
Food Story - Cake Porridge

author:Guizhou Micro Alliance

Cake porridge has a history of more than 100 years. It is a Han Chinese-style snack in Guiyang City, which is a combination of "cake rice" and "porridge". There are round and square, pine bubbles like snow, cake filling delicate, garnished with roses and sesame seeds, etc., sweet and delicious. When mixed with water chestnut flour or lotus flour mixed with boiling water, it forms a "cake porridge" that locals love to eat.

Food Story - Cake Porridge

"Qingyan's cake porridge is made by steaming the cake in a special open kettle and pouring it into a bowl of water chestnut porridge or lotus flour porridge, which is mixed with boiling well water, which is unique.

Food Story - Cake Porridge

Gastronomy – history

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a vendor surnamed Lu in Guiyang, and his wife loved to eat sweets, so the lu peddlers had a sudden idea, using glutinous rice flour and bowls of ear cakes, grinding them into a pulp and steaming them, and then cutting them into pieces, garnished with roses, sesame seeds, and peach kernel rice. The result tastes very good. Later, the Song peddlers in Datong Street changed the cake into a garden shape, and with the "porridge" mixed with water chestnut powder, it became the "cake porridge" that Guiyang people love to eat.

Food Story - Cake Porridge

Gastronomy – the recipe

1. First, the glutinous rice flour and sticky rice flour with coarser grinding particles are mixed evenly according to the ratio of 3:7, add sugar, and steam in a small cage drawer to become a cake.

2: In another small bowl, use boiling water to brew the water chestnut powder (or lotus flour) into "porridge", and put the "cake rice" into it and mash it.

3: Sprinkle rose sugar, sugar, sautéed peanuts, sautéed sesame seeds and various preserved fruits to serve.

Food Story - Cake Porridge

The finished cake porridge is like a bowl of dessert mixed with red beans, soybeans, cloud beans, sesame seeds, peanuts, preserved fruits, and rose water, which is fragrant, refreshing and nutritious.

The aroma is light, sweet but not greasy, healthy spleen, young and old.

Food Story - Cake Porridge

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