
Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

author:Keep a diary with your baby

In recent years, there has been more and more attention to children's "depression", and according to the data of the "2022 National Blue Book on Depression" released in 2022, the probability of adolescents suffering from depression is as high as 15%-20%, which really shocks us.

For depression, many people's cognition is very shallow, only knowing that it is a disease, and there should be no relationship with children, but the reality is far from what we know.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Why does depression, a disease that should only happen to adults, can appear in such young children? The reasons behind this are worth pondering as parents.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

Depression is not a simple melancholy, but a mental illness caused by excessive melancholy, with a high incidence rate and a high probability of cure but few people are willing to receive treatment and a high recurrence rate, that is, many people may suffer from depression, but the degree is not the same, and the manifestations are not the same.

The main manifestations of depression are as follows: first, there is a relatively obvious and persistent depressed mood, second, there is no interest in anything, and the surrounding affairs are ignored, and third, there is a lack of energy, and there is always a lack of energy. Some patients may also have symptoms such as slower reaction speed, poor thinking ability, and poor memory ability. In general, depression is mainly manifested by depressed mood, which is in stark contrast to the environment in which it is located, and can be depressed, grief-stricken, insensitive to everything, accompanied by feelings of disgust, pain, shame, etc.

If parents find that their child suddenly has a persistent low mood, they should pay more attention to the child to see if the child is depressed, and intervene and treat it in time.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack
Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

So, what exactly causes depression in a child?

Studies have shown that the main causes of depression in children are as follows.

First, it runs in families.

Depression is passed on to the next generation to some extent, and if the parents themselves have a history of depression, then the chances of the child getting sick are higher. Therefore, parents with a history of depression should pay more attention to their children's mood and state.

Second, the child is too stressed and cannot be released.

Compared with the past, children are really stressed now, especially in learning, if the school and parents are more demanding, this will increase the pressure on children, if the pressure has not been released by the way, it is more likely to affect children's mental health.

Some parents always want to give their children the best, arrange a lot of interest classes for their children, and have high expectations for their children, although this is understandable, but it may cause nameless pressure on children, or make children lose the joy of childhood, which is not conducive to children's mental health development.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

Third, children have poor emotional adjustment skills.

Children also have their own emotions and thoughts, but they do not have enough emotional regulation ability, especially if parents do not give children the space to vent their emotions or guide children to understand and regulate emotions, then children may be disturbed by their own emotions, and then may evolve into depression.

Fourth, changes in the living environment.

Some children are not adaptable, and if there are major changes in the living environment, school, and family, then these may cause children to have bad emotions and affect their mental health.

In addition to the above reasons, children who suffer from other diseases and have low introverted self-esteem are also prone to depression, which may evolve into depression if they do not pay attention.

It can be seen that the causes of depression are multifaceted, last for a long time, and have a great impact on children's mental health. Therefore, parents need to pay more attention to their children's emotions and performance, and intervene in time.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

If symptoms of depression have already appeared, then parents should not be overly nervous, but should remain calm, so as to guide the child to come out.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

If you want to help your child get out of depression, there are still many ways, and parents can learn from it.

(1) Learn to be a listener to your child.

As parents, we should pay attention to the communication methods with our children, not always on top, but to stand in an equal role with children, to guide children to express their thoughts or bad emotions in their hearts, let children share and tell, listen carefully, so that children can release their bad emotions and not accumulate in their hearts.

Be careful not to judge or educate children at will, but guide children to find ways to solve their bad emotions on their own, so that children can know how to deal with their bad emotions.

(2) Let children learn ways to regulate their emotions.

Children do not know how to regulate their emotions, so parents have to teach their children how to control themselves, such as random graffiti, writing diaries, writing random thoughts, listening to soothing music, going out to do their favorite sports, getting close to nature, etc., all of which can let children release their emotions or stress, so that children will not be overwhelmed by depression.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

(3) Lower the requirements for children.

Although there are many parents who hope that their children can become excellent people, but too high requirements will not, first of all, this is unrealistic, and secondly, too high expectations will make children feel great pressure, and even make children feel that their abilities are not good, so parents should appropriately lower their own requirements, after all, children's health is the most important. Losing a healthy child for the sake of those empty things is the least worthwhile.

(4) Create a good family atmosphere.

Family is an important place for children's growth, and every word and deed of parents and the family environment will have an immeasurable impact on the healthy growth of children. Therefore, parents should be careful not to bring the negative emotions of their life and work to their homes, especially not to quarrel in front of their children, and not to complain to their children or vent the negative emotions of life to their children. Parents should maintain a stable mood so that their children can also learn to control their emotions and deal calmly with changes in life.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

(5) Cultivate children's positive and optimistic attitude.

A positive attitude is very important for a child's development, which does not necessarily mean how cheerful and capable the child is, but so that the child can face life positively. A positive and optimistic attitude can stimulate children's inner potential, so that children can face the big and small things in life calmly, and be passionate about life and motivated.

If you want your child to become positive and optimistic, parents need to pay attention to the small things in life, praise their children more, treat the big and small things in life with a positive attitude, and lead by example.

Depression has a great impact on children's growth, and improper handling will affect children's learning and life, so parents should pay more attention to their children, do not ignore them, accompany their children more, and give children positive emotional responses, so that children can grow up healthily.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

If the child is really suffering from depression, parents should not be anxious and actively cooperate, and the child can recover health. Learning and grades are important, but children's health and happiness are the most important thing, and parents should not put the cart before the horse.

Why do good children suddenly become depressed? Not without warning, parents should have a snack

Author: Wait for the wind to come

A working mother of two children, holding a pen in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, she likes to read, write, and paint, and firmly believes that even if she lives in a chicken feather, she must have her own poetry and distance in her heart.

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