
Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

author:Red Lotus

Recently, a recruitment announcement by SF Express has sparked widespread heated discussions on social media. It is reported that in order to cope with the upcoming business peak, SF Express plans to increase the academic requirements of front-line couriers, which immediately stirred up thousands of waves on the Internet, and many netizens have expressed doubts about whether SF's move is too harsh and whether it is really necessary to set such a high academic threshold.


In the current job market, the profession of courier is often regarded as manual work, and the educational requirements are not high. However, this new regulation of SF Express breaks this convention and clearly requires applicants to have at least a college degree. In this regard, SF Express responded that this is to adapt to the new trend of industry development and improve the overall quality and service level of front-line employees.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

At the same time, SF Express also said that this new regulation is not a one-size-fits-all rule, but a differentiated setting according to job requirements, aiming to select talents with more potential and development space. This explanation did not completely quell the doubts of netizens. Some netizens pointed out that the main job of a courier is to deliver goods, which does not require too high a degree of academic background, and an excessively high educational threshold may turn away some excellent couriers with rich experience but low education.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

In addition, some netizens are worried that this new regulation may trigger a "academic comparison" in the express delivery industry, causing other express companies to follow suit and increase the academic requirements, further intensifying the competitive pressure in the job market. SF Express's increase in academic requirements this time is not untargeted.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

With the vigorous development of the e-commerce industry, the volume of express delivery business continues to rise, and higher requirements are put forward for the service quality and comprehensive quality of couriers. Raising the academic requirements can screen out candidates with better learning ability and adaptability to a certain extent, and lay a solid talent foundation for the company's long-term development.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

At the same time, SF Express also realized that simply raising the academic requirements could not completely solve the problem. Therefore, in the recruitment process, SF Express will also pay attention to the actual ability and work experience of the candidates to ensure that the recruited personnel not only meet the academic requirements, but also have the actual work ability. In addition, SF Express also plans to provide more career development opportunities and space for frontline employees through internal training and promotion mechanisms, so as to help them continuously improve their abilities and qualities.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

However, although SF Express has made many explanations and arrangements, netizens' doubts are still endless. This can't help but make us think that in today's rapid development of the express industry, how should we look at the issue of academic qualifications? We need to be clear that academic qualifications are not equal to ability.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

Although academic qualifications can be used as an indicator of a person's level of education, they do not fully represent a person's abilities and qualities. Therefore, in the recruitment process, we should pay more attention to the candidate's actual ability and work experience, rather than just academic qualifications.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

As a service industry, the core competitiveness of the express delivery industry lies in service quality and efficiency. Therefore, when selecting talents, we should pay more attention to the performance of candidates in terms of service awareness, communication skills and teamwork spirit, rather than just pursuing high academic qualifications.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

We also need to recognise that improving academic requirements does not happen overnight. In the current job market, there are still a large number of excellent talents with low academic qualifications but practical work ability. Therefore, in the process of implementing the new regulations, we need to fully consider the actual situation and interests of this group of people, and ensure that they can receive fair opportunities and treatment.


SF Express's new regulations on raising academic requirements have indeed caused some controversy and questions. However, we should also see that this is an active exploration and attempt made by SF Express to adapt to the development trend of the industry and improve service quality. In the future development process, we expect SF Express to pay more attention to the innovation and improvement of talent training and selection mechanism, and contribute more to the healthy development of the industry.

Why do ordinary people bother ordinary people? SF Express requires a college degree, netizens: Why do you want to do this!

In this controversy over the academic threshold, we should also maintain a rational and objective attitude. After all, each enterprise has its own talent selection criteria and needs, and we should respect the right of choice of enterprises, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to the rights and interests of workers. Only by working together can we build a fairer, more harmonious and more efficient job market.

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