
The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

author:Keep a diary with your baby

Two days ago, I accidentally saw a message in the family group: my aunt's youngest daughter, a second year of college, actually opened a credit card privately, and owed a lot of debts to her parents behind her back, and now she can't pay it back, and she almost went to the extreme.

Seeing that the relatives and friends in the group were condemning the girl for being ignorant and reckless, saying things like such a well-behaved and sensible child who changes as soon as he goes to college, I have mixed feelings.

I remember that back then, as a fledgling college freshman, I embarked on a journey to study abroad with longing and expectation for the unknown world.

However, as campus life unfolded, I gradually realized that university life was not as simple and pure as I imagined.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

In this new environment full of opportunities and challenges, we must not only face academic pressure, but also be vigilant against various potential "pitfalls".

Here, I will combine my own experience and what I have seen and heard, and for those of you who are about to enter the university campus, I will take stock of the eight pits that must be avoided.

1. Be wary of the sales pitch of seniors

In the first few days on a college campus, you may be surrounded by the enthusiasm of the seniors. They may come to your door and sell you all sorts of groceries, study materials, or even after-school tutoring sessions.

In the face of these seemingly intimate services, you must be vigilant.

Because, these seniors are likely to be inextricably linked with certain businesses, and their sales are often with a strong commercial color.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles and losses, it is recommended that you always be cautious about these sales pitches, do not easily believe their claims, and do not buy the products they promote at will.

Remember, a real senior will not bother you at this time.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

2. Stay away from the clutches of pyramid schemes

MLM is an extremely dangerous social phenomenon, which is often cloaked in legality, but hides huge risks.

There is a lot of freedom in university life, but it also gives MLM organizations an opportunity to take advantage of it. They will take advantage of your confusion about the future and your desire for money to induce you to join them, using your curiosity and desire to learn to brainwash you through lectures, parties, etc.

Therefore, in college, you must always keep a clear head and not easily believe the rhetoric of strangers.

If you find someone promoting MLM ideas to you, be sure to stay away immediately and report it to the relevant authorities.

Remember, any opportunity to promise a get-rich-quick is a trap. Staying away from MLM is to protect your personal safety and property safety.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

3. Beware of "passers-by" at the door

In the vicinity of universities, especially at high-traffic gates or bus stops, if someone suddenly comes up to you to ask for directions or tries to get close to you, it is likely to be a precursor to a scammer.

They may seem kind, but there may be ulterior motives behind them.

They may ask for your help for a variety of reasons, such as borrowing money or giving directions, and then, using your kindness and trust, to commit fraud or steal.

Therefore, when encountering such people, you must be vigilant and do not easily disclose personal information and financial information. The best thing to do is to keep your distance and refuse outright.

If you feel that the other person is suspicious, leave immediately and call the police for help.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

4. Refusal to apply for a credit card

As a convenient payment tool, credit cards have indeed brought a lot of convenience to people's lives.

On college campuses, there are often people who recommend credit cards, claiming that they can enjoy credit life in advance and get various discounts. But in reality, this is a marketing ploy by banks and certain institutions in cooperation.

As a college student, if you apply for a credit card as soon as your mind is hot, it may become a huge hidden danger.

First of all, college students do not have a stable source of income, and once they overspend or fail to repay their loans on time, they can easily fall into debt crisis.

Secondly, the use of credit cards requires a certain degree of self-discipline and management skills, and many college students are not mature in this regard.

Therefore, I strongly advise college freshmen not to apply for credit cards lightly, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble and risks to themselves. Rational consumption is king.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

Fifth, look at military training instructors rationally

Military training is an integral part of university life, and military training instructors are among the people we have the most contact with during this time. They are not only responsible for our military training, but also play the role of guides and role models.

During military training, the instructor's majesty and leadership skills may make some girls feel admiration. Some girls may have blind admiration and infatuation with them.

However, we must understand that instructors are just passers-by in our lives, they have their own duties and missions, and it is impossible to have too many emotional entanglements with us.

Therefore, we should maintain a rational and calm attitude, and understand that there should be a professional and appropriate distance between military training instructors and cadets.

Don't blindly worship instructors or even develop into a romantic relationship, let alone have an improper relationship with them, which is easy to bring unnecessary trouble and consequences to yourself.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

6. Maintain independent judgment on the Student Council

The Student Union is an important organization on the university campus, which undertakes the responsibility of organizing activities and safeguarding the rights and interests of students. And the members of the student council tend to be the best in the school, but that doesn't mean that every decision they make is the right one.

So, we don't have to be obedient to the student council members.

In fact, there are some problems and drawbacks in the student union.

Some student council members may use their position for personal gain, or suppress and ostracize other students.

Therefore, when participating in student council activities, we should maintain our independent judgment and thinking ability, and do not blindly follow or be manipulated by others. Learning to think independently is essential for your future growth.

At the same time, we actively monitor the work of the Student Council to ensure that it is fair, transparent and efficient.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

7. Go to the mall on weekends and be wary of free traps

Weekends are a great time for university students to relax and unwind, and many people choose to go shopping or shopping in the mall.

However, in the mall, you may come across some seemingly tempting free activities, such as free cosmetics experiences, free hair washing at the barbershop, etc.

These activities are often traps set by merchants to attract customers. They may promote a product or service in the process of trying it out or trying it out, making you spend more money without realizing it.

Therefore, in the face of these free activities, we must be vigilant and sensible, and do not try or accept sales pitches lightly.

If you really need to buy products or services, you should also choose regular brands and channels to avoid being deceived by unscrupulous merchants.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

8. Avoid the pitfalls of part-time intermediaries

Many college students choose to work part-time in order to reduce the burden on their families or exercise their abilities.

However, in the process of finding a part-time job, we can easily encounter some bad intermediaries.

These agencies often attract college students to apply under the banner of "high-paying recruitment" and "easy money".

Once you pay the agency fee or sign a contract, they will often take a high referral fee from it, and may even shirk or fail to fulfill their promises for various reasons.

Some intermediaries will use your information to carry out scams or pyramid schemes, which will put you in a deeper predicament.

Therefore, when looking for a part-time job, we must be careful when choosing an agency, and it is best to obtain information through formal channels or reliable referrals.

At the same time, we should also be vigilant, do not easily trust the promises and temptations of strangers, and avoid falling into the trap of part-time intermediaries.

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

College life is a wonderful journey, and it is full of opportunities to learn and grow. However, as with any journey, there will always be some pitfalls and obstacles.

Only by being vigilant and clear-headed at all times can we get through this time safely and harvest full of growth and memories.

As parents and children, we need to be prepared in advance to understand these possible risks.

Only then can we ensure that the journey is safe and enjoyable.

Remember, no matter what difficulties and challenges you encounter, believe in yourself, stick to your principles, and stay rational, so that you can shine on the stage of university!

The eight pits that college students are most likely to step on, and you need to be vigilant when you have children at home, and don't fall into them

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