
Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!

author:Three spikes are a specialty

Cake porridge is a flavor snack from Guiyang City, Guizhou Province. It is a food made by combining "cake rice" and "porridge". Its taste is light and fragrant, sweet but not greasy, healthy spleen, young and old.

Porridge has always been one of guiyang people's favorite hometown flavors, the entrance is sweet, and the streets are often purchased in long queues.

Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!
Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!

How to make porridge with cakes

1. First, the glutinous rice flour and sticky rice flour with coarser grinding particles are mixed evenly according to the ratio of 3:7, add sugar, and steam in a small cage drawer to become a cake.

2: In another small bowl, use boiling water to brew the water chestnut powder (or lotus flour) into "porridge", and put the "cake rice" into it and mash it.

3: Sprinkle rose sugar, sugar, sautéed peanuts, sautéed sesame seeds and various preserved fruits to serve.

The historical story of porridge

Legend has it that during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a peddler in Guiyang surnamed Lu, who had a beautiful wife, and he was very affectionate with his wife. And his wife especially likes to eat some Guiyang snacks, so the Lu surname hawkers have a sudden idea, using glutinous rice flour and bowls of ear cakes, grinding them into pulp sweat and steaming, the color is white, pine is like snow, and then use bamboo slices to form blocks, dotted with roses, sesame seeds, peach kernel rice. The result is a very tender and sweet taste. So this became the flavor snack of Guiyang, people called "Lu Cake Dumpling", and then there were Song surnamed vendors on the side of the City God Temple (the west entrance of Datong Street), who changed the "Lu Cake Rice" into a garden shape, without adding any condiments, to make "Song Cake Dumpling". Garden-shaped cake rice with water chestnut powder mixed with "porridge" becomes a "cake porridge" loved by Guiyang people, and the taste is sweet.

Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!

The flavor characteristics of the porridge

Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!

Cake porridge is generally made of black sticky rice, but there are also white sticky rice for guests to choose. Cake porridge is sweet and smooth, sweet but not greasy, has the effect of appetizing and digesting gas, healthy spleen, old and young salty. It has been produced for more than 100 years. If you want to eat cake porridge, I recommend you to taste it at the Xiejia Centennial Cake Shop in Qingyan Ancient Town, Guiyang!

Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!
Guizhou special cuisine has a kind of hometown sweetness, called Guiyang's cake porridge!

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