
Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

author:Cantaloupe is a joy to read
Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white
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Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

In the bright galaxy of the Chinese entertainment industry, there is a unique star who stands out with his extraordinary talent and courage. She is Qiu Likuan, a legendary agent known as the "female version of Xiang Huaqiang".

Qiu Likuan's story is comparable to a wonderful movie: she discovered and made Faye Wong popular with her keen insight, rescued Lin Chiling from trouble with wisdom and courage, and adopted the orphan of the late actress Chen Baolian with motherly love.

In this circle full of opportunities and challenges, Qiu Likuan relied on his unique skills to navigate between black and white, writing a thrilling legend.

Let's unravel the mystery of this "Sister Kuan" and explore how she became a pivotal figure in this complex world.

Qiu Likuan's success is not accidental, but a struggle full of challenges and turns. Born in an ordinary family in Taiwan, although her academic performance is mediocre, she has a good voice.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

When she was young, Qiu Likuan was not only outstanding in appearance, but also full of youth, and even the well-known host Cai Kangyong once praised her as a returnee socialite.

With this good voice, Qiu Likuan first entered the entertainment industry and served as a substitute singer for stars in song and dance halls. However, as fate would have it, long-term high-intensity singing caused her voice to suffer serious damage.

In the face of this blow, Qiu Likuan showed amazing adaptability and resolutely transformed into a field reporter.

At this turning point, Qiu Likuan met two nobles who changed the trajectory of her life. The first is the talented director Zhang Meijun, Qiu Likuan not only learned valuable industry knowledge from her, but also showed extraordinary righteousness when Zhang Meijun unfortunately suffered from cancer.

Despite her meager salary at the time, she managed to raise up to $400,000 for the surgery with amazing perseverance and wisdom. Although Zhang Meijun's life was not saved in the end, Qiu Likuan's righteous act caused a strong response in the entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

Subsequently, the famous director Zhu Tingping was moved by Qiu Likuan's character and took her under his command to cultivate her carefully. Under the guidance of Zhu Tingping, Qiu Likuan showed amazing learning ability and enthusiasm for work, and was promoted from scene reporter to assistant director, and finally became an effective assistant producer.

This experience not only allowed Qiu Likuan to accumulate rich industry experience, but also laid a solid foundation for her to establish a brokerage company in the future.

Qiu Likuan's courage and determination were fully demonstrated in this process. In that era when underworld forces were rampant, she once showed amazing composure in the face of gangsters who broke into the set with guns.

She not only calmed the panicked crew members, but also deterred the arrogant gangsters with her fearless attitude. This incident earned her the title of "Crazy Woman" and greatly increased her prestige in the circle.

The turning point in Qiu Likuan's career came in the early 90s. After cooperating with her best friend Chan Ka-ying to set up a brokerage company, she officially stepped into the music field of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

At this time, Chen Jiaying recommended a singer with extraordinary potential to Qiu Likuan - Faye Wong, who has debuted for three years but has not yet become famous.

When they met for the first time, Faye Wong's unique temperament immediately attracted Qiu Likuan's attention. Although Faye Wong was still an unknown newcomer at that time, Qiu Likuan was keenly aware of her huge potential with years of accumulated industry experience.

Without hesitation, Qiu Likuan and Chen Jiaying decided to sign this undiscovered star of tomorrow.

From that moment on, Qiu Likuan devoted himself to building Faye Wong's career. She knows that to create a true diva, she needs not only excellent musical works, but also unique personal charm.

Qiu Likuan carefully selected suitable songs for Faye Wong, arranged appropriate performance opportunities, and also paid attention to cultivating Faye Wong's personal style and stage performance.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

In his spare time, Qiu Likuan cares about Faye Wong even more. She is not only Faye Wong's agent, but also her bosom friend and life coach. Qiu Likuan's support and encouragement made Faye Wong more confident and firm on the road of art.

Under Qiu Likuan's careful cultivation, Faye Wong's talent has been fully displayed. Her unique voice and cool temperament soon attracted a large number of fans, and gradually became a new star in the Chinese music scene.

With the advent of one popular song after another, Faye Wong's status continued to rise, and finally ascended to the throne of the queen of the music world.

Even after Faye Wong became famous, Qiu Likuan still supported her as always. In 2017, when the news of Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse holding hands again caused controversy, Qiu Likuan resolutely stepped forward and expressed his firm support for his friend with a powerful text.

This move not only shows Qiu Likuan's professionalism as an agent, but also reflects her sincere friendship with the artist.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

Qiu Likuan's cultivation of Faye Wong is not limited to career guidance, but also extends to all aspects of life. When Faye Wong's daughter Dou Jingtong went to Taiwan to promote her music works, Qiu Likuan still sent warmth with meticulous care.

This kind of friendship that goes beyond a simple working relationship has become an important cornerstone of Qiu Likuan's foothold in the entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan's success lies not only in her discovery of Faye Wong's talent, but also in her consistent support and guidance. She used her professional vision and sincere emotions to escort Faye Wong's career, and also won respect and recognition for herself inside and outside the entertainment industry.

This experience is not only Faye Wong's personal success story, but also the perfect embodiment of Qiu Likuan's wisdom and vision.

Qiu Likuan's legend is not only reflected in her talent in cultivating artists, but also in her decisiveness and courage in the face of crises. In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, Qiu Likuan has become the guardian of artists in his unique way.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

In 2005, an incident occurred that shocked the entertainment industry. Popular artist Lin Chiling was invited to the United States to participate in an important performance, but unexpectedly fell into a dangerous predicament.

