
In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Xiu Chef Niang

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Summer is here, and all kinds of fresh vegetables are on the market, such as green vegetables, crisp cucumbers, red tomatoes, and a dazzling array of vegetables. Among these many vegetables, there is a vegetable known as the "king of anthocyanins" - purple potatoes, which are favored for their unique color and rich nutritional value.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

Purple potatoes not only have a purple appearance, but also a purple interior, which is particularly attractive. Compared with ordinary potatoes, purple potatoes are richer in anthocyanins and have significant antioxidant effects. Eating more purple potatoes in summer contributes to the overall health of the body.

1. Potassium supplementation: Purple potatoes are rich in potassium, an important mineral for normal cell function and heart health. Sweating a lot in summer makes it easy to lose potassium, and proper consumption of purple potatoes can replenish potassium and prevent cramps and fatigue.

2. Eye protection: The anthocyanins in purple potatoes have a protective effect on eyesight, can relieve eye fatigue and improve visual acuity. It is especially beneficial for people who use their eyes for long periods of time.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

3. Strengthen the spleen and stomach: Purple potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion, improve constipation, and have a good conditioning effect on the spleen and stomach.

4. Detoxification and laxative: The dietary fiber in purple potatoes can increase the volume of feces, promote intestinal peristalsis, help to excrete toxins, prevent constipation, and make bowel movements smoother.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

Recommended recipe: Kidney bean pork belly stewed with purple potatoes

Ingredients: 500 grams of purple potatoes, 200 grams of pork belly, 300 grams of kidney beans, 4 cloves of garlic, a small piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of chicken essence, and an appropriate amount of cooking oil.

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Food processing: Wash the purple potatoes, peel them and cut them into pieces, soak them in clean water to prevent oxidation and discoloration; Wash and slice the pork belly and set aside; Remove the old tendons from the kidney beans, wash them and cut them into sections; Crush the garlic and slice the ginger.

2. Blanch: Blanch the kidney beans in boiling water for 3 minutes, remove and drain for later use. Blanch the pork belly in boiling water, remove the blood foam, remove and drain for later use.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

3. Stir-fry: Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger slices and garlic to stir-fry until fragrant, add pork belly, stir-fry until the meat slices change color, the edges are slightly browned, pour in cooking wine, continue to stir-fry, remove the smell and increase the flavor; Add light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to adjust the color, then stir-fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water, and it is advisable to cover the pork belly.

4. Simmer: After the water boils, add the purple potato cubes, turn to medium-low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the purple potatoes are soft and rotten; Add the blanched kidney beans and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add salt and chicken essence to taste and stir well. Reduce the juice on high heat until the soup is thick, turn off the heat and remove from the pot, sprinkle with coriander to garnish, and serve.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

This stewed purple potato dish with kidney bean and pork belly is not only delicious in color and flavor, but also rich in nutrition. The purple potatoes release a subtle sweetness during stewing, and the aroma of the pork belly and the crispness of the kidney beans create a wonderful layer. This dish has the eye-catching purple of purple potatoes, the meaty aroma of pork belly, and the bright green of kidney beans.

In summer, this dish is eaten hard, one is to supplement potassium, two to protect the eyes, three to strengthen the spleen and stomach, and four to laxative, which is nutritious and cheap

Cooking Tips:

1. Handling of purple potatoes: After the purple potatoes are cut into pieces, they should be soaked in water as soon as possible to prevent oxidation and discoloration from affecting the appearance of the dish.

2. Choice of pork belly: Choose fatty and lean pork belly, which can not only increase the flavor of the dish, but also not be too greasy.

3. Stew: When stewing purple potatoes, pay attention to the heat, first boil over high heat, and then turn to low heat and simmer, so as to better maintain the nutrients of purple potatoes from loss.

4. Juice collection skills: Finally, high heat to reduce the juice can make the soup concentrate, better wrap around the surface of the ingredients, and make the flavor more intense.

This kidney bean pork belly stew with purple potatoes is easy to make and nutritious, making it a rare delicacy on the summer table. Take advantage of the large number of purple potatoes on the market in summer, so hurry up and try it!

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