
Unlock a new level of driving: Dynamic car driving simulator to help you master your driving skills!

author:The source manufacturer of car driving simulators and traffic safety experience equipment

Dear friends, do you aspire to have proficient driving skills but are worried about the risks of practicing on the real road? Our car driving simulator is the place for you! It simulates all kinds of realistic road conditions, from bustling city streets to rugged mountain roads to bad weather conditions, and Dynamic Car Driving Simulator can help you improve your driving skills and gain valuable experience in a safe environment.

Unlock a new level of driving: Dynamic car driving simulator to help you master your driving skills!

ZG-ABS-DG6S two-seater dynamic car driving simulator

01. Highly realistic scenario simulation

The computer generates 3D images in real time, multi-degree-of-freedom mathematical models, and realizes car steering, braking and acceleration, making you feel as if you are on a real road. Whether it's the congested streets of a bustling city or the winding mountain roads, you'll be able to familiarize yourself with these environments.

Unlock a new level of driving: Dynamic car driving simulator to help you master your driving skills!

ZG-ABSDG3S dynamic three-two-person six-screen vehicle driving simulator

02. Multi-scenario simulation

Whether it's city roads, highways, mountain roads, muddy roads, wading roads, or driving scenarios in bad weather conditions such as rain, snow, and night, drivers can train in different scenarios and become familiar with various road conditions and traffic rules, helping you learn how to deal with complex traffic situations in a simulated environment.

Unlock a new level of driving: Dynamic car driving simulator to help you master your driving skills!

ZG-BLG-DG3S dynamic three-screen car driving simulator

03. Multi-DOF motion

The dynamic motion simulation platform is based on the motion instructions of the motion control to carry out the corresponding movement; The system control server extracts the corresponding action according to the content of the panoramic video, and calculates it into the motion instruction that the motion control can recognize, and controls the synchronous operation of the panoramic video of each player at the same time.

Unlock a new level of driving: Dynamic car driving simulator to help you master your driving skills!

VR three-degree-of-freedom dynamic curved screen car driving simulator

To sum up, the dynamic car driving simulator has realistic visual effects, multi-scene training simulation, and the motion feeling of synchronous video, in short, the driving simulator brings an immersive driving experience to the experiencer.

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