The original performance event turned into an indescribable "entertainment", and Lin Chiling faced intimidation and imprisonment from the gangsters. When she was desperate, Lin Chiling thought of Qiu Likuan and asked her for help without hesitation.

After receiving Lin Chiling's distress call, Qiu Likuan immediately took action. She mobilized the contacts and resources she had accumulated over the years in the entertainment industry, and skillfully maneuvered between various forces.

With her wisdom, courage and influence, Qiu Likuan finally succeeded in rescuing Lin Chiling safely. This incident not only reflects Qiu Likuan's righteousness and courage, but also shows her extraordinary ability in the entertainment industry.

Afterwards, although Lin Chiling did not reveal too many details, her gratitude to Qiu Likuan was beyond words. She called Qiu Likuan "a noble person in life" and said that since then, Qiu Likuan's requests have always been fulfilled with all her might.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

This experience not only brought the relationship between Qiu Likuan and Lin Chiling closer, but also allowed more artists to realize Qiu Likuan's ability and character.

Qiu Likuan's chivalrous spirit is not only reflected in the incident of rescuing Lin Chiling, but also in her protection of other artists. In 2016, when Lin Chiling was involved in rumors of a resource competition, a well-known artist posted insulting remarks on social platforms.

Faced with this situation, Qiu Likuan responded publicly without fear: "I will beat you once I see you." This resounding sentence not only shocked the other party, but also demonstrated Qiu Likuan's determination to protect the artist.

In addition to standing up in times of crisis, Qiu Likuan's tenderness is also reflected in her adoption of Chen Baolian's orphans. In 2002, when the well-known actress Chen Baolian chose to end her life due to depression, leaving behind her son Huang Yi, who was less than a full moon, Qiu Likuan resolutely took on the responsibility of raising her.

Although many people expressed their willingness to adopt the child at the time, only Qiu Likuan took action in the end.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

Qiu Likuan took Huang Yi home as his own, and gave him endless love and care over the years. She not only met Huangyi's needs materially, but also gave him the warmth of maternal love spiritually.

Even in his busy work, Qiu Likuan will find time to accompany Huang Yi to study and care about his growth. When Huang Yi made a mistake at school, Qiu Likuan went to the school to apologize to the teacher in person, showing the responsibility and responsibility of a mother.

These deeds not only show Qiu Likuan's loving heart, but also let people see the soft side of this "No. 1 female hooligan in the entertainment industry". Qiu Likuan uses her actions to interpret what is the true chivalrous spirit, she not only stands up in times of crisis, but also shows selfless love in daily life.

This chivalrous and tender trait has won Qiu Likuan wide respect and love in the entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan's character is like a complex picture, with both iron-fisted means and tenderness. This seemingly contradictory and harmonious personality trait makes her comfortable in the complex environment of the entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

At work, Qiu Likuan is known for his vigorous and resolute style. Once, when a group of gangsters broke into the set with weapons in hand to make trouble, Qiu Likuan showed amazing courage.

Not only did she not have the slightest fear, but calmly said to director Zhu Tingping: "Don't worry, who knows if there are bullets in their guns?" This spirit of seeing death as if it were home not only deterred the arrogant gang members, but also earned her the reputation of "crazy woman".

However, in his private life, Qiu Likuan shows a completely different side. For her adopted son Huang Yi, she poured all her maternal love. Despite her busy schedule, she still finds precious time to spend with her son in his studies.

When Huang Yi makes a mistake at school, she will also come to the school to apologize to the teacher in person. This contrast shows the softest side of Qiu Likuan's heart.

Interestingly, this eldest sister who is in the entertainment industry is in awe of her mother. Once, a reporter accidentally took a photo of Qiu Likuan smoking, which made her panic.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

She immediately asked the reporter to call her mother to explain, for fear that her mother would reproach her if she found out. This kind of awe for his mother allows people to see the most real and humane side of Qiu Likuan.

Qiu Likuan's multifaceted personality is reflected not only in her attitude towards her career and family, but also in her relationship with artists. She can not only stand up in times of crisis to protect artists like Lin Chiling, but also give warm care to divas like Faye Wong in daily life.

This kind of tough and soft personality trait allows her to navigate the complex environment of the entertainment industry with ease, and has won widespread respect and love.

Qiu Likuan's legendary life can be summed up by the lyrics in the song she wrote for Faye Wong: "I know everything and despise the wind and waves in the world." This sentence not only expresses Qiu Likuan's deep insight into the entertainment industry, but also reflects her calm attitude towards the ups and downs of life.

On the big stage of the entertainment industry, Qiu Likuan plays multiple roles: she is a discerning Bole who discovered and cultivated a diva like Faye Wong; She is a chivalrous heroine, who stepped forward to protect Lin Chiling in times of crisis; She is a loving mother who treats Chen Baolian's orphans as her own.

Qiu Likuan: Hold Faye Wong, save Lin Chiling, adopt Chen Baolian's son, black and white

Qiu Likuan's story tells us that in this complex world, only by maintaining a balance between strength and softness can we truly "despise the storms of the world". Her legend is not only a personal success, but also a microcosm of an era, which is worthy of our deep thought and learning.

Qiu Likuan has used her life to explain what true wisdom and courage are, and her story will always inspire future generations.

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