
记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

author:Tianyan News

"Let's go, let's watch a movie!" the children rushed impatiently to the Light and Shadow Story House.

In a classroom of more than 10 square meters, through 3D holographic projection, the picture book story of "Mr. Broccoli's Barbershop" is presented on a 270° panoramic immersive large screen...... In conjunction with the light and shadow story, in various interactive sessions designed, the children helped the eggplant boy change into a new hairstyle.

记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

"Mr. Broccoli's Barbershop" light and shadow picture book drama activity

"The 'watching movies' in the mouths of children is actually a light and shadow picture book drama developed by combining picture books with new digital new media technology, and using light and shadow to make picture books 'live'. Zhou Xiaoru, the person in charge of the Little Bookworm Picture Book Museum, said that many children were afraid of haircuts and changes, and after participating in the "Mr. Broccoli's Barber Shop" light and shadow picture book drama activity, they bravely walked into the barber shop because they wanted to have the same good-looking hairstyle as Brother Eggplant.

Beijing Open Book released the "2023 Annual Report on the Book Retail Market", from the perspective of the composition of various types of books in 2023, children's category is the category with the largest proportion of yards and oceans, with a proportion of 27.21%. But at the same time, in 2023, the short video channel will surpass vertical and other e-commerce to become the second largest book sales channel. Traditional bookstores are gradually declining, how can the children's book market break through?

In the context of consumption upgrading and cultural consumption demand, many picture book libraries and children's libraries have subverted the traditional business philosophy of simply selling books, and are more about providing diversified reading services around books, organizing various activities, and providing pleasant and relaxing reading scenes.

"Many parents feel that children's books, especially picture books, are too many pictures and few words, thin and expensive, and the books they buy with gritted teeth can be read in a few minutes, and they don't know how much they can read. Liu Jinyu, a reading instructor at Dejian Children's Bookstore, said that not being able to pick and read has become a pain point for many parents.

记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

The reading instructor helps the child choose the books

According to the actual situation of different children, different books are recommended and guided, and parents are also taught how to read with their children. Not superstitious about award-winning picture books, in the continuous exploration, Dejian Children's Book Club is gradually building its own reading system. In addition, joining the brand and using its mature graded reading system is also a common way in the current market, and the advanced technology products developed by the brand can be directly introduced and used, such as the light and shadow reading picture book drama of the Little Bookworm Picture Book Museum and the Big Q Little Q Picture Book Museum.

In addition to providing reading guidance services, the vast majority of children's bookstores at present invariably choose to organize salon activities, theme activities, and special activities, so that children can truly read, understand and love reading in multi-sensory stimulation and interaction.

记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

Carpentry education activities to teach children to see wood and do crafts

Watch as you wait to see how the turtle eggs hatch, how the tulips bloom, how the yogurt ferments...... In the "Waiting Activity" recently organized by Tokuma Children's Book House, four activities were held in a series of four books to teach preschool children to slow down, calm down, and stabilize in their fast-paced life.

I went to the hospital to observe the ophthalmologist to perform surgery, came to the new energy vehicle shop to be a little engineer, and went to the cake shop to make cakes with the pastry chef...... The career experience activities organized by the Little Bookworm Picture Book Museum are very popular with children.

It is understood that these activities will charge a fee ranging from 30 yuan to 200 yuan per session, and have become an important source of revenue for children's bookstores.

The transformation and upgrading of children's bookstores does not stop here. With books as the core, we have created a "book+" model, integrating supporting facilities and services such as theaters, exhibitions, catering, cultural and creative industries, self-study, painting, etc., and cross-border operation and composite business formats have become a trend.

"We want to create a complex parent-child cultural space for our readers. Qin Yingrui, a teacher of the painting skills of the Duye Book House, introduced that the 800-square-meter book house is divided into functional spaces such as the Monster Canteen, the Little Monster Theater, the Tuk Tu Picture Book House, the Book Display Area, the Cultural and Creative Products Area, and the Reading Area.

记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

Children perform in the Book House Theatre

When you come here, you can watch, play and eat. Children can read books, watch small English stage performances, visit miniature art exhibitions, and participate in interesting activities such as seasonal foodies, poetry reading clubs, tuk tuk soul islands, painting, experiments, and handicrafts. Parents who accompany them can rest assured that they can read books and work in the reading area, and they can also participate in parent-child activities.

"Every year in March and September, we will design larger theme activities, and during the interim, we will also arrange various sub-activities every week. In addition, corresponding activity exhibitions, themed book displays and parent-child activities will be arranged on World Book Day, Children's Day, Spring Festival and other nodes to create a relaxed reading and learning atmosphere for parents and children. Qin Yingrui said that through the event to attract people and gather popularity, it also drove the sales of cultural and creative products, catering, books and other sectors.

Recently, the "Looking Forward to Reunion" interactive exhibition planned and launched by Duye Book House was launched for one month, and more than 1,000 children participated, which attracted a wave of fans.

记者观察 | 解锁儿童书店新逛法:能看能吃还能玩

"Looking forward to returning and reuniting" is a puzzle activity of the interactive exhibition at the beginning of the school

Under the teacher's explanation, by watching the cartoon and "cute" cultural relics exhibition, learn history, understand the current situation of the loss of cultural relics in the mainland, understand the national treasures, and then interact with the NPC played by the teacher to answer questions, participate in the cultural relics puzzle competition to win gifts, and then leave a message on the sound wall to write a letter to the lost cultural relics, express their hope that the national treasures will return home as soon as possible, and finally in the book area, you can also read the relevant books carefully selected by the bookstore, such as "Look at the National Treasure", "The National Treasure Has Something to Say", "The Treasure That Belongs to Us" and so on.

"We also cooperated with Xiaoyan Painting Institute and invited teachers to teach children to draw cultural relics and do three-dimensional handicrafts of cultural relics. Qin Yingrui said that creating new scenarios with combined formats and optimizing new user experience with innovative services has become the key to enhancing the core competitiveness of children's bookstores.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Li Shan

Edited by Zhu Dengfang

Second instance Chen Lu

Third trial Yue Zhen

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