
The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

author:Beijing Chronicle
The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"
The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

The capital is known as "there is Zhangjiawan in the east and three stores in the west". In 2002, "Sanjiadian" was selected as the second batch of historical and cultural protection areas in Beijing, the first batch of Chinese traditional villages in 2012, and the first batch of municipal traditional villages in Beijing in 2018. It is known as "the first village in western Beijing".

On the 1,480-meter-long ancient street in the village, there are 7 city-level and district-level cultural relics protection units, Lao She's camel Xiangzi has walked here; Taiping Drum, Stilt Club, Taijiquan, Longwang Temple Temple Fair and Peking Opera "Sanjiadian" firmly "bind" the traditional culture with the Yongding River and the Jingxi Ancient Road, and stretch the thousand-year-old cultural context of the village like an ancient street.

Walking through the Dragon King Temple, drilling out of the Fengsha Line Railway Bridge, when we walked out of the ancient street, looking west. The Yongding River, surrounded by mountains, rushes out of the Baili Mountain Gorge from here and rushes to the alluvial plain of Yima Pingchuan. From the ancient ferry port of Yongding River to the Sanjiadian barrage, there are 8 bridges and piers on the river in just one kilometer. These 8 bridges (piers) have different shapes, such as Changhong lying waves, dragons out of the water, with the imprint of history, spanning a hundred years, running through the north and south, as if it is a landscape painting that makes me feel relaxed and happy, lingering.

The exit of the Yongding River refers to the geographical space from Sanjiadian, Mayu to Shijingshan on the left bank, and from Chengzi, Wollongong to Yinshan on the right bank. Looking down on Sanjiadian Village from the top of Jiulong Mountain, it is located in the place of the left bank lock key, and its unique geographical environment has become an important transportation, economic and trade, military and cultural hub in the region, and it is also because of its unique geographical environment that it has become an excellent choice for the construction of ancient and modern water conservancy projects. There are clear records in the history books that there are as many as 10 times of water diversion in the area of the Yongding River out of the mountain pass, the most important is that in 250 A.D., Liu Jing, the general of Cao Wei Zhenbei, built the Lingyan and drove the box canal to divert water for irrigation, and Guo Shoujing opened the Jinkou River and built the capital city with wood and stone in the west of the mountain. The canal heads of these ancient water diversion projects were basically laid along the line from Junzhuang to Shijingshan on the left bank.

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

Three shops plank bridge丨Old photos

As the ferry port of the Yongding River on the Jingxi Ancient Road, the special geographical location connecting the capital and Xishan allows several ancient roads to converge in Sanjiadian. In the past, coal was produced in western Beijing, and the coal transported from the Zhaitang River was transported all the way to Fuchengmen by the camel team after being transferred through the Liuliqu and Sanjiadian ferries. With the construction of the railway, the figure of the sunset camel in the three stores gradually declined.

In modern times, Sanjiadian has become the starting point of Guxishan Avenue and Miaofeng Mountain Xiangdao South Road, and Jingmen Highway, 109 National Highway, Sixth Ring Road, Fengsha Railway, and Jingmen Railway all pass through here.

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

After the completion of the construction of the Jingmen Highway

The Sanjiadian barrage bridge in the southwest of the village converges in the middle of the many bridges in Sanjiadian, and is arranged in order of Jingmen Railway Bridge, Jingmen Highway Bridge, New Highway Bridge, Bridge Gate Highway Bridge, Xinfengsha No. 1 Bridge, Sanjiadian Cable-stayed Bridge, Old Fengsha No. 1 Bridge and Diagonal Military Railway Bridge.

In order to transport a large amount of coal, in the summer of 1906, the Ministry of Commerce of the Qing government requested "the construction of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway branch line to develop the coal industry", which was approved in July of the same year, and it was determined that the construction would be built from the surplus profits of the railway inside and outside the Guanwai. In October, Zhan Tianyou, chief engineer of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway, led a team to survey and design the Beijing-Gate section, so there was the first railway bridge across the Yongding River in the Mentougou section. The Jingmen Railway Bridge was completed in 1908 after two years, with a total length of 216.6 meters, a pier height of 7.63 meters, and a total of 8 holes. This is the earliest railway bridge designed and constructed by the Chinese themselves, and was completed almost at the same time as the famous Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway.

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

Mentougou Coal Mine around 1919

The second bridge is the Beijing Gate Highway Bridge, built in 1921, which is the first reinforced concrete road bridge in Beijing's history, designed by European engineers. In addition, there are bridges built in different periods such as 1954, 1956, and 1985.

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

The latest one is the Sanjiadian cable-stayed highway bridge built in 2008 on the West Sixth Ring Road, with a total length of 263 meters, a bridge deck width of 30.26 meters, and a two-way six-lane bridge, and a main tower of 33 meters high, which is the world's first cable-stayed bridge using pier top rotation technology. It is said that in order not to affect the transportation of the new Fengsha railway bridge, the construction party first built the bridge next to it when it was built, and then turned the bridge around, crossed the railway line, and docked steadily with the prefabricated bridge at both ends. The total length of the rotating box girder is 182 meters, and the total weight of the single-hinged rotating body is 15,000 tons, ranking first in the world among similar bridges.

The ancients said: Build bridges to help people cross, and build roads for people to cross. Mentougou three stores, Yongding River outlet, this bridge, can be called the most intuitive Chinese modern bridge museum. Not only in Beijing, but also in the whole country and the world, it is also a unique existence.

In order to surround Beijing with green water, a large barrage was built in the Sanjiadian section upstream of the Lugou Bridge, and an aqueduct leading to the Summer Palace was manually dug along the north bank of the Yongding River. The barrage intercepts the Yongding River into a reservoir that is about 400 meters wide.

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

Yongding River three shop sluice

The function of the Sanjiadian barrage is to cut off the Yongding River, raise the water level of the river, and supply water to the city of Beijing through the Yongding River diversion canal. This water conservancy hub mainly includes water conservancy projects with Sanjiadian barrage, diversion canal inlet sluice and channels as the main body. The Yongding River Water Diversion Project is the first large-scale modern urban water supply project built after the founding of the People's Republic of China. This project is of exemplary significance in the history of national water conservancy, which not only accumulates valuable experience in planning, construction and management of modern barrage water diversion projects, but also reflects the changes in population, resources and environment and the changes in the concept and mode of water management and water use, which can be called a vivid history of water conservancy in Beijing.

It is worth mentioning that the industrial foundation was very weak in the early days of the establishment of the Republic, and the construction of large-scale projects such as the diversion of water from the Yongding River not only lacked construction experience, but also lacked the support of the industrial base. Not only the steel and cement required for the project should be raised from all over the country, but more than 20 enterprises such as Changxindian Locomotive and Rolling Stock Factory, Shijingshan Iron and Steel Plant, Jingxi Mining Bureau, and Nankou Parts Factory participated in the construction of the 27-ton lifting gate hoist. The construction army came from the regular troops of the Hydropower Engineering Bureau and the Municipal Engineering Bureau, including migrant workers from the suburbs of Beijing and Hebei Province, as well as construction personnel from the Jingxi Mining Area, Shijingshan, Haidian, Fengtai and other places along the project, reaching as many as 3,000. Voluntary labor is a major initiative of this project, and the number of volunteer laborers from all walks of life, including PLA officers and soldiers, has reached 510,000. It can be said that the Yongding River water diversion project is the fruit of socialism in concentrating its forces on major tasks.

Author: ✎ Liu Huisheng

[Article source: "Beijing Chronicle" April issue]

The "No. 1 Village in Western Beijing"

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