned out that in Chen Baolian's heart, the promise made by Huang Renzhong to help her return to the entertainment industry and live an ordinary life has become a kind of yearning and sustenance.

Although Huang Renzhong quickly abandoned her later, Chen Baolian apparently loved this man with all her heart and regarded him as someone who could be entrusted with her life.

After learning of this shocking and unfortunate news, the unforgettable painful time that Huang Renzhong experienced is difficult to describe in words.

After Chen Baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by Faye Wong's agent, and he looked like his godfather Huang Renzhong

Chen Baolian is a concern that he will never forget in his heart, and her departure makes this lover full of wisdom and courage sigh, and his heart is full of endless grief and sorrow.

However, just as he had promised, he originally planned to raise the child left behind by Chen Baolian himself, but unfortunately, due to the aggravation of his own condition and the urgency of time, this wish was never realized.

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