
Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

author:The guardian of freedom

In the entertainment industry, in order to protect their "jobs", celebrities do not hesitate to spend sky-high prices to buy human insurance, which has become an eye-catching phenomenon. These insurances are not only to protect their health, but also to protect their priceless treasures so that they can still shine on stage. Let's take a look at the celebrities who spend a lot of money to buy human insurance, and see what kind of confidence and confidence they have invested in their "jobs"!

Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

The first to appear on the stage was Hong Kong's first-line actress Ye Zimei. In 1991, she invested a huge amount of insurance for her chest at a sky-high price of 2 million, becoming the first star in Hong Kong to buy human insurance. Ye Zimei's move caused a sensation and also opened a precedent for celebrities in the entertainment industry to buy human insurance. For her, this insurance is not only a protection for her body, but also an injection of self-confidence and career, allowing her to show her charm in film and television works.

Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

Next, let's take a look at the piano prince Lang Lang. As a virtuoso pianist, his hands are the foundation and lifeblood of his career. As early as 2008, Lang Lang publicly revealed that he had invested a huge insurance policy worth up to $30 million for his world-famous piano players. This insurance is not only a recognition of his own value, but also the protection of his artistic achievements, allowing him to play on the music stage.

Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

Then, let's take a look at Taylor Swift, the diva of the United States. As a high-profile pop singer, she is proud not only of her musical talent, but also of her long legs. In order to protect his "money tree", Taylor Swift invested in a life insurance worth up to $40 million. This insurance is not only a guarantee of her charm, but also a protection of her endless stage vitality and passion for performance, so that she can continue to be a dazzling star in the music scene.

Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

Finally, let's focus on American singer Jennifer Lopez. As a multi-talented artist, her legs are not only a showcase for her dancing on stage, but also one of the pillars of her career. It is reported that Jennifer Lopez has invested a huge amount of insurance worth up to $1 billion for herself, the largest of which is to protect her shiny legs. This insurance is not only a guarantee for her stage performances, but also a recognition of her value as an artist as a whole, allowing her to continue to shine on the music stage.

Take stock of those celebrities who buy sky-high body insurance

In these stars, we see their dedication and confidence in their careers, as well as their cherishing and protection of their bodies. Buying sky-high human insurance is not only a financial investment for them, but also a recognition of their own value and confidence in the future. Let's kudos to these brave stars and look forward to them continuing to shine on stage!

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