
Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

author:Sharp eyes on the world

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

"Oh, Xiao Zhang, do you say I'm so weak that I can't help it? I catch a cold and fever at every turn. Sister Zhao, who had just entered middle age, complained to the young doctor in the unit clinic.

As a busy business manager, Sister Zhao is under a lot of pressure on weekdays, and her physical fitness is deteriorating. The doctor told her with concern that strengthening her immunity was the key and recommended her to try the Chinese medicine Astragalus.

With doubts in mind, Sister Zhao began a journey to explore the mysteries of astragalus, hoping that this traditional herb could bring a turnaround to her body......

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

01 Astragalus nourishes the body, revealing the five major benefits

Strong immune barriers

Astragalus is known as the "good medicine for qi", and its main active ingredient Astragalus polysaccharides help activate the body's immune system, improve the body's ability to resist viruses and bacteria, and keep you away from frequent colds.

Nourishes qi and relieves fatigue

Astragalus nourishes the qi of the lungs and spleen, for people who are tired for a long time and have qi deficiency and fatigue, taking astragalus can improve physical fitness, enhance physical strength, dispel fatigue and boost spirits.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

Antioxidant and anti-aging

Astragalus is rich in antioxidants, which can inhibit the production of free radicals, protect cells from damage, help slow down the aging process, and maintain good health.

Improves heart function

Studies have shown that astragalus can have a positive impact on the cardiovascular system by regulating blood pressure, dilating blood vessels, and enhancing myocardial contractility, which is beneficial to heart health.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

Promotes wound healing and anti-inflammatory

Astragalus is an excellent herb that excels in anti-inflammatory properties, effectively helping the body to alleviate inflammatory conditions, thereby speeding up wound healing.

For example, if you're injured, using astragalus can help you recover faster. For chronic inflammatory diseases that have plagued people for a long time, astragalus is also a good hand, which can cooperate with the treatment and play a positive auxiliary role to make the body recover faster.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

02 Astragalus with five methods, the effect is doubled

Chicken soup stewed with astragalus

Astragalus and chicken are stewed together, the chicken nourishes, and the astragalus replenishes qi, the two complement each other, this soup is especially suitable for people in the postoperative recovery period and weak constitution, nourishing qi and blood, and strengthening muscles and bones.

Astragalus red date tea

Astragalus and red dates are boiled together in tea, red dates nourish the spleen and stomach, astragalus invigorates qi and solidifies the surface, this drink warms the stomach and replenishes qi, women can also drink it to regulate qi and blood, and beautify the skin.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

Astragalus codonopsis porridge

The porridge made of astragalus and codonopsis is a classic combination of traditional Chinese medicine, which together replenishes the qi of the spleen and stomach, strengthens the function of the digestive system, and improves resistance.

Astragalus wolfberry tea

Astragalus and wolfberry are used to make tea, wolfberry brightens the eyes and nourishes the liver, and astragalus replenishes qi and solidifies the surface, which is suitable for modern people who often stay up late and have tired eyesight, which not only protects the eyes but also enhances the physique.

Astragalus angelica mutton soup

Astragalus and angelica are paired with mutton soup, which is especially suitable for winter tonic to resist cold, improve the symptoms of cold hands and feet, and help women with menstrual irregularities

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

03 Astragalus is not a panacea, and the applicable population needs to pay attention

Caution for those who are full of heat evil: Astragalus is warm and replenishing in nature, and friends who have real fire or external heat in the body should not eat a large amount alone, so as not to aggravate the fever.

Damp heat constitution is not suitable: People with damp heat constitution have a heavy dampness in the body, and the tonic power of astragalus may make it difficult to discharge damp evil, but hinder metabolism.

Pregnant and lactating women should consult a physician: although astragalus has many benefits, pregnant and lactating women should consume it in moderation under professional guidance due to their special physiology.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

Those with kidney yin deficiency should not use it alone

Astragalus is biased towards yang to replenish qi, and people with kidney yin loss may aggravate the imbalance of yin and yang, so it is recommended to use it with yin-nourishing herbs.

Patients who are taking medication should be cautious

Astragalus may interact with other drugs and affect the efficacy, and patients who are undergoing treatment should use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

After following the doctor's advice, Sister Zhao began to consume astragalus regularly and tried the above various combinations.

After trying it for a few months, her face gradually turned rosy, her physical strength increased significantly, and the number of colds was greatly reduced.

She happily shared her changes and sighed: "I didn't expect this astragalus to really become my health guardian." ”

Learn to eat astragalus in this way to improve immunity, replenish qi and prevent diseases, and those who can eat it have earned it

"Good medicine is good for disease, and astragalus has a strong foundation. This sentence seems to be the best summary of the efficacy of astragalus.

When used wisely, this ancient herb can exert its miraculous power to help us achieve a healthy body in our daily health care.

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