
Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

Jasmine is loved by many flower lovers for its pure white flowers and charming fragrance, and has become one of the popular choices for family flower raising. However, the seemingly easy maintenance of jasmine hides many "pits" that are easy to mistakenly fall into. If you accidentally step on a thunderbolt, it is not only difficult to appreciate the beauty of jasmine, but it can also lead to damage to the health of the plant.

Today, we will explain in detail the 5 common misunderstandings that need to be avoided when raising jasmine, and I hope you can have a snack and easily raise beautiful jasmine.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

1. Myth 1: Overwatering

When caring for jasmine, many flower lovers are worried that it will wilt due to lack of water, so they water it frequently. However, overwatering is one of the most common misconceptions in jasmine care. Although jasmine prefers a moist environment, too much water can cause root rot and affect plant health.

The correct way to water is to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. In general, you can increase the frequency of watering in the summer when it is hot, but make sure that the soil is completely dry after each watering before the next watering. In winter, when the temperature is low, the growth rate of jasmine slows down, and the frequency of watering should be reduced to avoid root rot caused by too much water. When watering, care should also be taken to avoid pouring water directly on the leaves to prevent disease.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

2. Myth 2: Ignoring the need for light

Jasmine is a light-loving plant, and adequate light is the key to its healthy growth and flowering. However, some flower lovers may ignore the importance of light when caring for jasmine and place it in a shady corner, resulting in poor jasmine growth or even no flowering.

Jasmine needs at least six hours of light a day, preferably on a sunny balcony or windowsill. If there isn't enough light indoors, you can choose to move your jasmine outdoors on a sunny day to let it get plenty of sunlight. When the temperature is high in summer, it can be properly shaded to avoid burning the leaves caused by strong direct light. Lack of light can cause jasmine leaves to turn yellow and flower buds to fall off, so it's important to pay attention to your light needs to ensure healthy growth.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

3. Myth 3: Ignore fertilization

Jasmine requires a lot of nutrient support during growth and flowering, and neglecting fertilization can lead to slow growth and poor flowering. When caring for jasmine, many flower lovers often only pay attention to watering and light, but ignore the importance of fertilization.

Jasmine needs to be fertilized regularly during the growing season, generally applying thin fertilizer every two weeks, and the number of fertilization can be appropriately increased in the summer flowering season. Choosing a compound fertilizer with a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or a special flower fertilizer, can promote the healthy growth of jasmine and the formation of flower buds. When fertilizing, it is necessary to pay attention to controlling the concentration to avoid excessive fertilization and root damage. In addition, jasmine in winter enters the dormant period, so the number of fertilization should be reduced to allow the plants to rest naturally and accumulate energy for the growth of the next spring.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

4. Myth 4: Not paying attention to pruning

Jasmine grows at a fast rate, and if not pruned properly, it is easy to have too long branches and too dense leaves, which affects the ventilation and light of the plant, thus affecting the flowering effect. Many flower lovers often ignore the importance of pruning when maintaining jasmine, resulting in poor growth of jasmine.

The correct pruning method is to prune properly according to the growth state of the jasmine. Generally, before germinating new shoots in spring, a heavy pruning can be carried out to prune off the branches that are too long and too dense to promote the growth of new branches. During the growing season, topping can be carried out appropriately to control the length of the shoots and maintain the good shape of the plants. After the flowering period is over, a pruning can be carried out to cut off the residual flowers and old branches to promote the germination of new branches in preparation for the next flowering.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

5. Myth 5: Ignoring pest control

During the growth process, jasmine is susceptible to pests such as aphids and red spiders, resulting in yellowing, curling, and even the death of the entire plant. Some flower friends often ignore the control of pests and diseases when maintaining jasmine, and by the time they find the problem, it is already too late.

The key to preventing pests and diseases is to maintain good ventilation and proper humidity and avoid excessively humid environments. In daily maintenance, the leaves and branches of jasmine can be regularly inspected to detect and deal with pests in time. For pests and diseases that have already occurred, special insecticides can be used for spraying, or physical methods such as manual insect catching, spraying soapy water, etc., can be used to control them.

Once again, I would like to advise everyone: to raise jasmine, to avoid 5 "pits" that are easy to mistaken, please have a snack

Overall, although it may seem simple to care for jasmine, it is necessary to avoid these "pits" that are easy to fall into to ensure its healthy growth and beautiful flowering. With the right maintenance methods and careful care, you can easily grow fragrant jasmine flowers. I hope you can have a snack and provide the best care for your jasmine.


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