
Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

author:Mola talks about the past and the present
Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

In the eyes of people, the countryside is a group of farmers who are doing breeding and farming in a down-to-earth manner, but as everyone knows, with the development of the times, there are also many businesses in the countryside that endanger land security and food security, and the state has clearly issued a ban, which shows the great impact.

So what are they, and how do they cause harm? Let me take a closer look at them for you.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

It is forbidden to sell black soil independently

Black soil is a rare and good arable land resource in the world, and there are only three regions in the world, one is the northeast region of the mainland, one is the Great Plain of Ukraine, and the last one is the Mississippi River Basin of the United States, which means that only the northeast region has black soil in the mainland and even the whole of Asia.

Black soil is a naturally formed non-renewable resource, which is formed in a hundred years of precipitation after full time, place and people, and is very precious.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

Compared with normal soil, black soil is rich in organic matter and trace elements, which can not only provide sufficient nutrients for the growth of crops, but also ensure ecological balance, and is an important resource for the sustainable development of the mainland.

The weather in Northeast China is cold, and the grain crops are single and all of them are cropped once a year, and most of the grain production is bred by the black soil, so that the grain production can be abundantly supplied to the people and produced in various places.

However, not only the state and regular farmers have seen the important value of black soil, but many illegal elements have also begun to find their own "business opportunities" in it, since the value of black soil is so high, naturally there are many people who want to own black soil to grow things, so illegal elements have the idea of selling black soil.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

There are simple and crude direct and secretly digging, and there are also those who cover their ears and steal the bell, first through a series of formal procedures to contract a piece of black land, and then begin to dig wantonly, and then secretly sell it unknowingly.

In the eyes of criminals, they are simply selling a piece of land, but for the entire Northeast and even the whole country, food security is greatly damaged.

Although the regulatory authorities at all levels in Northeast China immediately took measures to crack down on this behavior after discovering this behavior, the high profits still make many people continue to take risks and cannot be completely eradicated.

In addition to man-made theft and trafficking, due to changes in the natural environment, the fertility and area of black soil are gradually shrinking, and the two "go hand in hand", making the already small black soil even worse.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

Therefore, it is urgent for the state to take action to stop it, and in the No. 1 document of the central government newly released this year, it is clearly stipulated that the sale of black soil must be cleared, and it must not be allowed, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious.

The mainland is a big agricultural country, and the huge people are dependent on the land for their livelihood, so protecting land security is the key measure to protect the national economy and people's livelihood.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

It is forbidden to collect and store green reserves

The word green reserve must be in the clouds for everyone, then I will briefly introduce to you, the so-called green reserve is used to feed livestock about to mature wheat stalks and corn stalks, originally farmers are in the case of ensuring that their own grain is enough to eat enough to sell, only to feed some of the last harvest is not very good to feed livestock.

But it has also become an important business opportunity for many traders who raise large numbers of social animals in bulk, who will come to the village to talk to the villagers about harvesting business when the wheat is about to ripen.

And their harvesting methods are also very barbaric, the direct harvester can be crushed at once, which has an irreparable impact on the grain production, and the farmers agree because they give a price much more than they finally sell the grain for harvest.

A year of hard work facing the loess with his back to the sky, he couldn't earn a few dollars, and now someone came to help him harvest, and gave him a lot of money, and the farmers couldn't ask for it.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

However, if this situation continues for a long time, the market will gradually become saturated, and the prices given by traders will not always be so high, and it will also lead to a large amount of wheat not being harvested, which is a major hazard to national food security.

Although this is easier for farmers, and there is still more space and spare energy to grow a lot of profitable food crops, everything should be done in moderation, and you can't put your eggs in one basket, and such a desperate gamble will definitely be seriously counterattacked.

Because there is relatively little manpower for farming in rural areas, the mainland has adopted a series of welfare measures to help farmers to encourage everyone to farm, and the behavior of selling large quantities of green reserves is undoubtedly contrary to the state's policy of helping farmers.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

Solving the problem of feeding the people is the most important task of the state, so the mainland must take action to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control of this kind of behavior, control it within a reasonable value, and fully guarantee the stable and sustainable development of agriculture.

