
One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

author:Sharp eyes on the world

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

Lao Li Tou is just over 60 years old, is a retired teacher, in addition to teaching and educating people, his biggest hobby is to play with the flowers and trees in his small yard.

This spring, his old friend, Dr. Liu from the village clinic, came to visit him, and when he saw the acacia flowers full of flowers like snow, he couldn't help but sigh: "Lao Li, your locust flowers are blooming vigorously, you know no, this is a good medicine that nature gave us in April." ”

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

Lao Li was a little puzzled when he heard this, "You say it's beautiful, I can believe it, but when you say 'good medicine', where do you start?"

Dr. Liu smiled and shook his head, telling him that acacia flowers can not only decorate life, but also have unexpected health benefits, especially for people like him who are old, prone to liver fire and occasional vision discomfort.

Lao Li was skeptical after hearing this, and decided to take a deeper look to see what was so magical about this ordinary acacia flower.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

01Why is acacia flower sought after by everyone, and what are its benefits?

A little expert in liver nourishment and liver protection

Sophora flowers are slightly cold, return to the liver meridian, and have the effect of cooling blood and stopping bleeding, dispelling wind and clearing heat, just like sending a cup of cool and detoxifying tea to the liver. In spring, the liver qi is easy to flourish, and proper consumption of locust flowers can help relieve the discomfort caused by liver inflammation and nourish the liver.

A secret weapon with bright eyes

Acacia flowers are rich in vitamin A, and their effect on the eyes should not be underestimated. Eating acacia flower products can improve eye fatigue and prevent night blindness, especially for people who sit in front of the computer for a long time or read and study for a long time, it can be called a natural eye drop.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

A small fresh to clear the inner heat

In April, the heat is easy to produce internal fire, and the acacia flower has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can help to eliminate the dry heat in the body, making people feel refreshed and pleasant at the time of the transition of spring and summer, as if there is a clear spring flowing through the body.

02 3 home-cooked cooking methods and benefits of acacia flowers

Acacia dumplings, a good health product on the tip of the tongue

Wash and blanch the fresh acacia flowers, mix them into the pork filling, and wrap them into fragrant and attractive sophora flower dumplings. One bite, there is both the meaty aroma and the unique sweetness of the acacia flower, which not only satisfies the appetite, but also achieves the perfect integration of food and health with the help of the medicinal diet effect of the acacia flower.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

Scrambled eggs with acacia flowers, the first choice for a nutritious breakfast

Take the fresh and tender locust flowers and eggs and stir-fry together, yellow and green, the color and fragrance are good.

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, paired with acacia flowers, which are both delicious and can play a synergistic health care effect, and can be eaten in the morning, which can not only refresh the mind, but also moisturize and maintain the body.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

Steamed locust flowers, a new favorite of the light and healthy dining table

The acacia flowers are mixed with flour, steamed in the pot, and then poured with garlic sesame oil to form an authentic steamed locust flower.

This cooking method retains the original taste and nutritional value of acacia flowers to the greatest extent, which is not only suitable for digestion and absorption by the elderly and children, but also helps to clean up the heat and toxins accumulated in the body.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

03 What do I need to pay attention to when eating acacia flowers?

Moderate consumption: Although acacia flowers have many benefits, they should not be gluttonous. People with weak constitution and weak spleen and stomach should pay special attention to moderate consumption to avoid aggravating cold and dampness symptoms.

Make sure you pick them safely: Wild locust flowers may be tempting, but they can be contaminated in city parks or on the side of the road, so be sure to make sure they're safe before eating. If possible, it is best to choose fresh locust flowers that have not been sprayed with pesticides.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

Pay attention to allergic reactions: A very small number of people may be allergic to acacia flowers, try a small amount when you eat it for the first time, and observe whether there are any allergic reactions such as rash and itching. If you feel unwell, stop consuming immediately and seek medical help.

After listening to Dr. Liu's advice, Lao Li Tou began to try to make a variety of acacia delicacies, from acacia dumplings to scrambled eggs to steamed acacia flowers, each of which made him have endless memories.

One nourishes the liver, the second brightens the eyes, and the third clears the internal heat, and there are many benefits when you see this dish and eat it hard

After a few months, Lao Li felt that not only his mental state was much better, but his eyes were much more comfortable than before, and even his liver fire had improved. He was full of emotion, and praised the magic of acacia flowers when he met people, and became a small messenger in the village to promote the health preservation method of acacia flowers.

As the villagers often say: "Spring food locust flower race ginseng." This sentence vividly illustrates the unique value of acacia flowers in spring.

Through the experience of Lao Li Tou, we see the health wisdom behind the ordinary locust flower, the little locust flower, which is not only the embellishment of life, but also the ambassador of health, reminding us to enjoy the gifts of nature at the same time, but also to know how to make good use of ingredients and take care of our physical and mental health.