
The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?


From 2021 to 2023, the United States has repeatedly failed hypersonic weapons, but after several years, they still have not found the reason for their failure.

On April 8, the South China Morning Post said that Chinese scientists pointed out in their paper that they have discovered the reasons for the repeated failures of sophisticated weapons in the United States!

Why is it really necessary for us to find out why the United States has failed and write a paper to help them point out the problem?

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

The United States has repeatedly lost wars with sophisticated weapons

The United States has always been a leader in the cutting-edge weapons industry, whether it is its F-22 fighter jet or aircraft carrier, it is in a leading position in the world.

Especially in hypersonic technology, the United States was also the first to dabble.

The United States has invested a lot of human and financial resources, but now it seems that the results that the United States has obtained are not what it wants.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

In the U.S. hypersonic program, it was basically a failure, and none of the last three tests was successful.

Among them, the LRHW and ARRW missiles have been tested many times before, but there are few successful cases.

In June 2022, the LRHW missile, after being assembled, failed during a GPS weapon test, and even the missile did not succeed in ignition.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

In March, September and October 2023, the United States conducted three more missile tests, but they still ended in failure.

Official US Breaking Defense reported that during two tests in March and September, two missiles were lost.

But during the test in October, they found a fault before ignition, so they stopped the loss in time and saved the missile.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Obviously, it was the first to start the breakthrough of this technology, but now Russia's hypersonic missiles have long been used in the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield, and the United States is still losing repeatedly.

On April 8, the South China Morning Post said that Chinese scientists had already discovered the reason for the repeated failures of the United States' sophisticated weapons, and clearly pointed out them in the paper.

So, what exactly is the reason for the repeated failures of the United States in this regard?

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

China has found the problem with the United States

A team of Chinese scientists found that the United States has neglected a fatal flaw in the complex equation of high-temperature ablation for the simulation and analysis of ultra-high factors.

And this flaw may be the reason for their failure.

The paper points out that in the hypersonic state, the air cannot sense the arrival of the aircraft through the compressed air flow.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

The compressed airflow will form a very sharp shock wave with the shape of the body, because the compression wave energy increases, and the nose cone of the aircraft will produce a very high temperature.

So, in this part of the plane, be sure to use materials that are resistant to high temperatures.

The difficulty is that this place must not only be resistant to high temperatures, but also be able to see through electromagnetic waves or infrared light.

Even if everything is studied, a lot of wind tunnel tests need to be done to ensure the feasibility of the data.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

For testing, many teams use Vulcan-CFD software for analysis, and NASA uses this software.

However, our scientists have found that there are very serious problems in the details of the hypersonic flow field in this software.

He was unable to accurately reproduce the "actual environment in which the hypersonic fairing is located", and the simulation in this area was still deeply flawed.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Therefore, the United States has repeatedly lost battles during its experiments, because according to the current situation, failure is inevitable, but success is accidental.

After the publication of the paper, which pointed out the problem of hypersonic speed in the United States, some people pointed out why we should tell the United States so clearly what they are wrong.

Maybe the Americans don't necessarily appreciate it, and they may even "bite back" us to make it up......

So, is such an approach really necessary?

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

It is necessary to tell the United States?

In fact, for many people, such a paper is actually a kind of "confidential", since we have found a problem, do not tell the United States, who let the United States have been targeting China before.

However, if we think about it the other way around, the United States has invested so much manpower, financial and material resources in hypersonic speed, can they not know what the problem is?

For NASA, these problems are like "a layer of window paper", but they are unwilling to pierce them.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

The reason for their failure is because of the Vulcan-CFD software, which is so influential that it is used in most of the world's most advanced wind tunnel data analysis.

So, why is this software so influential, but not in China?

In fact, because NASA does not allow China to use this software, they have already imposed a technological blockade on China.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

In addition, foreign countries have very strict restrictions on the use of this software.

Only scientific research institutions in the United States are eligible to purchase and use this software.

However, when it comes to scientific research institutions in Europe, the United States and Japan, as long as you have a U.S.-registered institution, or even a certificate from a cooperative institution, you can use it.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Fortunately, we didn't use this software and accurately avoided this "big pit".

Because this software was launched by NASA, few people question its authority.

China, on the other hand, has been very careful in the manufacture of all precision weapons, and some tests have been carried out more than 100 times.

In the test of sophisticated weapons, China has almost no defeats.

So, where is the gap between China and the United States?

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

China's cutting-edge weapons

Once upon a time, China's weaponry was still far behind that of Europe and the United States, and when people used steel guns and cannons, we were still in the era of cold weapons.

However, falling behind does not mean that we will not progress.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, our country invested a lot of manpower, material, and financial resources in high-precision weapons, just to catch up with the world's leading countries.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Especially in the field of laser weapons, the mainland has achieved breakthroughs in a number of core technologies, and it can be said that in this field, the mainland has long stood in the forefront of the world.

The Chinese laser weapon "Silent Hunter" purchased by Saudi Arabia has already shot down many targets in actual combat, and is the world's first laser prevention and control weapon to achieve actual combat results.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

In addition to laser artillery, the long-range rocket artillery independently developed by the mainland has reached the world's leading level in terms of range and accuracy.

Moreover, the range of continental rocket artillery has continued to refresh the world record, from the initial 40 kilometers, to the current 400 kilometers, China's long-range rocket artillery, is no longer the rocket artillery of the past.

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Not only has the accuracy been improved, but the mainland has also solved the problem of "ammunition replenishment", which used to take time to replenish ammunition, but now it has been changed to a one-time overall loading shell box.

The problem of ammunition replenishment was solved, which was essential for "uninterrupted fire" on the battlefield.

It is believed that in the future arms race, the mainland's scientific and technological workers will continue to work hard to climb the peak of science and technology forever, and provide a higher level of guarantee for the mainland's security!

The United States has repeatedly failed in sophisticated weapons, and Chinese scientists have found the reason to write a paper pointing out that it is necessary?

Sources of information:

The failure of the US Air Force's hypersonic missile test launch, experts: It reflects that there are certain problems in the US scientific research and industrial system

US Secretary of the Air Force: US hypersonic missile tests have failed

5 tests of hypersonic missiles failed 4 times, US Air Force: Don't do it

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