
Meixian Experimental Primary School held the first joint meeting of Gao Haiyan's "Famous Teacher +" training community

author:Glory Shaanxi Net

On the afternoon of April 23, the first joint meeting of Gao Haiyan's "Famous Teacher +" Training Community was held in the experimental primary school. Ding Ping'an, principal of Meixian Experimental Primary School, and members of the community attended the meeting, which was chaired by Huang Zhen.

Meixian Experimental Primary School held the first joint meeting of Gao Haiyan's "Famous Teacher +" training community

In the first item of the meeting, Gao Haiyan interpreted the studio's three-year plan and annual work plan. Then, Wang Xiaoli, a member of the community, read out the division of labor and responsibilities of the studio members. On the third agenda, Gao Haiyan, the host of the studio, delivered a speech, in which she emphasized the importance of the training community, and encouraged members to have the courage to explore, dare to innovate, and actively play an exemplary and leading role, while constantly improving their own education and teaching level, and driving the professional growth of teachers in the region. Then, President Ding issued letters of appointment to the participating members. Member representatives Shi Shouhong, Kong Lu, Wang Juan and Zhu Chaoting made speeches respectively. They said that they will cherish the opportunity, learn and communicate with an open mind, conscientiously fulfill their responsibilities as members, actively participate in various activities, and achieve the expected goals of the studio.

Meixian Experimental Primary School held the first joint meeting of Gao Haiyan's "Famous Teacher +" training community

Finally, President Ding made a speech. He first congratulated Gao Haiyan on the establishment of the "Famous Teacher +" training community, and put forward ardent expectations for the future development of the community. He emphasized that education is a sacred cause, which requires every educator to do it with heart and teach with affection. He hoped that the community could actively play an exemplary and leading role and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of education in Meixian County.

Meixian Experimental Primary School held the first joint meeting of Gao Haiyan's "Famous Teacher +" training community

I believe that with the support of leaders at all levels, the studio will carry out all kinds of teaching and research activities in a solid manner, promote the improvement of teachers' professional quality on a large scale, and achieve the purpose of promoting the high-quality development of education at the county level. (Contributed by: Meixian Experimental Primary School)

Editor-in-charge: Zhuo Xiling

Edit: Spirited

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