
Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

author:Car light quotes

On the one hand, the workplace and social environment with the intensification of "involution" make it difficult to breathe, and on the other hand, it is difficult to hide envy when I see the vivid examples of "relaxation" on social networks. Outdoor outings, hiking nature, self-driving off-road and other leisure ways to embrace nature in recent years are rapidly occupying people's life consumption list, when feeling the landscape has become a dominant trend, having a comprehensive ability to highlight the car has become logical, Beijing off-road, known as the off-road family in the recent launch of a theme of "self-driving China, pleasant feeling of China" off-road self-driving check-in trip, multi-line departure to measure the motherland of a city, a place, a grass and a tree, tide play landscape to explore wild and romantic. At the same time, through this action to the mountains and seas, the product image of BJ60 as "the first car for long-distance self-driving" has successfully broken the circle.

Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

The "five degrees" ability has created a comprehensive hard core power, and the leapfrog performance leads the long-distance self-driving

The vigorous development of off-road culture and the continuous favor of self-driving life have accelerated the advancement and iteration of related products, and how to find a cost-effective product has become an important topic for people to travel. In this off-road event in Beijing, the five main lines + more than ten straight lines of self-driving routes, covering many regions across the country, after a long journey and complex road conditions, so that BJ60's unique "five degrees" ability has been completely released, and has won many favors with its performance beyond the same level.

In terms of "length", the most basic test of long-distance self-driving is the endurance, BJ60 adopts the golden power combination of 2.0T/2.0D engine + 48V mild hybrid system to ensure a smooth start, rapid acceleration, and power is always online; At the same time, it is equipped with the main and auxiliary double fuel tanks, with a total volume of up to 120L, and the full range can easily exceed 1000 kilometers, completely bidding farewell to the anxiety of battery life; Enjoy the scenery without worrying about whether there is a gas station along the way, and the use of #92 petrol also makes the cost of using a car more ideal, whether you are traveling alone or with your family.

Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

In terms of "width", the BJ60 gives the driver a wide field of vision with a length of more than 5 meters and a height of 1925mm. The flexible interior space, the second row of pure 0° down the finishing touch, the second row of pure 0° folded eye design, the second to become a double bed room at the same time, you can enjoy the sun, moon, stars and birds and white clouds through the panoramic skylight in the most comfortable posture.

At the same time, BJ60, as a typical representative of hard-core off-road, has good "hardness" strength, realizing multiple advantages of "city" and "wild". The BJ60 non-load-bearing body is equipped with a hard-core off-road standard, which has stronger passability, allowing the driver to easily get out of trouble even if they encounter harsh road conditions. With a total of 9 driving modes, including Sport, Economy, Comfort, Snow, Crossing, Sand, Mud, Rock, and Wading, you can calmly cope with different road conditions and increase confidence for the fun of the journey. Even if you encounter a more difficult road section, you can turn on the 12-gear creep mode at any time, and the safety value and experience value further make the BJ60 "hardness" full.

Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

The opposite "softness" also gives long-distance self-driving a more comfortable enjoyment. Thanks to the technical accumulation and independent development of the off-road family, the BJ60 with its solid ATS all-terrain system makes the vehicle easy to ride in any road conditions. Leg rests, seat memory functions and airline headrest wings effectively dissipate the fatigue of long-distance driving, while the sound insulation effect brought by NVH mute technology minimizes noise outside the window for undisturbed rest time and a relatively quiet driving environment.

Outdoor off-road is not a simple strength or confrontational competition, it sometimes requires a certain amount of ingenuity and "tenacity", this is the soul of off-road driving, BJ60 three through the careful design of the corner, giving the vehicle better adaptability, tough guy "three locks" + time-sharing four-wheel drive system to improve stability, bring better traction and passing ability, very friendly to the owner, even if it is an entry-level player who likes off-road, can easily control, maximum enjoyment.

The so-called work wants to do a good job must first sharpen its tools, no matter how fierce the feelings of the mountains and rivers are, first of all, you need a trustworthy car, based on the "five degrees" ability to build BJ60 Whether it is for family travel, or personal outdoor adventure, or a team to pursue fun of off-road friends, it is a sharp weapon. In addition, it is worth mentioning that Lei Jun, as a new boss in the car circle, also praised after test driving the BJ60: "It's very handsome!" It is enough to see the full-dimensional strength of BJ60, even in the feeling of professionals in the circle, it also has an unshakable status, for ordinary players, driving BJ60 long-distance travel, must be comfortable, full of peace of mind.

Three-dimensional construction of off-road ecological culture, off-road is more fun and warm

The attraction of the journey to everyone is composed of "eating, living, traveling, playing" and other aspects, therefore, only the attributes of the BJ60 vehicle itself are strengthened, and it is not enough to meet the perfect creation of Beijing's off-road long-distance self-driving journey. Based on the user's self-driving needs and the original intention of the brand to focus on building off-road ecological culture for many years, Beijing Off-road has united many partners to provide players participating in this long-distance off-road journey with diversified journey services from energy replenishment and charging, exclusive attractions, to hotel accommodation, air ticket discounts, etc., and at the same time, auxiliary services such as vehicle detection, self-driving strategy, maintenance appointment, relay along the way, and roadside assistance have been added along the five self-driving main lines. Every participant is guaranteed to enjoy the off-road fun in a safe and secure manner.

Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

From Zibo barbecue to Guizhou village super, from Tianjin diving to Harbin ice and snow world, each city has its own value culture that can be excavated, and it is this kind of "localization" characteristic research and display that has made the city that has been ignored widely known and yearned, led by BJ60 This trekking and wading check-in activity, it is not only the arena of products, but also BJ60, a knight with both trend and romance, leading the general public to break through the shackles in front of them. The grand ceremony that links more different cultures and ethnic customs gives the off-road culture with strong hormones and adds warmth to the off-road circle.

In the current off-road fashion trend, people who like to drive are spreading to non-professional users, how to let non-professional off-road users enjoy the same fun as professional off-road people in a high-cost way, is also a problem that BAIC has been focusing on solving. In order to make off-road self-driving a popular culture, Beijing off-road and the domestic car rental industry leader Shenzhou Car Rental began to cooperate very early, and the two joined hands with BAIC Motor to launch 500 units of the BJ60, which is known as the "first car for long-distance self-driving", in 16 cities including Beijing, Chengdu, Guiyang and Urumqi. Through leasing, BJ60 will provide more off-road enthusiasts and their families with a luxurious "Yueye" self-driving experience. Compared with self-use off-road vehicles that cost a lot of money but are not used frequently, "landing and renting" an urban SUV with strong passability in tourist destinations has become a new trend of self-driving off-road, which not only lowers the threshold of off-road life experience, but also expands the travel radius of more users who love outdoor life.

Self-driving China Joy in China, hurry up and unlock the free life with BJ60

Concentrate on creating the ultimate off-road products, and pay tribute to every wild soul

In the past, long-distance driving was a journey of exhaustion and pleasure, and manufacturers and vehicles could only play the role of passive driving tools. With the development of society and the progress of science and technology, it has become an inevitable trend to gradually weaken the fatigue in long-distance self-driving. Beijing Off-road has been deeply involved in off-road for more than 60 years, has sufficient professional background in products, and has deep and advanced hard core power in the off-road field. Through the "five degrees" of strong BJ60, together with well-known partners in the industry, to create a new off-road fun and full enjoyment for the majority of users, not only laid the product imprint of "BJ60 long-distance self-driving first car", but also further deepened the brand image of the off-road family, so that more people can easily join the off-road family, with a lower threshold, A higher standard to appreciate the ultimate charm of long-distance off-road self-driving.

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