Document No. 1 of the Central Committee clearly states that it is necessary to severely punish and crack down on all kinds of behaviors that violate the safety and stability of agricultural production, and calls on the broad masses of peasants to establish a correct concept of agricultural production, have a deeper understanding of food security, and consciously protect food security.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

The sale of earthworms is prohibited

Unexpectedly, now in the countryside, not only frogs are bought, but even earthworms have become commodities, so what is the value of earthworms?

Don't look at the earthworm as inconspicuous, and even hated by most people because of its appearance, but it is a real beneficial insect!

The earthworm is a small guard of dredging the sediment in the soil, it is constantly drilling around in the soil, so that the soil can fully breathe, absorb the air and water from the outside world, so that the planted crops can fully grow.

Moreover, vermicompost is rich in a large number of microorganisms and organic matter, which is very important for the adjustment of soil pH, is an important natural nutrient, and is a generous gift from nature, providing a steady stream of fertility for the soil.

In addition to the above points, earthworms also have an important contribution to the mitigation of the greenhouse effect, which can control the emission of greenhouse gases in the soil by changing the soil structure and the composition of carbon and nitrogen in the soil.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

And earthworms can also be eaten, it has a lot of protein, in the edible is also an important medicinal material, it is made into dried earthworms for people to supplement amino acids, it is rich in a large number of trace elements and vitamins also greatly improve people's digestion.

So all along, people have been widely catching earthworms in the wild, under the continuous efforts of these traders, the number of earthworms has exploded, and the unit price of earthworms has soared.

Originally, the price of earthworms was 70 yuan, but now it has soared to 280 yuan, and those traders think that they can make a lot of money, so they can't control themselves, because earthworms are deep in the soil, and usually only when it rains will they be washed up, so a large number of people use electric shocks to get them.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

Electric shock will also cause damage to the land, more importantly, after the earthworm is captured in large quantities, the fertility of the soil will be greatly reduced, the quality of the harvest will be greatly reduced, and it is a big blow to the security of food, the earthworm is an important part of the ecological chain, it is destroyed, it will lead to the destruction of the balance of the entire ecological environment, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, the state has urgently introduced a ban on fishing, hoping that under the control of the state, this business can be curbed in time, and the number of earthworms can gradually return to a normal state, and continue to contribute to the soil and biosphere.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

It is forbidden to open gambling establishments in groups

Playing cards and mahjong are important items for the majority of people to return to the village for the New Year, and some farmers saw this business opportunity and began to set up places in their homes for people to gather to play cards.

Even if it's not the Chinese New Year, this is usually a very objective commercial project, after all, the chess and card rooms in the city are crowded with people every day, and the venue fee alone is very considerable.

Farmers have no income in the countryside, and the opening of chess and card rooms is very attractive to them, anyway, their own self-built houses are very large, and the intensity of checking gambling in rural areas is very small, and it is even more hidden in their own homes.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

However, gambling money is harmful and not beneficial, how many people are bankrupt because of addiction to gambling, not to mention the peasants who do not have much income, earn a little money and leave it all out, life is even more difficult, and for the addicted to gambling will be passive sabotage of agricultural production, grain production will not be harvested, and eating is a big problem.

If everyone is involved in gambling, then the atmosphere of this village and even the whole society will be corrupted, and even all kinds of social vicious incidents will occur, and we must cut off the sprouts.

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements

Although many people open a place to play cards are to let everyone play properly, but anything will change the flavor driven by interests, rural revitalization is not easy, the country has also invested a lot of effort and funds in this, can not let gambling ruined.

At present, some grassroots cadres have seen the benefits of opening chess and card rooms, and they have all used their crooked brains to carry out various black-box operations on the chess and card rooms opened by villagers to send money into their own pockets, and even worse, they directly use public funds to gamble, and no matter which one of them, it has greatly damaged the rural economy.

Gambling has always been the target of the mainland's vigorous crackdown, and now in the so-called small private chess and card rooms in the countryside, we can not have the slightest compassion and luck, we must vigorously crack down, and return a clear environment in the countryside!

Four types of "business" are banned, and the No. 1 document of the central government has requirements


Farmers have always been a vulnerable group in society, most of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and they have no culture, they only know that money is good, so they will inevitably be used by people with intentions, but I hope that everyone can polish their eyes, understand what should be done and what should not be done, and jointly maintain their own place of survival.

And those unscrupulous traders in the society should also have a little conscience, everyone lives on the same earth and the same China, the environment is destroyed and there is no benefit to them, and no matter how much money is spent, they will not be able to spend it at that time!